force options and plans

Force Options and Plans Brigadier Jason Blain Director General - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Force Options and Plans Brigadier Jason Blain Director General Force Options and Plans Mr Anthony Ween Director Force Planning and Prioritisation Scope FOAP Branch Overview Force Design and Strategy Responding to Risk

  1. Force Options and Plans Brigadier Jason Blain Director General Force Options and Plans Mr Anthony Ween Director Force Planning and Prioritisation

  2. Scope • FOAP Branch Overview • Force Design and Strategy – Responding to Risk – Role of the Capability Program Narrative • Force Design Cycle – Defence Capability Assessment Program – Force Exploration and some Focus Areas • Connection with our Partners • Status of activities • Anthony to present on Enabling Joint Force Authority Decision Making

  3. Force Design Role Force Design Division is to test the force in being, provide preparedness assurance, design and guide the development of a balanced and affordable future force, in order to provide the Government of Australia a capable, agile and potent Joint Force. VCDF HF D SES Band 1 Investment Force Options, Joint Force Portfolio and Plans Analysis Management Branc Branch Branc h h Force Options Investment Concepts, Doctrine, Testing Management, Experimentation, Force Structure Performance Lesson Plannin Measurement s and g and and Governance Preparedness Prioritisation

  4. Force Options and Plans Branch, Force Design Div • Role: Force Options and Plans Branch provides the VCDF with evidence-based assessments of joint force plans and options that enable informed capability investment decisions. • Functions: – Manage the Force Design Cycle and lead the Defence Force Options & Plans Capability Assessment Program (DCAP) Branch BRIG Blain – Maintains the integrity of the Integrated Investment Program by ensuring decisions are based on Joint capability priorities and Force Options Force Structure balance of investment considerations. Developmen Assessmen GPCAPT Schneider t t COL – The Force Options Development function converts identified Ward gaps and opportunities into Force Design outputs, including Force Planning & Joint Capability Narratives. Prioritisatio n Mr – Force Structure Assessment examines options and conducts Ween force structure assessments to inform design of the future force, as well as developing Capability Program Narratives. – The Force Planning and Prioritisation function analyses, synthesizes and prioritises Force Design outputs to demonstrate prioritised and viable portfolio options. They will also develop and maintain the Force Design Body of Knowledge. – Works with a wide range of Defence, Government, Industry, academia and international stakeholders.

  5. Where we do the majority of our work 6

  6. Design Effort over Time Design Effort and Decisions Next Defence White Paper Defence White Paper 2016 or Defence Update Maintaining the integrity of the Integrated Investment Program Level of effort Designing the Future Force Bi-annual updates Government Decisions – Strategy, Resources, Capability time *based on interim CLC Manual 2016

  7. Force Design and Strategy Defence’s task is to respond to and mitigate geo- strategic risks to Australia as directed by Government Risks Response 7

  8. Force Design and Strategy We will use the following four relationships to assess when our response is in need of structural adjustment 1. If it is decided that our 1 Response response does not sufficiently lower risk to Australia, (especially because of a change in risk) Strategy 2. If our operational plans 2 4 and capabilities cannot 2 deliver the operational 1 effects required to deliver Risks our strategy 3 3. If there is a structural 3 misalignment between our Capability Resources capabilities and our resources 4. If there is a structural misalignment between our 4 strategic aspirations and the resources available 10

  9. Portfolio Approach - Capability Program Narratives 6 Capability Streams 40 Capability Programs

  10. Force Design Cycle Force Design Division has developed the Force Design Cycle, to meet our aim of Joint Force by Design Strategic Direction

  11. Defence Capability Assessment Program The Defence Capability Assessment Program (DCAP) is the plan of activities to deliver the Force Design Cycle 1

  12. DCAP Modes DCAP has three distinct modes to address different time imperatives: agile, annual, and fundamental Fundamental Conducted when directed by Government, and provides potentially fundamental as well as iterative change to both force structure and Defence Strategy Annual Conducted annually, to align with Portfolio Budget Statements, and provides iterative change to the Integrated Investment Plan Agile Conducted as required, in-year to address specific gaps or opportunities quickly

  13. Gaps and Opportunities Assessment The gaps and opportunities relate to Defence’s ability to achieve missions set by Government This framework will support clear accountability, driving robust and transparent decision-making. Missions are owned by Mission Effects are owned by • The Gaps and Government, developed SP&I, and developed and with advice from SP&I and refined in close dialogue with Opportunities facing Defence leadership VCDF Group and the Services Defence should be expressed and prioritised against a common Assessment of our Gaps and Opportunities in delivering framework. these Mission Effects , and advice on Defence’s most • The framework used for effective investments in response to them, are owned by the first DCAP cycle that Force Design within VCDF addresses the likelihood of Group, supported by the whole of Defence, and approved by missions being required to the Senior Leadership be performed. Demand- Supply-side side

  14. Force Exploration Force Exploration co-ordinates, and is responsible for the analysis of unbounded ‘blue sky’ G&Os Force Exploration Purpose: The purpose of Force Exploration is to explore and formulate an understanding of unbounded and/or ‘blue sky’ G&Os. Key process notes: 1. G&Os that are deeply unbounded and/or beyond the scope of the Defence Streams - i.e science and technology based - are allocated (by Force Structure Assessments) to Force Exploration for further research and analysis. 2. DST Group will be responsible for reviewing G&Os submitted to Force Exploration and allocating them to the most appropriate analysis owner for exploration (e.g. allocation to EDTAS, DST Group, Industry, Academia etc.). 3. Once G&Os have been allocated to analysis owners, Force Options Development will be responsible for monitoring analysis activities and generating progress reports. 4. Force Options Development will receive force options from analysis owners and evaluate them to ensure they meet output requirements Note: Where extensive analysis activities are required, the outputs from such activities may be submitted to Force Options Development as part of a later DCAP cycle. 8

  15. Some Force Exploration Areas of Interest • Data management – Joint Decision Support – Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination • Cyber capabilities • SATCOM and other Beyond Line of Sight capabilities • Additive Manufacturing • Automation, Autonomy and Autonomous Systems • Human Performance • ADF Lift capabilities

  16. Industry, Academia and Force Design Force Design Division will engage in dialogue with Industry and Academia throughout the cycle G&O input Force Exploration Industry has the A Force Exploration opportunity to input function, coordinated innovation by FDD and opportunities into supported by DSTG, Force Design through will explore DIH and CMs. revolutionary innovation over longer timeframes Options Priorities Industry and innovation options Force Design are tested for Priorities will be fed suitability as part of to industry, through force option the Innovation development Steering Group, the IC and Government

  17. Status • Where we are now – First iteration of the annual DCAP cycle – Understanding of available Defence data and evidence – Completing Capability Program Narratives – Engagement and Best Practice with • Internal and external stakeholders • Industry (RPDE QL141 Completed) • Allies – Contested process – Insightful prioritisation activities • Bi-annual IIP update and Stream Boards • transparent prioritisation approach • Where we want to be – Build shared understanding of Force priorities and assumptions – Continue to build transparency & trust – Enhance evidence base and decision support

  18. Over to Anthony


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