
FIREWISE 1942 Provide leadership, technical, educational and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FIREWISE 1942 Provide leadership, technical, educational and financial assistance to landowners and land users in their utilization and management of natural resources. We serve the citizens of our community to ensure the long term use


  2. 1942  Provide leadership, technical, educational and financial assistance to landowners  and land users in their utilization and management of natural resources. We serve the citizens of our community to ensure the long term use of natural  resources in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner using non-regulatory, voluntary approaches.

  3. Three ways wildfire threatens a house...

  4. First, direct flame contact...

  5. AP Photo Elaine Thompson

  6. Second, radiated heat ...

  7. Third, flying firebrands.

  8. Defensible Space...

  9. How far for Defensible Space?

  10. 5 F Feet eet Fir ire e Free ree

  11. 30 F Feet eet

  12. Ladder Fuels

  13. 30 30-100 00 Feet eet

  14. LANDSCAPING OPTIONS – LEAN, CLEAN, GREEN  Xeriscaping is one option and is the process of creating a landscape or garden that is designed to use the least amount of water possible.  help reduce the amount of water wasted  aid in energy conservation  reduce amount of fertilizers and pesticides used

  15. XER ERISCAPE ISCAPE TIP IPS  Pi Pick ck nat ative e pla lants nts an and shrub ubs  Det eterm ermine ine an annua ual l precipit ecipitation ation ran ange e for ar area ea  Wat ater r during ing th the co cooles lest t ti time me of th the e day  Mi Minimi mize ze numb mber er of young oung pla lants ts th that at require uire mo more e H20 20  Use e wi windbreaks dbreaks to avoid id th the e wi wind d dryi ying ng pla lants ts out

  16. XER ERISCAPE ISCAPE TIP IPS  Zo Zoning ning--grouping plants in the landscape according to their water requirements.

  17. Wi Wildf dfir ire e is is a natural l pa part of Ki Kittit itas s County ty Lands dscape pes

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