open source a way of life

Open Source: A Way of Life Transform Government Operations 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open Source: A Way of Life Transform Government Operations 1. Deploy open source technology in the enterprise 2. Arm everyone as a knowledge worker 3. Democratize data: the digital public square Open Source Technology in the Enterprise Arm

  1. Open Source: A Way of Life

  2. Transform Government Operations 1. Deploy open source technology in the enterprise 2. Arm everyone as a knowledge worker 3. Democratize data: the digital public square

  3. Open Source Technology in the Enterprise

  4. Arm Everyone as a Knowledge Worker • DCPedia • War on Paper

  5. The Digital Public Square Workstation Network Playstation 2 Cell/Camera Phone Web/IM P4 3.2ghz Multiplayer Tactical Trainer Broadband Video Conferencing Alienware WebCam Wireless Laptop Massively Multiplayer Gaming/ Immersive Virtual Environments Voice over IP Federated Search Personalized News Reputation Management (EBay) Collaboration (Netmeeting) TIVO PVR 80 Hrs DirectTV Sat MP3 Player Portable Digital Library Wireless PDA Email

  6. Democratize Data Consumers Agency Data Data Warehouse & Data Presentation CapStat Reporting in Business Objects And Daily Reports OCFO/OCP MPD Neighborhood View , GIS OUC CrimeMap and CapStat Mapping DDOT Government agencies DOH FEMS DCRA Data Catalog and Citizens, Neighborhood Live Data Feeds Orgs, Mashups creators OTR OCTO

  7. The Citizen: Participatory Democracy Public Space Permits A citizen documents and visualizes Building Permits and Applications real estate development, crime and government response to service requests Crime Data Source: JD Land Mashup

  8. The Private Company: Monetizing Data Free to the public - law enforcement agencies can sign up to publish data for $49 per month to $199 per month Source:

  9. The NGO: Serving the Public Interest Knight Foundation funded this initiative to transform community news and information exchange Source:

  10. Customer Service Perception Gap Rat Abatement 99.7% 22.9% 76.9% Alley Repair 97.9% 25.8% 72.1% Sidewalk Repair 97.8% 31.1% 66.7% Parking Meter 82.3% 28.6% 53.8% Litter Can 95.5% 42.9% 52.6% Street Repair/Potholes 98.7% 46.4% 52.3% Traffic Signals 98.1% 47.1% 51.1% Grass & Weed Mowing 86.3% 36.0% 50.3% Sanitation Enforcement 99.0% 53.1% 45.9% Street Cleaning 98.6% 57.5% 41.1% Illegal Dumping 95.4% 60.0% 35.4% Alley Cleaning 99.7% 64.5% 35.2% Signs 90.3% 56.1% 34.2% Parking Enforcement 96.8% 66.2% 30.5% Yard Waste 98.3% 73.8% 24.5% Recycling Carts 91.7% 69.5% 22.2% Streetlight Repair 93.1% 76.7% 16.4% Supercan 77.1% 64.5% 12.7% Bulk Collection 99.7% 88.7% 11.1% Agency Trash Collection 83.8% 72.8% 11.0% DDOT Dead Animal 97.9% 87.2% 10.7% DOH Recycling Collection 84.8% 83.1% 1.7% DPW Trees 58.0% 59.5% -1.4% Abandoned Auto 77.0% 82.6% -5.6% 0% 50% 100% 0% 50% 100% 0% 50% 100% Agency On Time Performance Percent Done from Customer Surveys Perception Gap Source: Monthly Service Delivery On-time Performance Report, Sep 2006 to Aug 2007; Customer Surveys Apr – Sep 2007 (n = 2,840). Gap is difference. Omits graffiti and vacant lots, which have no on-time targets

  11. Crimes in and around Schools Cardozo 856 11 55 36 3 Woodrow Wils on 1,452 8 13 37 3 Roos ev e l t 1,139 7 9 53 3 Spingarn 712 5 57 36 2 Anacos tia 879 4 26 75 3 Coolidge 690 4 9 19 3 Eas tern 767 4 31 31 4 DCPS M .M . Was hington 278 3 68 25 2 Woods on, HD 987 3 25 53 3 Ballou 1,912 3 19 32 5 M cKinley 705 2 41 2 2 Dunbar 938 2 37 12 3 Ellington Arts 436 0 3 1 1 Bannek er 415 0 36 7 1 School w/out Walls 344 0 6 1 Bell M ulticultural 777 0 108 7 2 Hy de L eaders hip PCS 785 4 24 0 Kam it Ins titute for M agnificent Achi.. 203 3 16 0 Friends hip Edis on Collegiate Acade.. 1,202 1 32 21 0 Ces ar Chav ez PCHS for Public Polic.. 578 1 37 0 IDEA PCS 402 1 22 0 Book er T. Was hington PCS* 300 1 37 0 M ay a Angelou See Forev er PCS 115 1 149 0 2 Chart er Nex t Step/El Prox im o Pas o PCS 76 0 14 Ces ar Chav ez Public Charter High S.. 455 0 61 0 Was hington M athem atics , Science .. 367 0 20 0 SEED PCS 326 0 12 0 0 M arriott Hos pitality PCHS 165 0 26 0 Young Am erica Work s PCS (6015 C.. 113 0 3 0 Youth Build PCS 58 0 26 0 0 City L ights Public Charter School 56 0 38 0 Thurgood M ars hall Academ y PCS* 342 0 56 3 1 M ay a Angelou See Forev er PCS: Ev .. 118 0 10 5 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 5 10 0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 0 2 4 Av erage Enrollm ent Violent Crim e in Schools 05/06 and 06/07 Violent Crim e near Schools 05/06 and 06/.. Security Incidents not leading to crim e 06.. Current SROs As s igned Source: MPD School Risk Ranking Tool,.

  12. Renewals by Channel Vehicle Registration Driver's License 102,387 99,854 100K 90,092 85,572 Walk-in 52,769 46,127 50K 36,690 17,875 0K 100K Mail-in 50K 31,815 27,092 21,351 15,435 0K 100K Internet 50K 29,341 25,944 20,323 16,698 4,683 3,029 3,946 2,634 0K 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: Destiny

  13. Democratize data through Catalogs 16

  14. Apps for Democracy

  15. Vivek Kundra Chief Technology Officer

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