ftk for the trigger

FTK for the Trigger Phillip Urquijo Soshi Tsuno Atlas Trigger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FTK for the Trigger Phillip Urquijo Soshi Tsuno Atlas Trigger Workshop Athens December 3, 2012 Introduction The FTK will improve triggering. underlying Primary vertex information allows tau event pile-up -jet vertex

  1. FTK for the τ Trigger Phillip Urquijo Soshi Tsuno Atlas Trigger Workshop Athens December 3, 2012

  2. Introduction • The FTK will improve τ triggering. underlying • Primary vertex information allows tau event pile-up • τ -jet vertex association • More accurate perigee for Δ z 0 and pileup robustness • Unified selection at L2 • tau triggering sequence is in 3 steps, count calculate limiting effectiveness of MV selection # tracks R EM , R track • τ selection efficiency in cone in cone • Improved track cluster shape resolution. 0.2 0.4 ∆ R • PV reweighting of calo. based selection. FTK in τ triggers 2 Phillip URQUIJO

  3. Fraction of track p “Jet V from the p PV p T (track) � vertex. all p T (track) � PV a m l i n e b e !"#$%"&'()"*)+ !#,)-.!'()"*)+ !#,)-.!'()"*)+ Ryan Reece (Penn) 1. Vertex association 2. IP resolution

  4. 2012 Pileup dependence & Tracking • Most pileup dependence in 2011 was due to Energy- weighted calorimeter radius variables using the EM cal. • Remedied in 2012 in 3 ways: • Smaller cone sizes. • Removed most sensitive calo. criteria: variables in τ recon. now based on track info. • Track shapes based on association/distance to highest p T track ( Δ z 0 ) - pseudo PV reference . FTK in τ triggers 4 Phillip URQUIJO

  5. Remaining Pile-up Dependence • Δ z 0 is effective but imperfect. In 2012 “Jet Vertex Fraction” raction of track p T = from the primary JVF(jet , vertex) some loss w.r.t. offline τ , partly due to ( ) vertex. � p T (track) tracking/PV: � � tracks matched • RoI limitations on track finding to jet and vertex ( ) • PV location (with TJVA ), for IP & flight � � p T (track) � tracks matched • nVtx reweighting of calo. thresholds to jet • Δ z 0 criterion reduces separation 10 power for τ ID. FTK in τ triggers 5 Phillip URQUIJO

  6. Tau-jet vertex association: Offline • TJVA is used offline: τ τ Number of selected Number of selected 0.8 • Choose vertex with highest 0.6 0.7 =0 µ µ =0 0.5 JVF for that τ candidate. =20 µ 0.6 =20 µ =20 with TJVA µ =20 with TJVA µ 0.4 0.5 • Recovers N track bin ATLAS Internal ATLAS Internal Simulation Simulation 0.4 0.3 0.3 migration - important 1P MP 0.2 0.2 since cuts are N track 0.1 0.1 dependent. 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 Number of tracks Number of tracks • Largest effects at low (a) True 1-prong taus (b) True 3-prong taus track p T at high pileup . 1 1 S S E E 0.95 0.95 • Need good IP resolution 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 for low p T τ tracks. =0 µ 0.8 0.8 =0 µ =20 µ 0.75 0.75 =20 µ =20 with TJVA µ =20 with TJVA µ Parameters f JVF 0.7 0.7 ATLAS Internal ATLAS Internal Simulation 0.65 0.65 Simulation ∆ Z ( trk , v tx ) 2mm 1P MP 0.6 0.6 ∆ Z ( trk , v tx ) / σ ( Z trk ) 1000 0.55 0.55 0.5 0.5 d 0 2mm 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Tau charged pion p [GeV] Tau charged pion p [GeV] T T d 0 / σ ( d 0 ) 1000 (a) True 1-prong taus (b) True 3-prong taus FTK in τ triggers 6 Phillip URQUIJO

  7. Improved perigee for Δ z 0 : Trigger • d 0 &z 0 depend on choice Number of tracks s 12000 0.35 � (0, 0, 0) Number of TJVA TJVA of PV: 0.3 ex00 10000 ex00 exBS exBS • 4 techniques examined 0.25 8000 0.2 for trigger (K.G. Tan): 6000 0.15 1.Default 4000 0.1 2.Recalculate perigee at 2000 0.05 (0,0) 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 z (wrt true PV) [mm] � IPz (wrt lead track) [mm] � pos 3.beam spot BS 0 4.TJVA 1 1 Track selection efficiency Track selection purity • TJVA provides well 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 resolved dz 0 . 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 • BS will provide similar 0.5 0.5 |TJVA IPz |<1.5mm 0 |Default IPz |<2mm 0.4 � � 0 0.4 performance of |ex00 IPz |<1mm No IPz cut � � 0 0 0.3 |ex00 IPz |<1.5mm |TJVA IPz0|<1.5mm 0.3 � 0 |Default z |<2mm � Efficiency/Purity if 0 � 0.2 |ex00 � z |<1mm 0.2 0 |ex00 IPz0|<1.5mm 0.1 0.1 accurate (offline BS used 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 for this study). µ µ FTK in τ triggers 7 Phillip URQUIJO

  8. Improved perigee for Δ z 0 : Trigger • d 0 &z 0 depend on choice Number of tracks s 12000 0.35 � (0, 0, 0) Number of � TJVA TJVA of PV: 0.3 ex00 10000 ex00 � exBS exBS • 4 techniques examined 1 0.25 8000 � 0.2 for trigger (K.G. Tan): 0.9 6000 � 0.15 1.Default 4000 0.1 0.8 2.Recalculate perigee at 2000 0.05 0.7 0 (0,0) 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 z (wrt true PV) [mm] � IPz (wrt lead track) [mm] � pos 3.beam spot BS 0 µ 4.TJVA 1 � 1 Track selection efficiency Track selection purity • TJVA provides well 0.9 0.9 � 0.8 0.8 resolved dz 0 . 0.7 0.7 � 0.6 0.6 • BS will provide similar � 0.5 0.5 |TJVA IPz |<1.5mm 0 |Default IPz |<2mm 0.4 � � 0 0.4 performance of |ex00 IPz |<1mm No IPz cut � � 0 0 0.3 |ex00 IPz |<1.5mm |TJVA IPz0|<1.5mm 0.3 � 0 |Default z |<2mm � Efficiency/Purity if 0 � 0.2 |ex00 � z |<1mm 0.2 0 |ex00 IPz0|<1.5mm 0.1 0.1 accurate (offline BS used 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 for this study). µ µ FTK in τ triggers 7 Phillip URQUIJO

  9. EF/Offline BDT comparison 1. Track variable resolution 2. PV weighting

  10. Selection at EF and Offline • 2012 selection largely track based , calorimeter quantities are sensitive to pileup. (dZ 0 requirement). FTK could help with 1. nVtx dependent calo threshold reweighting, and 2. track cluster shape & IP resolution 1P 1P MP MP Variables Variables ariables ariables code name EF Off. EF Off. R track ⚈ ⚈ ⚈ ⚈ trkAvgDist 〉 0.22 EM ATLAS Preliminary m tracks ⚈ ⚈ R 0.2 massTrkSys 〈 jets 0.18 S Tflight ⚈ ⚈ trFlightPathSig 0.16 Track Track S lead track 0.14 ⚈ ⚈ p u ipSigLeadTrk - e l i p 0.12 N widetrack ⚈ ⚈ true τ had nWideTrk 0.1 0.08 Δ R max ⚈ ⚈ dRMax 0.06 Calo. f core 0.04 ⚈ ⚈ * ⚈ ⚈ * centFrac 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 N(vertex) Calo. N vtx +Track f track ⚈ ⚈ * ⚈ ⚈ * etOverPtLeadTrk ⚈ *: Pileup corrected variables FTK in τ triggers 9 Phillip URQUIJO

  11. Pile up corrected variables (Offline) Δ R< 0.4 r E T ,j ] ∆ R j < conesize Δ R< 0.2 j ∈ all X f core linear fit: slope: 296 slope: 74 2011 Ztautau MC nVtx N vtx y f core on f’ core P ∆ R i < 0 . 1 E T ,i i ∈ all f core = P ∆ R j < 0 . 2 E T ,j f core j ∈ all linear fit: slope: -0.006 N Vtx pileup corrected slope: -0.000 2011 Ztautau MC f 0 core = f core + 0 . 006 · N vtx nVtx N vtx FTK in τ triggers 10 Phillip URQUIJO

  12. Offline - EF comparison of Track shapes • Room for improvement in EF resolution of track observables, if PV, and RoI limitations can be avoided (A. Tanasijczuk) • Track variables with poor EF resolution R track N widetrack • µ=30 • IP dependent variables. S Tflight S lead track FTK in τ triggers 11 Phillip URQUIJO

  13. Sensitive variables (Not currently used) • Many variables not used in selection in 2012 Normalised events 0.12 ATLAS Preliminary offline and online, due to pile up sensitivity. Signal ! MC offline 0.1 • Although offline could deal with it, offline Signal ! MC EF Dijet Data (2011) offline 0.08 Dijet Data (2011) EF BDT simplified for harmony with trigger. 1-prong 0.06 Rejection power not optimal but stable 0.04 efficiency. 0.02 • With PVs (multiplicity&positions) can apply 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 R EM nVtx dependent cuts to e.g. EM calo. radius. • e.g. Variables not (directly) to remedy pileup dependence. used ... • MVA training can be performed to be flat in • Calo-radius (EM&Had) pT & nVtx • Topocluster-invariant mass • Then we can consider more calo. variables. • Ratio of Isolation to Core • Preselection reduces rejection power: Smaller Scalar P T Sum • Electron veto (TRT HT) ∆ R for R EM 0.4 → 0.2, ∆ z 0 at 2mm. So it could also be revisited. • Stripwidth FTK in τ triggers 12 Phillip URQUIJO

  14. Unified L2 selection Use FTK to remove calo preselection stage from L2

  15. Selection at L2 & Multivariate feasibility • Unlike EF & Offline, selection is 3 steps ε (FEX+HYPO) 3 . L2 MV algorithms severely limited: rejection factors kept low to minimise efficiency loss (L2 Calo. energy resolution is poor, and not ideal for a first step of selection ) • Limiting factor for a 1 step MV is tracking timing. tableChnL2 L2_tau29_medium_L2StarB calls_cpu_time ATLAS data 2012 L2StarB Step Variable 3 2stTest 10 EtRawMin 1. L2Calo 1. L2Calo Algorithm calls CoreFractionMin 2 10 NtrkMax 2. L2Track 2. L2Track 10 SumPtRatioMax EtOverPtLeadTrkMax 3. L2Tau 3. L2Tau 1 TrkAvgDistMax 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Algorithm CPU time (ms) • 2012: Largely track based, calorimeter quantities are sensitive to pileup. (dZ 0 requirement). • Rejection ~ 10, c.f . >100 at EF. FTK in τ triggers 14 Phillip URQUIJO


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