First Lecture: Higgs Boson Theory and Introduction Eilam Gross 1 Eilam Gross, WIS, SUSY16
About your Lecturer • Eilam Gross, • Prof of Particle Physics @ the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel • Member of the ATLAS collaboration @ CERN • Main Interests : • DATA Analysis (statistics of HEP) • Higgs Physics (Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model) 2 Eilam Gross, WIS
1895 To the useless electron Eilam Gross, Weizmann Institute of Science 16
1 8 9 5 0 0 1 $
2 0 1 2 ~$ 6,000,000,000
A Detector Ensemble of measured interactions in a given proton–proton bunch crossing makes up an “event” 7 Eilam Gross, WIS
3000 Physicists Driven by Curiosity
This is the most incredible thing that A R A R E T- S H I R T happened to me in my lifetime Peter Higgs 4 July 2012 0 2 1 5 1 1 0 1 1
S M H I G G S T H EO R Y eilam gross, WIS
Fields and Particles Quantum fields are used to create and annihilate particles at (x,t) In order to “create” a particle one needs to invest an energy equals to its mass E=mc2 The transition of a particle from one (x,t) to another, is called radiation eilam gross, WIS 12
(QED) Field Theory QED was developed in the first half of the 20th century to describe the interaction of matter with light (photons and electrons) QED is based on the phase U(1) symmetry (which ensures conservation of electric charge). ψγ µ D µ ψ = ψγ µ ∂ µ ψ + ie ψγ µ A µ ψ The photon is the guardian of ψ → e ie θ ( x , t ) ψ the local gauge symmetry. The symmetry requires that the photon be massless. The symmetry ensures the renormalizability of the theory, the theory is free of infinities (i.e. the theory “does not predict particles doing things more often than always”) eilam gross, WIS 13
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Spontaneously Symmetry Breaking was first introduced by Ginzburg & Landau (1950) (in an attempt to explain superconductivity) The physics of the system (Lagrangian) posses some exact symmetry, but the vacuum (ground state) breaks this symmetry eilam gross, WIS 14
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Higgs Potential eilam gross, WIS 15
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Nambu (1960) proposed for the first time that SSB is the source of fermion masses in elementary particle physics: “the existence of such a condensate (scalar field) would break the symmetry of the model..... in particle physics, would be a non-Abelian group containing the U(1) group associated with electric charge conservation as a subgroup” eilam gross, WIS 16
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Goldstone, Salam and Weinberg (1962) prove formally that massless Bosons must occur whenever a symmetry is broken (Goldstone Theorem). No such massless Bosons were observed experimentally. eilam gross, WIS 17
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Peter Higgs (Phys. Lett. July 1964) develops the mechanism by which the massless Goldstone Boson is “eaten” by the photon and the photon becomes massive -> short range (weak) interaction The photon eats the Goldstone Boson and acquires mass. eilam gross, WIS 18
eilam gross, WIS 82 Eilam Gross
The Higgs Mechanism Higgs sends a 3 pages paper to Physics Letter, the paper is rejected. Higgs adds an epilogue to the paper: “it is worth noting that an essential feature of this type of theory is the prediction of incomplete multiplets of scalar and vector bosons” and sends the revised version to PRL. Higgs: “ The referee who, I discovered later, was Nambu, drew my attention to a paper by Englert and Brout that they had just published in Physical Review Letters”. Higgs is asked to cite Englert & Brout and the paper is accepted (August 1964) eilam gross, WIS 20
The Higgs Mechanism Higgs (in a snail mail to me): eilam gross, WIS 21
The Higgs Mechanism Higgs (in a snail mail to me): In my first paper I outlined how to evade the Goldstone theorem. Englert & Brout showed how a gauge field interaction turns Goldstone massless bosons (elementary OR composite) into helicity-0 states of massive spin-1 particles. They strated from Feynmann diagrams and didn’ t discuss the remaining massive spin-0 particles. In my second paper I used Lagarangian field theory explicitly with elementary scalar fields (a‘ la Goldstone) coupled to a gauge field, so the massive spin-0 boson was an obvious feature, to which I drew attention. eilam gross, WIS 22
The Birth of the Standard Model Glashow (1961) suggests that the symmetry of the Electro-Weak interaction is SU(2)xU(1) and is broken to U(1) em. But Glashow puts the masses of the force carriers by hand and his theory is therefore non-renormalizable Weinberg (1967) implements Higgs mechanism to Glashow’ s SU(2)xU(1) and writes the second most quoted paper in the history of particle phsyics (>9000 citations). Weinberg predicts that the mass of the weak interaction force carriers is mW=80 GeV and mZ=90 GeV , but it took another 14 years to confirm it experimentally. Yet, the mass of the Higgs Boson was NOT predicted by theory only its existence! (and it took 47 years to discover it) eilam gross, WIS 23
How Elementary Particles Acquire Mass g φψ ψφψ → g φψ ψ ( H + v) ψ = g φψ ψ H ψ + g φψ v ψψ m ψ = g φψ v g φψ ∼ m ψ The coupling of the Higgs to particles is proportional to the V particles’ mass eilam gross, WIS 24
How Elementary Particles Acquire Mass g φψ ψφψ → g φψ ψ ( H + v) ψ = g φψ ψ H ψ + g φψ v ψψ m ψ = g φψ v g φψ ∼ m ψ The coupling of the Higgs to particles is proportional to the particles’ mass The Higgs Boson production and decay is determined by its coupling The Higgs Boson will therefore decay with a higher probability to the heaviest particle kinematically available The Higgs Mass is unknown! eilam gross, WIS 25
The Standard Model: Quarkd & Leptons eilam gross, WIS 26
Branching Ratios eilam gross, WIS, November 2011 27
Higgs Production The Higgs Boson is a quanta of the Higgs field. To produce a Higgs Boson one needs an energy which at least equals its (unknown) mass Protons and electrons are easy to produce and accelerate. Allas, the Higgs hardly couples to electrons or the light quarks which make the proton (up and down quarks) eilam gross, WIS 28
T H E 1 9 7 6 I G N O B E L PA P E R
Higgs @ LEP eilam gross, WIS 30
Higgs @ LEP May 1981 - the LEP (Large Electron Positron Collider) project is approved November 1989 - first collision recorder by OPAL @LEP November 2000, 11 years after, the LEP collider is shut dow The Higgs was not discovered up to the maximum energy mass available at LEP, and a lower bound was put on its mass, m H >ECM-M Z -> m H >114 GeV eilam gross, WIS 31
L E P L E G A C Y - 1 1 5 G E V H I G G S ? H A R D T O G I V E U P O N T H AT O N E … . . CERN-EP/2001-095 18-Dec-2001
L E P L E G A C Y - 1 1 5 G E V H I G G S ? H A R D T O G I V E U P O N T H AT O N E … . . CERN-EP/2001-095 18-Dec-2001
L H C L A RG E H A D RO N CO L L I D E R eilam gross, WIS
First LHC Birds In 1977, during talks about the LEP1983 project, it was already mentioned that the “new” tunnel could also host a hadron (pp) collider in the large future 1983 - A “dirty” Hadron collider can actually make a great discovery. UA1 and UA2 @CERN discover the W and the Z 1991 December CERN 1st UA1 Z, April 1983 council: “LHC is the right machine… for the future of CERN” 1997 December CERN council approve the single stage 14 TeV LHC for completion in 2005 eilam gross, WIS 35
Higgs Production @ the LHC Higgs hardly couples to u & d quarks (which make protons) eilam gross, WIS 36
Higgs Production @ the LHC Higgs hardly couples to u & d quarks (which make protons) To produce a Higgs Boson in P-P collisions 4 processes are used: ggF , VBF , Associate Production and ttH ggF eilam gross, WIS, November 2011 37
Higgs Production @ the LHC Higgs hardly couples to u & d quarks (which make protons) To produce a Higgs Boson in P-P collisions 4 processes are used: ggF , VBF , Associate Production and ttH VBF eilam gross, WIS, November 2011 38
Higgs Production @ the LHC Higgs hardly couples to u & d quarks (which make protons) To produce a Higgs Boson in P-P collisions 4 processes are used: ggF , VBF , Associate Production and ttH AP eilam gross, WIS, November 2011 39
Higgs Production @ the LHC Higgs hardly couples to u & d quarks (which make protons) To produce a Higgs Boson in P-P collisions 4 processes are used: ggF , VBF , Associate Production and ttH ttH eilam gross, WIS, November 2011 40
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