from each his best secondary 4e 5na parents briefing

From Each His Best Secondary 4E & 5NA Parents Briefing 22 Jan - PDF document

27/01/2016 From Each His Best Secondary 4E & 5NA Parents Briefing 22 Jan 2016, 630pm-830pm Programme Outline Vision & Mission GSS Strategy Map 2016 The GSS Team Mindset for Success Understanding the Educational

  1. 27/01/2016 From Each His Best Secondary 4E & 5NA Parents’ Briefing 22 Jan 2016, 630pm-830pm Programme Outline • Vision & Mission • GSS Strategy Map 2016 • The GSS Team • Mindset for Success • Understanding the Educational Landscape • The STAR Awards • Interaction Time with Form Teachers Secondary 4E & 5NA Parents’ Briefing 22 Jan 2016, 630pm – 830pm 1

  2. 27/01/2016 Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Our Vision Dynamic Thinkers  Inspiring Leaders  Contributing Citizens  One Learning Community Our Mission Building Cha ra c te r, Nurturing T a le nts Greenridge Education Strategy Map From Each His Best 2

  3. 27/01/2016 GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ Our be lie f as e duc ator s is that E VE RY c hild c a n le a rn, improve a nd e xc e l Our Core Business: We care about your child and how s/he learns . We know that there is no shortcut to learning. In Greenridge, our expectations of our students are:- Embrace the spirit of PERSEVERANCE , Develop a strong sense of RESPONSIBILITY , Live everyday with INTEGRITY , Work consistently with DILIGENCE , Learn and Practise EMPATHY when relating with others (including their care-givers which includes our teachers). GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GSS Strategy Map (Yr 2015-2019, Updated 29 November 2014) Mission: Building Character, Nurturing Talents Vision: Dynamic Thinkers. Inspiring Leaders. Contributing Citizens. One Learning Community. Motto: From Each His Best S1: Resourceful Singaporeans for S3: A cohesive and S2: Children who national competitiveness become the best they can be resilient society C1: Self-directed and C1: Self-directed C4: Confident and C3: Physically fit and C2: Values-Centric individuals, Creative persons, Critical thinkers, Leaders, rooted to embracing and impacting the Critical thinkers, striving for Community through Singapore advocating Excellence for Self healthy lifestyle the Arts and Others striving for ST1: Academic Excellence through innovative T&L ST2: Character and Citizenship Development Anchored practices on Sound Values Excellence for Self and SO1: Managing and using data SO2: Developing and implementing SO3: Forging meaningful effectively to identify and Others a coherent and differentiated total partnerships for collaboration address students’ needs curriculum ST3: Staff Excellence through Differentiated Staff ST4:Administrative & Operational Excellence Anchored Development on Sound Processes SO4: Developing an SO7: Optimal usage and SO5: Leading a Culture SO6: Robust and strong engaged and deployment of financial of Excellence planning and review competent staff and physical resources P erseverance R esponsibility D iligence E mpathy I ntegrity Culture of Excellence (Doing Well, Doing Good) 3

  4. 27/01/2016 Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GSS Strategy Map (Yr 2015-2019, Updated 29 November 2014) Mission: Building Character, Nurturing Talents Vision: Dynamic Thinkers. Inspiring Leaders. Contributing Citizens. One Learning Community. Motto: From Each His Best S1: Resourceful Singaporeans for S2: Children who S3: A cohesive and national competitiveness become the best they can be resilient society C1: Self-directed C4: Confident and C3: Physically fit and C2: Values-Centric individuals, Creative persons, Critical thinkers, Leaders, rooted to embracing and impacting the striving for Community through the Singapore advocating Excellence for Self healthy lifestyle Arts and Others C2: Values-Centric ST1: Academic Excellence through innovative T&L ST2: Character and Citizenship Development Anchored practices on Sound Values Leaders, rooted to Singapore SO1: Managing and using data SO2: Developing and implementing a SO3: Forging meaningful effectively to identify and address coherent and differentiated total partnerships for collaboration students’ needs curriculum ST3: Staff Excellence through Differentiated Staff ST4:Administrative & Operational Excellence Anchored on Development Sound Processes SO4: Developing an SO7: Optimal usage and SO5: Leading a Culture SO6: Robust and strong engaged and deployment of financial of Excellence planning and review competent staff and physical resources P erseverance R esponsibility I ntegrity D iligence E mpathy Culture of Excellence (Doing Well, Doing Good) Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GSS Strategy Map (Yr 2015-2019, Updated 29 November 2014) Mission: Building Character, Nurturing Talents Vision: Dynamic Thinkers. Inspiring Leaders. Contributing Citizens. One Learning Community. Motto: From Each His Best S1: Resourceful Singaporeans for S3: A cohesive and S2: Children who national competitiveness resilient society become the best they can be C1: Self-directed C3: Physically fit C4: Confident and C3: Physically fit and C2: Values-Centric individuals, Creative persons, Critical thinkers, Leaders, rooted to embracing and impacting the striving for Singapore advocating Community through the Excellence for Self individuals, embracing and Arts healthy lifestyle and Others ST1: Academic Excellence through innovative T&L ST2: Character and Citizenship Development Anchored advocating practices on Sound Values healthy lifestyle SO1: Managing and using data SO2: Developing and implementing a SO3: Forging meaningful effectively to identify and address coherent and differentiated total partnerships for collaboration students’ needs curriculum ST3: Staff Excellence through Differentiated Staff ST4:Administrative & Operational Excellence Anchored on Development Sound Processes SO4: Developing an SO7: Optimal usage and SO5: Leading a Culture SO6: Robust and strong engaged and deployment of financial of Excellence planning and review competent staff and physical resources P erseverance R esponsibility I ntegrity D iligence E mpathy Culture of Excellence (Doing Well, Doing Good) 4

  5. 27/01/2016 Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GSS Strategy Map (Yr 2015-2019, Updated 29 November 2014) Mission: Building Character, Nurturing Talents Vision: Dynamic Thinkers. Inspiring Leaders. Contributing Citizens. One Learning Community. Motto: From Each His Best S1: Resourceful Singaporeans for S2: Children who S3: A cohesive and national competitiveness become the best they can be resilient society C1: Self-directed C4: Confident and C3: Physically fit and C2: Values-Centric individuals, Creative persons, Critical thinkers, Leaders, rooted to embracing and impacting the striving for C4: Confident and Creative Community through the Singapore advocating Excellence for Self healthy lifestyle Arts and Others persons, impacting the ST1: Academic Excellence through innovative T&L ST2: Character and Citizenship Development Anchored practices on Sound Values Community through the Arts SO1: Managing and using data SO2: Developing and implementing a SO3: Forging meaningful effectively to identify and address coherent and differentiated total partnerships for collaboration students’ needs curriculum ST3: Staff Excellence through Differentiated Staff ST4:Administrative & Operational Excellence Anchored on Development Sound Processes SO4: Developing an SO7: Optimal usage and SO5: Leading a Culture SO6: Robust and strong engaged and deployment of financial of Excellence planning and review competent staff and physical resources P erseverance R esponsibility I ntegrity D iligence E mpathy Culture of Excellence (Doing Well, Doing Good) Introduction of Greenridge Leadership Team and Form Teachers From Each His Best 5

  6. 27/01/2016 GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ Sc hool L e ade r ship T e am Mdm Veronica Ng Mrs Christina Tan Mr Ng Han Ming Vice – Principal Principal Vice – Principal GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ Leadership Team Ms Teoh Cheng Ling Mrs Goh Mei Leng Mr Hisham Zainal Ms Khairunisa Mohd Ya’akob HOD / EL & English Literature HOD / Maths, POA & EBS HOD / Science HOD / Humanities Sec 2NA Level Head Sec 2NA Level Head Sec 3E Level Head Sec 3NA Level Head Mr Muhd Haekal Ms See Rui Si Mr Victor Lee Meng Wah Mr Ahmad Zakir SH / English & ALP SH / Maths and Info Comm HOD / Special Projects SH/History and CE Sec 1NA Level Head Sec 4E Level Head 6

  7. 27/01/2016 Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Leadership Team Ms Teoh Kah Min Ms Penny Ang Lip Eng Ms Clara Wang Mr Goh WeiBeng HOD / MTL HOD / PE & CCA HOD / ICT & FCE HOD / School Staff Developer & DNT Sec 4NA Level Head Sec 1 E Level Head Sec 4E Level Head Sec 5NA Level Head Ms Adeline Chen Ms Cheryl Cheong SH / Student Leadership Development & LLP SH / Arts Education Programme Sec 4NA Level Head NT Level Head GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ Leadership Team Student Development Team (SDT) Mr E M Rajaen Ms Daphne Yiew Qifang Mr Ho Wei Heng Ms Julie Tan Ching Hsia SH /Student Management Year Head Year Head HOD / Character and (Upper Sec) NT Level Head (Lower Sec) Citizenship Education Sec 2E Level Head 7


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