force management statements

Force management statements APCC - Performance, Standards and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Force management statements APCC - Performance, Standards and Accountability September 2015 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Winsor Review: Recommendation 49 HMIC, in consultation with police forces, the Police Professional Body and the

  1. Force management statements APCC - Performance, Standards and Accountability September 2015

  2. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Winsor Review: Recommendation 49 HMIC, in consultation with police forces, the Police Professional Body and the Home Office, should establish a national template for a force management statement which should be published by each police force with its annual report. The force management statement should contain consistently presented, reliable data about the projected demands on the force in the short, medium and long terms, the force’s plans for meeting those demands, including its financial plans, and the steps it intends to take to improve the efficiency and economy with which it will maintain and develop its workforce and other assets , and discharge its obligations to the public. Each force management statement should also contain a report, with reasons, on the force’s performance in the last year against the projections made for that year in the last force management statement. Thomas Winsor, 2011 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  3. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Letter to PCCs / CCs • The FMS is intended to be a new, simpler and better system of reporting on matters concerning the efficiency and effectiveness of the police. • They are annual statements published by the Chief Constable (or London equivalent) designed to improve and streamline the information which police forces produce for: • their own management purposes, to ensure the highest practicable levels of efficiency and effectiveness; and • their accountability to local policing bodies, the Home Office, HMIC and other public institutions and, of course, the public. Sir Thomas Winsor, July 2015 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  4. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor The thinking: networks • Each police force is part of a networked public service that is responsible for producing and maintaining public safety. • The sustainable production of public safety, both physical and psychological safety, requires a variety of different assets to be brought together at different times and in different places. • This requires the organisation, coordination, management, maintenance, and development of all assets including the most complicated assets – people who constitute the workforce. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  5. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor The thinking: change • The sometimes radical changes that individual forces are making in response to having fewer [financial] resources have implications for the sustainable operation of the network (ie the reliable production and maintenance of public safety). • The many parties that interact with police or are reliant upon police have a reciprocated need to know about the efficacy of the services provided by the police and any planned changes to both the service levels and arrangements for providing them. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  6. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Analogy: Network Management Statements • The FMS is analogous to the “network management statements” that are required from the providers of networked services (eg transport, energy and water). • These statements publically attest to the reliability of services and are based upon an understanding of both the demands for service and the resources, workforce and assets that are available to supply them. • They inform other parties about the current and future state of the network. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  7. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Why are they necessary? • All well-managed enterprises need sound information about • 1) their resources, workforce, other assets • 2) what they are required to do. • Deficiencies in the coverage or quality of the information impede sound decision-making • leading to mistakes, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness. • In the work of the police – which is public safety – poor decision-making can have severe consequences. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  8. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor The Statement • In each force management statement, the relevant Chief Constable will set out what her or his force can be relied upon to contribute to public safety. • Taken together, 43 management statements will provide a detailed national picture. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor


  10. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Indicative timeline... Activity Establish working group Since July Establish Advisory group Since September Since July Relationship with other governance arrangements / statements and risk register Template scope and design By Sept EIP September - share and seek wider views on the template (TW Address) Sept 28/29 EIP September - share and seek wider views on the template (Workshop) Sept 28/29 Refine the FMS Sept to Dec 2015 Piloting of FMS By April 2016 PCC election May 2016 Implementation June 2016 PEEL Assessment published Feb 2017 FMSs April 2017 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor


  12. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor The development of PEEL • As part of the PEEL Programme, each force will be required to publish an annual assurance statement with standardised content in a standardised format • The component parts will be: • The demand it faces • Appraisal of people and assets • Financial resources • Service plans • Development plans • Publication will follow the annual PEEL Assessment. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  13. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor They are a statement of: • Demand • Anticipated for the next 12 to 48 months; • Workforce (people) & Assets to service that demand: • Capacity – how much work can they do? • Capability – what is it they can do? • Condition – fitness for purpose? • Serviceability – what does it take to look after them? • Resilience - do they cope with surges in demand? • Performance – how well have they perform – track record? • Plans • Financial resources plan • Service plan - performance (prospective) in response to the demands • Development plan - people and assets to enable the service plan NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  14. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor Linked Developments • NPoCC / CoP • Strategic Policing Requirement • National Policing Requirement • MoRiLE • CIPFA / NAO • Annual Governance Statement • Value for Money Statements NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  15. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor The work to do • Refine the template • Identify sources of information • Clarify how FMS will dovetail with other arrangements / developments NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - No Descriptor

  16. Force management statements APCC - Performance, Standards and Accountability September 2015


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