TPT S FOR YOU AND ME! C Total Participation Techniques to Transform Classroom Engagement
Welcome! • Heather Butler • 5 th Grade Regular Education Teacher in the Inclusion Classroom • Glassboro Public Schools Teacher since 2013 • Eta Psi Professional Chapter • Volunteer TIP (Total Immersion Program) instructor at Beijing University August 2013
Welcome! • Cyndy Wiggins • 5 th Grade Special Education Teacher in the Inclusion Classroom • Glassboro Public Schools Teacher since 1991 • Eta Psi Professional Chapter
Why are TPTs Essential? • TPT stands for Total Participation Techniques • TPTs elevate the level of engagement within the classroom • TPTs decrease passive disengagement (aka “zoning out”) • TPTs involve ALL learners • TPTs ensure higher-order thinking • TPTs make a difference
A Highly Recommended Read!
TPT Cognitive Engagement Model and Quadrant Analysis Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student An Active Learner by Persida Himmele and William Himmele, page 15 • 3 4 Higher-Order Thinking High Cognition/Low Participation High Cognition/High Participation Low Participation High Participation 1 2 Low Cognition/Low Participation Low Cognition/High Participation Lower-Order Thinking
Let’s Reflect! • Think back over the past month of instruction. • Where does your teaching fall on the Cognitive Engagement Model and Quadrant Analysis?
Let’s Reflect! • Think back over the past month of instruction. • Where does your teaching fall on the Cognitive Engagement Model and Quadrant Analysis? • If you find that many of your lessons have fallen under Quadrant 1 or 2, ask yourself, “What can I change to make my teaching more engaging to all students?”
Let’s Reflect! • Think back over the past month of instruction. • Where does your teaching fall on the Cognitive Engagement Model and Quadrant Analysis? • If you find that many of your lessons have fallen under Quadrant 3 or 4, ask yourself, “What new strategies can I incorporate to continue to keep learning engaging, challenging, and fresh for my students?”
Let’s Get Started! • Take out your Baseball Diamond Appointment Chart and a pen/pencil. • As the music starts, mingle around the room. • When the music stops, FREEZE!
Baseball Diamond Appointment Chart • Find a person near you. • Have them sign your 1 st base appointment. • Sign their 1 st base appointment. • When the music starts, keep moving! • Let’s continue until all four appointments are made!
Your First Appointment… • Sit next to your 1 st base partner.
A Familiar Story…The Three Little Pigs!
3 Minute Quick Write • Retell the story of the three little pigs. Use the word bank below when writing your response. Word Bank independent straw sticks brick Fierce hungry determined
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Quick Write activity fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Think-Pair-Share • How did the conflict in the story cause the pigs to change? Why do you think this?
Think-Pair-Share • How did the conflict in the story cause the pigs to change? Why do you think this? • Share with your 1 st Base Partner.
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Think-Pair-Share activity fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Your Next Appointment… • Find your 2 nd base partner. • Stand facing one another, next to other partner pairs. This will make two lines, one facing the other.
Classroom Line Ups / Inside-Out Circles
Classroom Line Ups / Inside-Out Circles Name one character trait that describes the Big Bad Wolf. Explain why you think this.
Classroom Line Ups / Inside-Out Circles Name one character trait that describes the pig that built the brick house. Explain why you think this.
Classroom Line Ups / Inside-Out Circles Name one character trait that describes the pig that built the straw house. Explain why you think this.
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Classroom Line Up activity fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Your Next Appointment… • Sit next to your 3 rd base partner. • Join with another partner-pair to make a group of 4.
On a Post- It Note… • Write a word that you feel sums up or exemplifies the story of “The Three Little Pigs.”
Bounce Cards
Talk Map • Each person in the group will put a post-it in a corner. • Choose one person to put their post-it in the center. • Talk about that post- it until you can’t say anything more. • Use your Bounce Card to help move the conversation along! • When you can’t say anything more…choose a new post -it note to be the center of your conversation! • Keep going until all post- it notes have been used…or time is up!
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Bounce Cards and Talk Maps activities fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Chart Paper Splash! • Let’s Talk Character Traits! • As the music places, visit each piece of chart paper around the room and write a character trait that you believe describes each character in “The Three Little Pigs.”
Chart Paper Splash! • Recap…what responses do you find the most powerful?
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Chart Paper Splash fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Snowball Fight • Consider a “thin” or “thick” question about the text, “The Three Little Pigs.” • Write it on a piece of blank paper. • Put your name at the top.
Snowball Fight • Now crumple up your paper.
Snowball Fight • Throw it to the front of the classroom!
Snowball Fight • Come up and pick up a snowball. • Open it up and read the question inside. • Sign your name at the bottom and answer the question.
Rank it! • What quadrant did the Snowball Fight fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
Your Next Appointment… • Sit next to your Home Base partner.
Kahoot! • You will need an electronic device (laptop, tablet, cell phone with internet access). • If you or your partner do not have access, find someone near you who does so you can work together.
Rank it! • What quadrant did Kahoot fall under? • Evaluate and hold up a “Selected Response Card.”
A-Z Summaries • Write a one-sentence summary about this workshop. • The catch? Your sentence MUST start with the letter you are given!
Before we leave… • Check the back of your folder. • If you have a star sticker on the back of your folder, raise your hand!
Thank you for attending “TPTs for You and Me!”
Our Contact Info • Heather Butler • Cyndy Wiggins
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