flexible priors for robust

Flexible priors for robust This subtitle is 20 points dense stereo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Edit this text to create a Heading Flexible priors for robust This subtitle is 20 points dense stereo matching Bullets are blue They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are

  1. Edit this text to create a Heading Flexible priors for robust ▪ This subtitle is 20 points dense stereo matching ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to Sudipta N. Sinha read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the Microsoft Research maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this Lines, Planes and Manhattan Models for 3-D Mapping Workshop, IROS 2017

  2. Edit this text to create a Heading Passive Stereo Matching ▪ This subtitle is 20 points Much progress in 20+ years .. ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). [Okutomi et al. 1996] [Bleyer & Gelautz 2004] [Taniai et al. 2017] ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  3. Edit this text to create a Heading Still challenging … ▪ Reflections, transparency ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ Thin structures ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Untextured regions ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to ▪ Outdoor weather Nair+ ICCV 2015 read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the ▪ low light, rain, snow .. maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ High resolution, real-time computation ▪ Sub bullets look like this ▪ Imperfect calibration

  4. Edit this text to create a Heading Incorporating priors and constraints ▪ Priors add robustness in presence of noise, ambiguity ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ How to incorporate priors? ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Traditional tools (MRF inference; energy minimization) ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to ▪ Solve stereo in conjunction with other tasks read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the ▪ Supervised learning (deep learning) maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Adding structure (or constraints) to model ▪ Sub bullets look like this ▪ Priors must be adaptive, to be useful

  5. Edit this text to create a Heading Taxonomy Stereo (+ Segmentation, Flow, VO, Semantics) ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to Stereo (accurate) Specific scene General scene read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the ▪ ▪ Strong bias Low bias maximum recommended number of lines per slide ▪ ▪ Constraints, Soft prior (seven). ▪ ▪ Structure Few assumptions ▪ Sub bullets look like this Stereo (coarse)

  6. Edit this text to create a Heading Stereo (+ Segmentation, Flow, VO, Semantics) ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to Stereo (accurate) Specific scene General scene read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this ▪ Man-made scenes Stereo (coarse) ▪ Image-based rendering

  7. Edit this text to create a Heading Stereo matching with planar priors [Sinha, Steedly and Szeliski 2009] ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this MRF optimization

  8. Edit this text to create a Heading Stereo matching with planar priors ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  9. Edit this text to create a Heading IBR using piecewise planar depth maps ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  10. Edit this text to create a Heading IBR using piecewise planar depth maps ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  11. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency ▪ This subtitle is 20 points Reflective, glossy and transparent surfaces ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this Stereo is not a solved problem!

  12. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency [Sinha+ 2012] ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ Model such scenes with two layers; reflections have depth ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Two-layer depth maps; piecewise planarity ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this Input Image Depth Map (layer1) Depth Map (layer2)

  13. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Decompose images (color) given the two depth layers ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this Two-layer stereo matching

  14. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  15. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency ▪ Two-layer Piecewise Planar Stereo ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ MRF Labels: ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ Single Planes (opaque) Labeling ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Pair of Planes (opaque + reflective) ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to ▪ Energy minimization via graph cuts read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the Reflectivity Map maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  16. Edit this text to create a Heading Scenes with Reflections and Transparency ▪ Two-layer Piecewise Planar Stereo ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ MRF Labels: ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ Single Planes (opaque) Labeling ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Pair of Planes (opaque + reflective) ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to ▪ Energy minimization via graph cuts read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the Reflectivity Map maximum recommended number of lines per slide ▪ BUT, recovered reflectivity mask often inaccurate (seven). ▪ Still, many open issues in reflection modeling ▪ Sub bullets look like this

  17. Edit this text to create a Heading Stereo (+ Segmentation) Flow, VO, Semantics) ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to Stereo (accurate) Specific scene General scene read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this ▪ Image-based rendering Stereo (coarse) ▪ Image editing

  18. Edit this text to create a Heading Stereo matching with planar priors [Kowdle, Sinha and Szeliski 2012] ▪ This subtitle is 20 points ▪ Tackle general scenes ▪ Bullets are blue ▪ Local planes as primitives ▪ They have 110% line spacing, 2 points before & after ▪ Estimate pixel-to-plane labeling ▪ Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to ▪ Learn surface appearance (color) models read if there is insufficient line spacing. This is the Plane label map maximum recommended number of lines per slide (seven). ▪ Sub bullets look like this Semi-global stereo (SGM) Find planes Depth map

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