Secondary 3 Parents’ Briefing 26 February 2016 6.30 pm Mr Hisham Zainal
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Programme Outline 1. Pr e se ntation by L e ve l He ad 2. Star Awar d Pr e se ntation 3. Inte r ac tion with F or m T e ac he r and Ke y Pe r sonne l
GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Objectives of Briefing (1) Communicate Broad School Direction (2) Share key information on development of students (3) Strengthen collaborative efforts to prepare students for the national examinations and the future
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Our Vision Dynamic Thinkers Inspiring Leaders Contributing Citizens One Learning Community Our Mission Building Char ac te r , Nur tur ing T ale nts
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL GSS Strategy Map Mission: Building Character, Nurturing Talents Vision: Dynamic Thinkers. Inspiring Leaders. Contributing Citizens. One Learning Community. Motto: From Each His Best S1: Resourceful Singaporeans for S2: Children who S3: A cohesive and national competitiveness resilient society become the best they can be C1: Self- C4: Confident C1: Self-directed C3: Physically C4: Confident and directed and C3: Physically fit and and Creative Creative persons, C2: Values-Centric individuals, C2: Values- Critical thinkers, Leaders, rooted to fit individuals, embracing and impacting the Critical striving for Singapore advocating Community through persons, Centric Excellence for Self embracing and the Arts healthy lifestyle thinkers, and Others impacting the Leaders, advocating striving for ST1: Academic Excellence through innovative T&L ST2: Character and Citizenship Development Anchored Community rooted to healthy practices on Sound Values Excellence for through the Singapore Self and lifestyle Arts SO1: Managing and using data SO2: Developing and implementing Others SO3: Forging meaningful effectively to identify and a coherent and differentiated total partnerships for collaboration address students’ needs curriculum ST3: Staff Excellence through Differentiated Staff ST4:Administrative & Operational Excellence Anchored Development on Sound Processes SO4: Developing an SO7: Optimal usage and SO5: Leading a Culture SO6: Robust and strong engaged and deployment of financial of Excellence planning and review competent staff and physical resources P erseverance R esponsibility I ntegrity D iligence E mpathy Culture of Excellence (Doing Well, Doing Good)
GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ Our be lie f a s e duc a tors is tha t E VE RY c hild c an le ar n, impr ove and e xc e l Our Core Business: We care about your child and how s/he learns . We know that there is no shortcut to learning. In Greenridge, our expectations of our students are:- Embrace the spirit of PERSEVERANCE , Develop a strong sense of RESPONSIBILITY , Live everyday with INTEGRITY , Work consistently with DILIGENCE , Learn and Practise EMPATHY when relating with others (including their care-givers which includes our teachers).
Introduction of Greenridge Leadership Team and Form Teachers From Each His Best
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Sc hool L e ade r ship T e am Mdm. Veronica Ng Mrs. Christina Tan Mr. Ng Han Ming Vice – Principal Principal Vice – Principal
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Sc hool L e ade r ship T e am Mr. Toh Wee Beng Vice – Principal (Admin)
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Leadership Team Student Development Team (SDT) Mr E M Rajaen Ms Daphne Yiew Qifang Ms Julie Tan Ching Hsia Mr Ho Wei Heng SH /Student Management Year Head (Upper Sec) HOD / Character and Year Head NT Level Head Citizenship Education (Lower Sec) Sec 2E Level Head
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Leadership Team Ms Teoh Cheng Ling Mrs Goh Mei Leng Mr Hisham Zainal Ms Khairunisa Mohd Ya’akob HOD / EL & English Literature HOD / Maths, POA & EBS HOD / Science HOD / Humanities Sec 2NA Level Head Sec 2NA Level Head Sec 3E Level Head Sec 3NA Level Head Mr Muhd Haekal Ms See Rui Si Mr Victor Lee Meng Wah Mr Ahmad Zakir SH / English & ALP SH / Maths and Info Comm HOD / Special Projects SH/History and CE Sec 1NA Level Head Sec 4E Level Head
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Leadership Team Ms Teoh Kah Min Ms Penny Ang Lip Eng Mr Goh Wei Beng Ms Clara Wang HOD / MTL HOD / PE & CCA School Staff Developer & HOD / DNT HOD / ICT & FCE Sec 4NA Level Head Sec 1 E Level Head Sec 5NA Level Head Sec 4E Level Head Ms Adeline Chen Ms Cheryl Cheong SH / Student Leadership Development & LLP SH / Arts Education Programme Sec 4NA Level Head NT Level Head
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Class 3/4 Form Teachers Mr Harshad Mr Lim Jia Hui Malay Language Maths and CPA Teacher Teacher
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Class 3/5 Form Teachers Mdm Erlinda Tanuwijaya Mr Timothy Teo Social Studies and Maths PE Teacher Teacher
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Class 3/6 Form Teachers Ms Nuurulhuda Hasbolah Ms Ho Kai Li Arts Teacher Chinese Language Teacher
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Assistant Year Head (Sec 3) Mdm Radiah Bte Matmin ST / Malay & Tamil Languages
GCE Results 2015 From Each His Best
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015 GCE O-Level Results
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015 GCE O-Level Results % of students with at least 5 O Level Passes National 2013 2014 2015 (2015) 92.8 % 84.1 % 83.8 % 97.3 % Av. PSLE (211.1) (210.9) (209.5) T-Score Above national le ve l ave r age !
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015 GCE O-Level Results GSS Mean aggregate score for L1R5 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Actual L1R5 23.6 22.8 20.4 21.6 18.6 (Exp. L1R5) (22.3) (21.3) (20.9) (21.3) (21.1) Difference - 1.3 - 1.5 + 0.5 -0.3 +2.5 Remarks Below Below Expected Above Expected Below Above Expected Expected Expected
% Passes – Sec 4 Express Subjects 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 School National English 92.8 83.2 92.8 94.2 Comb 89.5 83.0 9 1 .9 89.2 Humanities Maths 98.0 98.2 9 9 .1 94.2 A Maths 96.2 100 9 8 .8 96.4 Physics 100 97.4 97.5 97.7 Chemistry 100 94.7 95.0 97.0 Science (P/ C) 95.5 90.7 9 8 .1 86.1 Science (B/ C) - - 1 0 0 86.2
% Passes – Sec 4 Express Subjects 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 School National POA 82.4 - 9 4 .9 78.8 D&T 82.4 62.1 9 1 .7 82.3 F&N 68.8 85.0 9 1 .7 81.4 Art - 53.8 8 5 .7 81.0 Chinese 95.2 93.2 9 7 .4 96.6 Higher CL 90.0 85.7 66.7 88.3 Malay 100 100 1 0 0 99.7 Tamil 100 100 80.0 97.7
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015 GCE O-Level Results
Understanding the Educational Landscape From Each His Best
JC Cut-off Points (2015 JAE) S/No Junior College Arts Science 1 Hwa Chong Institution 4 3 2 Raffles Institution 4 3 3 National JC 6 5 4 Victoria JC 6 5 5 Anglo-Chinese JC 7 6 6 Nanyang JC 7 7 7 Temasek JC 8 8 8 Anderson JC 9 8 9 Meridian JC 9 10 10 St. Andrew's JC 9 9 11 Catholic JC 10 10 12 Serangoon JC 11 11 13 Pioneer JC 13 13 14 Tampines JC 13 13 15 Jurong JC 15 15 16 Yishun JC 16 17 17 Innova JC 18 20 From Each His Best
Greenridgeans Eligible for JC 2011 2012 2013 2014 Nat 2015 Mean (4 yrs) 4 Exp 39.7% 41.9% 52.6% 46.0% 59.5% 65.8% Eligible for MI 2011 2012 2013 2014 Nat Mean 2015 (4 yrs) 4 Exp 73.2% 83.8% 87.5% 79.7% 78% 93.7%
Facts from Polytechnic Admission L1R5 Remarks on Poly Admission (ELR2B2) More than 13 Not eligible for at least 30 percent of points all courses More than 16 Not eligible for at least 50 percent of points all courses More than 20 Not eligible for at least 80 percent of points all courses More than 26 Only nursing (27 – 28 points) points
Greenridgeans Eligible for Poly 2011 2012 2013 2014 Nat Mean 2015 (4 yrs) 4 Exp 86.6% 92.5% 96.1% 94.7% 85% 99.1%
"We talked about new technologies and global trends, and Singapore's Smart Nation ideas," – PM Lee Hsien Loong, 16 Feb 2016 "In Singapore, people may not always see engineering like that. They see it as a support function - my computer is broken, call an engineer and fix it. That's a different conception, and we really need to reposition our conception of what engineering is about, and how important engineering is to us.” – PM Lee Hsien Loong, 16 Feb ‘16
Strategies for Success From Each His Best
Belief: ‘Learn. Improve. Excel.’ GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL Quality Results and Outcomes Promotion Criteria A ttitude (Positives) & Discipline + Quality C orrective measures Results = & + Outcomes E valuations & Expectations PERFORMANCE = POTENTIAL - INTERFERENCES - ‘Inner Work of Game’ by Timothy Galway • Interferences = Low Self Esteem, Negative Thoughts, Social Media distractions and Poor Peer Influences
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