from open government data ogd to a

From Open Government Data (OGD) to a comprehensive bicycle routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

From Open Government Data (OGD) to a comprehensive bicycle routing portal Martin Loidl | Digital Data OGD Bicycle Routing 2 Bicycle Promotion TraffiCon GmbH Private mogree Companies GmbH

  1. From Open Government Data (OGD) to a comprehensive bicycle routing portal Martin Loidl |

  2. Digital Data » OGD » Bicycle Routing 2

  3. Bicycle Promotion  TraffiCon GmbH Private  mogree Companies GmbH  City of Salzburg  Federal State Public Bicyclists of Salzburg Administration  EUREGIO T- BGL-S  University of Academia Salzburg (Z_GIS) 3

  4. Innovation Steps: Case Study Salzburg Stimulate cross- Support bicyclists domain cooperation and increase bicyle Publish the data mode share as OGD Harmonize road- related data Promote bicycling 4

  5. Bicycle Promotion  Infrastructure  Service  Information  Culture & Politics Fotos: 5

  6. Information & Bicycle Promotion  Information provision as building block for integrated bicycle promotion strategies Loidl & Zagel (2014) 6

  7. Data Harmonization  Authoritative data: authorities and departments as closed systems  Since 2009 (with preceding, regional projects) national standard and harmonized data model for road-related data: GIP  Decentral responsibilities + compatibility  Stepwise integration of authoritative data (from federal states to municipalities)  Communication of benefits for all participating authorities » overcome reservations and particular interests  Demonstrate usefullness in „ catchy “ applications 7

  8. Project „ Radlkarte “  First version of bicycle routing portal 2012 for city of Salzburg  Shortest + „ safest “ route  User-specific information  Cross-boarder extension 2013  Authoritative data + OSM  Since 2014 cooperation city + federal state Application as trigger for innovation and cooperation > 22,300 km network total 8

  9. Data Publication: OGD  1st AT authorities started to publish data as OGD 5 years ago  Open mindset » OGD  Licensing data  Business model  GIP data as OGD  Geometry  Attributes  Complete DB in export format 9

  10. Cross-domain Cooperation 𝑷𝒒𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒕 + 𝑫𝒑𝒑𝒒𝒇𝒔𝒃𝒖𝒋𝒑𝒐 = 𝑱𝒐𝒐𝒑𝒘𝒃𝒖𝒋𝒑𝒐  Public administration: data, but little resources  Academia: know-how generation  Private companies: market access Data management & modelling Algorithm development Webservices Desktop GUI design Bicycle routing Mobile app portal 10

  11. Result 11

  12. Success Factors  Enthusiasm for common topic (bicycle promotion)  Long-standing collaboration – communication  Funding (R & D grants)  Openness 12

  13. Lessons Learned  Application as trigger for …  Inter-departemental cooperation  Data standardization and harmonization  Application as catalyst for data improvement  OGD as facilitator for efficient know-how generation and application development  Fourfold win-situation: administration, academia, companies, bicyclists Thank you for your attention! @gicycle_ 13


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