
fremfor sektortnkning! Katherine Richardson, Professor Leader, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bredygtig organisationsstruktur fremmer system- fremfor sektortnkning! Katherine Richardson, Professor Leader, Sustainability Science Centre Professor Katherine Richardson Professor Katherine Richardson ,

  1. Bæredygtig organisationsstruktur fremmer system- fremfor sektortænkning! Katherine Richardson, Professor Leader, Sustainability Science Centre

  2. Professor Katherine Richardson

  3. Professor Katherine Richardson , Sustainability Science Centre 05/09/2019 3 The Earth behaves as a system! Amsterdam Declaration on Global Change (2001): ” The Earth System behaves as a single, self-regulating system comprised of physical, chemical, human and biological components …” Humans are a part of that system and our activities influence the state of the Earth at the global level!

  4. Sustainability Science Centre 05/09/2019 4

  5. “Anthropocene”

  6. Professor Katherine Richardson Sustainability Challenge: Development of tools and mechanisms to share the Earth’s limited resources among 9 - 10 billion people Sustainable development is a ” need to have” not a ” nice to have” …. 6

  7. 05/09/2019 7 We are globally linked: What we do in DK can have unintended consequences elsewhere! Global Sustainable Development Report: to be presented to the UN General Assembly, September 2019

  8. Professor Katherine Richardson Sustainability Science Centre 05/09/2019 8 SDGs are a vision for how we want to share the Earth’s resources! Relevant for all global citizens – not just for those in developing countries

  9. Few goals are on track to be met … and for several critical goals, the trends are in the wrong direction!

  10. 05-09-2019 10 2030 (projected): Distance from the target by 2030 Region(s) most Within 5% 5-10% >10% Negative trend behind SSA (1.1; 1.3), SCA SDG1 1.1. eradicating extreme poverty 1.3. social protection for all ** (1.3) 2.2. ending malnutrition (stunting) SSA (2.1; 2.2; 2.5; 2.1. ending hunger 2.2. ending malnutrition SDG2 2.5. maintaining genetic diversity ** 2.a), OCE (2.2), (undernourishment) (overweight) 2.a. investment in agriculture * ESEASI (2.a) ÷ 3.2. under 5 mortality 3.1. maternal mortality SSA (all), SCA (3.2 - SDG3 3.4. premature deaths from non- neonatal mortality) 3.2. neonatal mortality communicable diseases + 4.2. early childhood development (4.1) Enrolment in primary (4.6) literacy among youth and (4.1) enrolment in secondary SDG4 CSA, SSA • Ending education adults education (4.3) enrolment in tertiary education malnutrition SDG5 5.5. women political participation OCE • Infant + Reducing • neonatal 6.1. access to safe drinking water 6.2. access to safe sanitation (open SDG6 6.2. access to safe sanitation SSA (all) defecation practices) services inequality (10) mortality 7.2. share of renewable energy * SSA (7.1; 7.3), OCE SDG7 7.1. access to electricity Absolute • 7.3. energy intensity (7.1), ESEASI (7.2) SDG8 8.7.Use of child labour ** SSA, SCA material 9.5. enhancing scientific research 9.5. enhancing scientific research SDG9 SSA, SCA (R&D expenditure) (number of researchers) • Enrolment footprint (12) (-) inequality in income SDG10 10.c. remittance costs OCE in 1 o school *** (climate – 13) • SSA (as a share), 11.1 urban population living in slums SDG11 ESEASI (as an * absolute number) • Biodiversity SCA (%GDP), ESEASI ocean (14) SDG12 (absolute amount) 12.2. absolute material footprint, and DMC * • Biodiversity SDG13 SDG14 14.1 continued land (15) deterioration of coastal waters * 14.4. overfishing * SDG15 SCA 15.5. biodiversity loss * 15.7 wildlife poaching and trafficking * SDG16 16.9 universal birth registration ** SSA SDG17

  11. How the SDGs are related Levers for transformation Goals relating to global environmental SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Model developed by Katherine Richardson, Professor, University of Copenhagen, 2019. Design by KØSCH commons ECONOMY AND FINANCE Linking goal GOVERNANCE Goals improving human wellbeing INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE ACTION

  12. 05/09/2019 12

  13. How the SDGs are related Levers for transformation Goals relating to global environmental SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Model developed by Katherine Richardson, Professor, University of Copenhagen, 2019. Design by KØSCH commons ECONOMY AND FINANCE Linking goal GOVERNANCE Goals improving human wellbeing INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE ACTION Men vores samfund er ikke opbygget omkring SDGs!!

  14. The challenge of SD is giving all access to the finite resources necessary to allow continued development This requires and Earth Resources Biodiversity* Land* Ocean* Atmosphere* Development = Energy Food Water Materials: Improving Human Production/wa ste; wellbeing infrastructure 1. Basic needs – cities) 2. Material needs 3. Social needs waste Human Prosperity Direct use or habitat change “Human potential realization”*

  15. 05/09/2019 15 Incorporate “cost - effectivity” into all sectors: Goal for all sectors: Maximise human welfare/environmental cost • Evolving taxonomies for sustainable investment • NOT just climate

  16. Professor Katherine Richardson Sustainability Science Centre 05/09/2019 1 6 All activities have both positive and negative interactions with SDGs! Sustainable development is all about finding the ” sweet spot” where synergies are exploited while negative impacts are minimized!

  17. Professor Katherine Richardson “ Indkøbsorder fra fremtiden ” John Elkington “Business (og organisation!) as usual” kan ikke levere på den order!

  18. Professor Katherine Richardson Peter Bakker President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Sustainability Science Congress 2014


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