fund mapping analyzing and developing children s

Fund Mapping: Analyzing and Developing Childrens Budgets at the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fund Mapping: Analyzing and Developing Childrens Budgets at the County and Regional Level to Advance System of Care Planning, Expansion, and Sustainability Deborah Harburger, MSW, Clinical Instructor The Institute for Innovation &

  1. Fund Mapping: Analyzing and Developing Children’s Budgets at the County and Regional Level to Advance System of Care Planning, Expansion, and Sustainability Deborah Harburger, MSW, Clinical Instructor The Institute for Innovation & Implementation, University of Maryland, Baltimore David McNear, Fiscal Strategist McNear Fiscal Surveying Stef Fakelis, Director of Business Operations Stark County (Ohio) Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Workshop #66

  2. Objectives • Understand the steps to develop a cradle to career fund matrix & fund map. • Learn how, through connecting investments to results, a fund map may include a review of result indicator data to document trends in investments and corresponding results over time. • Learn how system of care sites have used the cradle to career behavioral health fund mapping process to advance their community-based service array development and financing strategies. • Learn how the process of researching, preparing and analyzing the fund map can enhance communication and collaboration between cross-system program and fiscal staff as well as families and youth. Funded in part through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Grant #1U79SM062471. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the funder, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This information is in the public domain. Readers are encouraged to copy and share it.

  3. Introductions

  4. Our Agenda… • Provide an introduction to developing children’s fund matrices and fund maps by using examples from local jurisdictions • Explore findings from the Stark County, Ohio fund map • Review Southern Maryland’s plan for creating an early childhood fund map and discuss what might be learned

  5. Creating a Budget Matrix: An Introduction

  6. USDA Report on Expenditures on Children by Families Annual Child Rearing Expense, Nationwide, 2015 • Along with wise budgeting families, the federal Upper-Income Middle-Income Lower-Income government calculates the cost of raising a child. $23,380 Aged 15-17 $13,900 • $9,980 Since 1960, the United States Department of $21,050 Aged 12-14 $13,030 Agriculture (USDA) has $9,570 estimated both annual child-rearing expenses by $20,700 Aged 9-11 $13,180 age and the cumulative cost $9,960 of raising a child from birth $19,380 through age 17. Aged 6-8 $12,350 $9,330 • In its January 2017 report, $19,790 USDA reports on 2015 Aged 3-5 $12,730 $9,700 expenses to raise a child. $19,770 Aged 0-2 $12,680 $9,690 $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000

  7. USDA Report on Expenditures on Children by Families Cumulative Child Rearing Expenses - Cumulative Expenses by Category -- Percent of Change in Percent of Total Spending Total Expenditures, 2015 Miscellaneous, 2015 1960 7% Child Care & Education, 7% Miscellaneous Housing, 29% 12% 16% 16% Child Care & Education 2% Health Care, 9% Health Care 4% 9% 6% Clothing 11% Food , 18% Clothing, 6% 15% Transportation 16% 18% Transportation Food 24% , 15% 29% Housing 31% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% • The 3 largest spending categories of housing, food and transportation account for 62% of total expenses. • Identifying budget trend data helps a family pinpoint the need for added income, areas of possible over-spending and other opportunities to save money for the future. • The USDA report provides fiscal trend data back to 1960 in changes in the cost to raise a child, which can highlight spending areas that are increasingly squeezing a family’s budget, as well as broader economic or societal trends.

  8. Children’s Budgets, Fund Matrices, or Budget Matrices • Children’s budgets have been developed by local governments to examine citywide investments, including by Baltimore, Charlotte, and Seattle. • Children’s budgets are also prepared at the state level to report on statewide spending, including by the State of Maryland (see Appendix K) and the New Mexico Children’s Cabinet , as well as by statewide child advocacy groups, including in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Utah. • National child advocacy organizations also produce children’s budgets that look at federal spending on children and youth nationwide, including First Focus: Campaign for Children and The Urban Institute Kids’ Share project . • The children’s budget process is similar to and is the foundation of the fund mapping process.

  9. What are the pros and cons to creating a budget matrix & fund map for a local jurisdiction or region? • Challenge: The State controls the Medicaid dollars and may control the child welfare, juvenile justice, education, and other funds. • Benefit: • Identify specific gap areas in the budget • See how discretionary funds and local and philanthropic funds are used and look for areas of duplication • Be more informed about where there are areas of local control • Make more informed decisions about resource allocation based on priorities

  10. What do we mean by the phrase, Cradle to Career ?

  11. Cradle to Career Fund Maps Build on Children’s Budgets • With more detailed fiscal analysis and a results-based framework, cradle to career fund mapping expands on a children’s budget. • Ideally, the fund map analyzes funding sources, e.g., federal, state and local funds, in addition to spending. • A cradle to career fund map may include a review of result indicator data to document trends in investments and corresponding results over time, e.g., Maternal and Children Health spending trends vs. infant mortality or rates of babies born with low birth weight

  12. Children’s Fund Matrices Help You to See the Big Picture • The multi-year fund mapping process informed the strategic planning of Baltimore’s Promise , which was initially supported with jump-start funding from the new investor partners. • The findings of the fund map demonstrated a fully resourced cradle to career continuum in Baltimore City and supported the messaging after the civil unrest for a successful 2016 City charter amendment to establish a continuing, dedicated $12 million Children and Youth Fund. • September 2014 Report and Executive Summary • September 2016 Report

  13. Analyzing a Budget Matrix

  14. Analyze Spending by Major Function: Preventive, Maintenance, & Corrective Prince George's County, MD: Cradle to Career Spending by Major Function • Tracking trends in spending by major $3,500,000,000 function can document progress in shifting resources from “deep - end,” $3,000,000,000 Corrective, restrictive and expensive programs to $782,527,213 Corrective, $2,500,000,000 Corrective, $687,323,449 proven, “front - end” preventive efforts. $646,328,174 $2,000,000,000 • For example, in suburban Washington, Maintenance, Maintenance, $1,282,818,479 Maintenance, D.C., in Prince George’s County, $1,500,000,000 $1,235,374,292 $1,154,833,531 Maryland, cradle to career preventive $1,000,000,000 spending increased by $146 million from Preventive, FY 2013 to FY 2015, while corrective Preventive, Preventive, $500,000,000 $1,071,640,305 $934,199,194 $925,942,041 spending increased by $95 million. $0 FY 2011 FY 2013 FY 2015

  15. Analyze Spending by Specific Function: Large Categories of Services FY 2006 FY 2011 FY 2013 FY 2015 FY 2017 Est. Education $1,036,291,419 $1,407,532,366 $1,446,326,894 $1,442,931,428 $1,476,459,811 Health $592,815,361 $710,396,806 $664,306,759 $673,169,185 $696,638,423 Human Services $788,897,243 $1,193,527,879 $1,217,855,226 $1,189,617,679 $1,200,873,697 Public Safety $163,519,934 $185,390,186 $211,915,733 $223,816,053 $236,975,489 Total Cradle to Career $2,581,523,958 $3,496,847,236 $3,540,404,612 $3,529,534,345 $3,610,947,420 • Reporting on trends in spending by function can help to align priorities with investments. • This analysis can also highlight effects of policy changes. • Broader economic trends are also highlighted with the relatively high FY 2011 spending for Health and Human Services as Baltimore City experienced the lingering effects of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 and Medicaid and SNAP caseloads remained high.

  16. Analyze Spending by Baltimore City Fund Source

  17. How can you use a budget matrix?

  18. Philanthropic Investments • A survey of foundations can reveal a broad range of philanthropic investments and engage foundations to sustain support. • Reporting philanthropic investments and public spending also demonstrates the relative levels of support and the importance of public funding to a fully funded environment.

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