food services division waste reduc3on

Food Services Division Waste Reduc3on Presenta3on June 6, 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Food Services Division Waste Reduc3on Presenta3on June 6, 2017 Joseph Vaughn, Food Services Director Dawn Soto, Food Services Senior Trainer 1 Overview During the 2016-2017 academic school year, the Food Services Division has been able to

  1. Food Services Division Waste Reduc3on Presenta3on June 6, 2017 Joseph Vaughn, Food Services Director Dawn Soto, Food Services Senior Trainer 1

  2. Overview During the 2016-2017 academic school year, the Food Services Division has been able to achieve a reduc3on in food waste by implemen3ng a number of key strategies: Ø BIC re-training incorpora3ng waste reduc3on Ø Customer educa3on Ø Data tracking Ø Adding a “Managers Choice” to the monthly menus

  3. BIC Retraining In the 2016-2017 School Year, 536 LAUSD school sites were re-trained on BIC. This re-training focused on three key areas that have impacted our BIC program posi3vely. Ø Training teachers and students on how to select a reimbursable meal Ø Data collec3on and tracking allowing managers to forecast meals according to par3cipa3on Ø Implemen3ng “Save it For Later” principles and sharing tables in classrooms

  4. Educa4ng the Customer The retraining introduced kid-friendly marke3ng tools such as the “Save it for Later” and the “Five Star” posters to help reinforce effec3ve waste reduc3on prac3ces. Ø The “Five Star” poster guides students to iden3fy and select the food items they need to build a reimbursable meal Ø The “Save it For Later Alligator” poster guides the students on the items that they can safely save for later consump3on.

  5. Data Collec4on and Tracking Tracking the consump3on of each breakfast item provides the Food Service Managers useful data to recognize paYerns in student preferences. The BIC Daily Meal Tracking report is used to: Ø Forecast orders accurately for each food item Ø Guide the Food Services Staff to avoid over/under packing the BIC bags

  6. Addi4on of a Manager’s Choice Menu Introducing concepts like “Manager’s Choice” on the menu allowed our managers to clear up inventory to avoid waste. Ø Permi]ng management to take ownership of their inventory levels, being accountable for how items are u3lized Ø This was a shi^ in culture that was needed and has benefited the Division fiscally

  7. Con4nuing the Trend The Food Services Division has brought effec3ve measures to every school by con3nuing to: Ø Cut costs Ø Reduce waste Ø Make a difference Ø By students being conscious of the decisions they make during their meal selec3on Ø By staff being fiscally responsible for the opera3on

  8. Making A Difference In August, we will be working with managers and staff to con3nually make progress in the above areas and work closely with our customers to “Choose what they want, and eat what they choose.”

  9. Ques3ons? 9


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