from the inside what makes it belgian

From The Inside, What makes it Belgian Bert Van Hecke BOMBrewery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

From The Inside, What makes it Belgian Bert Van Hecke BOMBrewery Belgium Before we get started, what is Belgium? As a country Belgium have been occupied by all kind countries (and sometimes twice) Belgium is small with 5 surrounding

  1. From The Inside, What makes it Belgian Bert Van Hecke BOMBrewery Belgium

  2. Before we get started, what is Belgium? As a country • Belgium have been occupied by all kind countries (and sometimes twice) • Belgium is small with 5 surrounding countries • We are NOT travellers but we speak more as one language • The UK and Germany are both close • We love simplicity, except for the country

  3. Before we get started, what is Belgium? As brewers • Old brewers are all family • We drink and we pay taxes if needed • There are Catholics & Liberals and mayors • Beer is cheap and to keep you away of being sick, its a labor drink • Brewers = Old Farmers

  4. Before we get started, what is Belgium? Home brewers • Home brewing until the year 1995: hippies and old men • Craft brewing? We are Craft brewing in Belgium since > 100 year • New wave of homebrewers give a “new” wave to more crafty beers • 60’s: Hoegaarden Witbier • 80’s: De Dolle brouwers / Brewery Achouffe • 90’s - 2016: Start of a new vibe due to “ craft ” contract breweries

  5. What makes it Belgian beer? • The 4 elements : Water, Earth, Wind, Fire • Brew Gods • Or just something else, a kind of magic

  6. Element Water Water • No real global special Belgian water • Its water = we can brew a beer = natural Selection • Special waters in Belgium: from near Seawater to the perfect pilsner water

  7. The water God Charles Darwin (Natural Selection)

  8. Conclusion: Element Water • Water is not really the Belgian factor, but we use salts because we are “free - brewers ” • no Reinheitsgebot • Homebrewers for Belgians: • Use some salt, seasalt for the dubbels and the quads • Learn from the online water compositions, but do it yourself

  9. Element Earth Malt • Belgian Malt is in between of UK and German malt, but far away from US malt (Belgian factor I) • Not anymore a real Barley type, the history repeat itself • Not anymore malted for each brewery individual (except for Trappist and others?) • Slow brewing, step infusion is needed (see Element Fire) (Belgian factor II) • Specialty malts is not only a Belgian thing (except for Special B?)

  10. The malt God the malt truck driver, or the malt whisperer

  11. Element Earth Sugar • Not enough Malt or too high taxes = use sugar • Taxes was during a period based on the mash tun size • Advantage: we got sugar (was cheap), it makes the beer drinkable, 8% beers as session beers • Specials: Cassonade, Candy sugars ,… • Sugar is a very important Belgian factor (Belgian factor III)

  12. The Sugar Devil Willem II (Germany, WWI)

  13. Element Earth Hop • Belgian Hop is European / classic (other aroma due to cupper) • Hop farming was nearly lost as a good Farmers Job • Revival is happening, but always sold out • Aroma hops, a waste of money, use them 10 minutes before the end of boiling … • Hop got a Terroir • Not really a Belgian factor, except for the moment of use?

  14. The Hop God Jean De Clerck (a general Belgian brew god )

  15. Element Earth Herbs • A background of Gruut beers, but not anymore the reason • Thanks to the Witbeer revival? • Depending from the part of the country • Cheaper as hops to get aroma (origine) • Brew ad Coriander and wait 6 months and you have a good beer • Coriander & Orange peel (Belgian Factor IV)

  16. The Herb God Pierre Celis (the homebrewer, the inventor of the Wit)

  17. Conclusion Element Earth • I: Belgian malt is not equal as malt from other regions • II: Belgian malt gives us slow brewing and step Infusion • III: Sugar is a key to create drinkability and complexity • IV: Coriander and Orange Peel rules • Homebrewers for Belgian: use step infusion, white (candy) sugar for drinkability, dark cassonade sugar for the dark beers, you can do nothing wrong with C&O unless you hate the flavour, make mistakes and you can still can make it, use your hops until 10 minutes of the end of brewing, keep it simple with max 2 special malts.


  19. Element Wind Yeast Scotland!!!

  20. Element Wind Yeast • There is no such thing as Belgian Yeast, but it is at the same time (Belgian factor V, but I hate it) • Leffe – Hoegaarden – Achouffe – Lefebvre – Others? • Duvel – Westmalle – Others? • Orval – Brasserie de Bastogne – La Rulles - .Others? • First beer was bubblegum, banana, sour ,… • Its not Belgian because … • Brewers re-use > 1000 times until it is what it is

  21. The (infamous) God of the Wind Raymond Moureau (Martens Romania)

  22. Element Fire Brewing • Decided by the malt • Germans: Decoction • UK: One step infusion • Belgium: Multi step mashing, boiling water additions (Belgian factor VI) Slijm methode for small mash tuns (Belgian factor VII) • Direct fire: not real Belgium • Simple brewing = Belgian?

  23. The God of Fire The carpenter and copper smit of the Tomsin Brewery

  24. The God of Fire The carpenter and copper smit of the Tomsin Brewery

  25. Conclusion Element Fire • There are two brewing methods who are really very Belgian • Step Infusion by hot water = every temperature step is made by just adding boiling water. • Slijm methode = at 62°C a part of the wort is filtered to the kettle, hot boiling water is added, at 72°C a part of the wort is filtered to the kettle, hot boiling water is added … ( can be found in Geuze breweries)

  26. Short case: Orval • First brewer was a Belgian Brewer = add hot boiling water for temperature steps • Second brewer was a German brewer = don’t clean the tanks, keep the beerstone and have Bretts (on purpose?) • Third brewer was guided by Jean De Clerk = clean the tanks, lose the beerstone and Bretts, curse and start over again to have the brett back. Use hops afterwards if you want to have aroma • Have a very simple recept with an own malt • Have a magic Ingredient (Belgian factor VIII)

  27. I misted an other element or a secret ingredient? • Such as Bottle referementation • Its certainly more a yeast strain X, Y and Z • Or its a real hidden ingrediënt nobody wants to talk about? • Just think about this when you brewed your first Belgian but failed, think about the ancient brewer (chance the words from Noodle to beer…) •

  28. THANKS! And keep brewing


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