The Hospice Movement You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life… ‘We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully… ‘But also to live until you die.” Dame Cicely Saunders Founder of the modern hospice movement
Interesting Facts • LOROS provides free care and support to over 2,500 people each year • LOROS is an independent charity which was formed in 1977 • First Day Care patient was in 1984 at Manor Croft and the first in-patient at the Groby Road site was in 1985 (12 beds) • Main Hospice officially opened by Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1985
The Hospice Environment
Common Myths about Hospices ‘Hospices are just for old people’
‘Hospices are for cancer patients only’
‘People never come out of hospices’
‘Hospices only offer in -patient services’
LOROS Care Services • In Patient Unit – 31 Beds – offering complex symptom control, end of life care and respite care • Enablement Team – Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Discharge Liaison Nurses • Day Therapy • Outpatients • Lymphoedema (the treatment of localised fluid retention and tissue swelling) • Counselling and Bereavement Support • Chaplaincy • Complimentary Therapy • Community Nurse Specialists • Home Visiting • Medical Domiciliary Visits • Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Multi-Disciplinary Team • 24/7 Telephone advice line (on the inpatient unit)
How Your Support Helps • Expenditure on patient care each year is £7.7 million • A minimum of £5 million has to be raised every year to enable to us to deliver our services • Cost per hour of running the charity is £870 • Cost of being on the in-patient unit for a day is £525 • Cost of attending Day therapy is £240 • Cost of a complimentary therapy session for a patient or family member is £50 • Cost of transport to bring a patient to Day Therapy is £10 • Cost of meals for a patient for a day is £5 • 91% of charity costs are directed to patient (+ family) care
How Do We Help Others? The patients can demonstrate this much better than I can………..
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