fixed mobile convergence introducson historical overview

Fixedmobile convergence IntroducSon Historical overview Dirk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fixedmobile convergence IntroducSon Historical overview Dirk Breuer Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Tibor Cinkler Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Stphane Gosselin Orange R&D, France Annie Gravey

  1. Fixed–mobile convergence IntroducSon Historical overview Dirk Breuer Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Tibor Cinkler Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Stéphane Gosselin Orange R&D, France Annie Gravey Telecom Bretagne, France Ali Hamidian Ericsson Research, Sweden Stefan Höst Lund University, Sweden Tahar Mamouni Orange R&D, France Péter Olaszi AITIA InternaSonal, Inc., Hungary Stephan Pachnicke ADVA OpScal Networking SE, Germany Björn Skubic Ericsson Research, Sweden Jose Torrijos Gijón Telefónica InvesSgación y Desarrollo, Spain This ongoing work receives funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 317762 “COMBO project”

  2. Fixed and Mobile Convergence: First wave • Originally: convergence of telephony voice services • Voice call redirec5on and seamless handover between Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMNs) and Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs). • Mo5va5on: Reduce costs • Switching equipment CAPEX and OPEX is high • Fixed–mobile Convergence Alliance 2004–2010 • Founded in 2004, disbanded in 2010 • Consumers struggled to find a need for the technology • Intent to move to ‘ All IP ’ infrastructure • SIGTRAN protocol family: the ‘All IP’ version of the SS7 telephony signalling system • SCTP : Stream Control Transmission Protocol • Reliable, message-based protocol for signalling • complements UDP and TCP

  3. Fixed and Mobile Convergence: Second wave • The communica5on landscape has transformed with the appearance of game-changers Smartphones (e.g. iPhone: 2007) and tablets • Cloud storage, so[ware as a service (e.g. Google Docs: 2007) • Social media (e.g. Myspace: 2003, Facebook: 2004, Twi^er: • 2006) Media sharing (e.g. YouTube: 2005) • • The focus shi;ed from voice to data • The volume of data increased drama5cally • Content delivery is important!

  4. Fixed and Mobile Convergence: State of the art TISPAN: Telecoms and Internet converged Services and Protocols for • Advanced Networks Generic framework • IP MULTIMEDIA SUBSYSTEM (IMS) • Realised within the TISPAN framework • Put voice telephony to the Internet • Services, APIs, terminals • Some vendors: • CISCO: fixed–mobile convergence for voice • Google Fi: Over-the-top service using exis5ng mobile and Wi-Fi infrastructure • Swisscom: Mobile—Wi-Fi integrated services • Ap5lo: Wi-Fi authen5ca5on using mobile creden5als • Unlicensed mobile access • 3GPP + BBF + Wi-Fi Alliance are working closely • Ongoing work on EPS, 4G, 5G, Internet of things, machine-to- • machine communica5on, automo5ve communica5on

  5. Presented by Annie Gravey Péter Olaszi Björn Skubic Dirk Breuer Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany Tibor Cinkler Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Stéphane Gosselin Orange R&D, France Annie Gravey Telecom Bretagne, France Ali Hamidian Ericsson Research, Sweden Stefan Höst Lund University, Sweden Tahar Mamouni Orange R&D, France Péter Olaszi AITIA InternaSonal, Inc., Hungary Stephan Pachnicke ADVA OpScal Networking SE, Germany Björn Skubic Ericsson Research, Sweden Jose Torrijos Gijón Telefónica InvesSgación y Desarrollo, Spain This ongoing work receives funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 317762 “COMBO project”

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