fiocruz intramural inova program to

Fiocruz intramural INOVA program to accelerate science and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fiocruz intramural INOVA program to accelerate science and technology for health. Scientific and technological knowledge applied to public health 1900 - Founding of the Serotherapy Institute of Rio de Janeiro in May 25 th. Oswaldo Cruz The

  1. Fiocruz intramural INOVA program to accelerate science and technology for health.

  2. Scientific and technological knowledge applied to public health 1900 - Founding of the Serotherapy Institute of Rio de Janeiro in May 25 th. Oswaldo Cruz The fight against smallpox, bubonic plague and yellow fever

  3. Participation in the building of the Nation and State visions • problem driven • vertical innovation chain • wide scope of synergistic activities Carlos Chagas, at the center, and members of the expedition. São Gabriel, Rio Negro (AM), 1913. Campaigns against Malaria: 1905 Itatinga (SP), 1907 Xerém VISITA PIERRE LANDOLT - MAI/2015 (RJ), 1907 Lassance (MG).

  4. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Research Education Innovation and Production Surveillance and Reference Services Health & Medical Care Environment and Health Promotion Information and Communication History of Science and Health Planning and Management

  5. Fiocruz in Brazil Fiocruz Nacional Ceará Amazonas Piauí Pernambuco Rondônia Fiocruz Bahia Brasília Minas Gerais Mato Grosso do Sul Rio de Janeiro Paraná

  6. Work force and productivity (nowadays) -12.000 professionals (MD, PhDs, nurses, technicians, pharmacists social workers; historians; psychologists); 1.200 dedicated PhDs for Science and development -Two hospitals; -Three production plants (vaccines/immunobiologicals and pharmaceuticals, Molecular Biology reagentes for DNA-based tests); -Reference centers for infectious diseases surveillance; -2.500 papers in indexed Journals/year;

  7. Fiocruz Innovation Ecosystem Technical Cooperation Portuguese-speakers Countries (PCLP) Drug for Neglected Diseases Institute (DNDI) BRICS Pasteur Institute Net

  8. Fio iocru ruz In Innovatio ion Ecosy system P Res esearch Pre clin inic ical Clin inic ical l Tria ial l Scale ale-up up H Development Prod oductio ion S outbreak of Zika-associated microcephaly

  9. Fiocruz main scientific areas - citations InCites Dataset de 2012 a 2016 9

  10. Fiocru Fio ruz In Innov ovation Eco cosystem P Prod oductio ion Res esearch Pre clin inic ical Clin inic ical l Tria ial l Scale ale-up up H Development S Yellow Fever Vaccine Production (1930s) Regular annual production for the Ministry of Health 25,000,000 doses, after 2016 outbreak new demand of 67,000,000

  11. Centro Integrado de Protótipos, , Área construída: 14.697,30 m² Biofármacos e Reativos para Postos de trabalho: 300 300 diagnóstico (CIP IPBR) Amplia iação da da of ofer erta de de imunobioló lógicos: produção de até 120 milhões de frascos Co Comple lexo In Industria ial l de vacinas e biofármacos. Bio iotecnolo logia ia em Sa Saúde (CIBS IBS) ) Área total | 580 580 mil il m² m² Área construída | 178 178 mil il m² – Sa Santa Cr Cruz (R (RJ) J) Postos de trabalho | 1.5 1.500

  12. FIOCRUZ; BIO-Manguinhos 1.600 Employees Above 450 million doses delivered in the last 5 years 31 products portfolio, among vacines, biopharmaceuticals and IVD

  13. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos (Farmanguinhos) Jacarepaguá I Complexo Tecnológico de Funcionários Área construída Medicamentos-CTM 1.12 1.121 40 40 mil l m² Capacidade Nova ár área: Pl Planta de de Sín Síntese instalada Química (na Qu (na UFR UFRJ): 7 7 mil il m² m² 6,5 bil 6,5 bilhões s de de • Produção de IFAs com un unidades tecnologia nacional para farm armacêuticas doenças negligenciadas e crônico-degenerativas.

  14. Port rtfoli lio Farmanguin inhos • Antibiotics • Antiinflammatories • Anti-infective • Anti-ulcerative • pain- killers • Anti-malaria • Tuberculostatics • ART • Cardiovascular, CNS, diabetes e hipertension. Entregas 2016 (UFs): 200 milhões Entregas 2016 (UFs): 200 milhões Fiocruz África: Pro roje jeto Soc ocie iedade Moç oçambicana de e Med edicamentos – SMM S.A .A.

  15. Fio iocru ruz Paraná Instituto de Biologia Molecular do Paraná (IBMP) Ce Centro de e exc excel elência em em Bio Biotecnologia - Refe ferencia naci cional l em DT DT e pro rodução de e dia iagn gnósticos. Fio iocru ruz Ceará De Desenvolv lvimento cien científ ífico tecn ecnológi gico no o Estado do o Ce Ceará - C& C&T e Saúde em es escala loc local l e e naci cional

  16. Center for Ce r Technolo logic ical Develo lopment in in Healt lth (C (CDTS) S) • Condições de saúde de importância epidemiológica ou econômica para o Brasil, com destaque para doenças negligenciadas. • Em andamento. Área construída 20 20 mil il m²

  17. Innovation Program at Fiocruz – calls Knowledge gaps that could improve better understanding of Disruptive ideas, criativity public Health. novel applications and solution for Health. Knowledge Knowledge talents - knowledge gaps for Young and bright researchers Knowl edge Ideas Talent s Innovative Project towards high maturity Project (with proof-of Products concept).

  18. Innovation Program at Fiocruz – calls 30 35 736 254 Research Millions in Proposals Approved areas funding submitted 34% 492 Approval Reviewers

  19. Inova Ideas Inova - Gender Projetos Submetidos (%) Submitted projects (%) MESTRADO 16% 46% 54% ESPECIALIZAÇÃO DOUTORADO 7% 77% Base:262 Open submission for FIOCRUZ Community : 20% of the approved Project had a PI without a PhD degree

  20. Highlights of research fields and technologies Fields Technologies

  21. Main axis of INOVA research New technologies for health: 3D printers, Digital Health: apps, games, eLearning, next generation vacines, and diagnostic tests, big data, geolocation CRISPR/cas9, Omics. Better solutions: Treatment, surveillance, diagnosis Neglected Diseases, cardiovascular, Neurodegenerative, and cancer:

  22. • New Brazilian Legal Framework of ST&I: FIOCRUZ experience • Fiocruz's innovation policy integrates a set of principles, guidelines that contribute to the strengthening of an innovation environment, aligned with Fiocruz's institutional policies plans according to the regulations approved at the VIII Internal Congress of Fiocruz.

  23. Regulatory areas of the FIOCRUZ Innovation Policy • Institutional action in the local, regional, national and international productive environment • Promotion of scientific and technological entrepreneurship • Provision of specialized technical services • Permission for use by third parties of laboratories, equipment, human resources and intellectual capital • Management of intellectual property and technology transfer • Implementing partnerships for scientific research and technological development with public and private institutions • Internationalization of RD&I activities • Participation, remuneration, removal and temporary leave for civil servants in PD & I activities • Funding, managing and investing revenues from RD&I activities

  24. Mechanisms of support for entrepreneurship Support of novel enterprises Internal and external projects Partnerships SPINOFFS and STARTUPS - Development - Technological services (facilities) - Shared infrastructure - Funding Pre- Incubation Incubation Creating and Formatting business Ideas strenghening

  25. Types of entrepreuneurships supported SPINOFFS STARTUPS companies constituted to explore projects or innovative nascent some type of knowledge or companies with potential to solve intellectual property generated in relevant health problems (including the institution and that counts with independent inventors) the participation of at least one member of the community Fiocruz

  26. To foster the culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship Culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship Events Dialogue Training (workshops, with the courses) Society Fares and business rounds awards, challenges hackatons, pitchs Creation of courses for researchers managers

  27. FIOCRUZ Innovation framework New Innova calls + Pos-Doc Ideas knowledge Products Inova - Innovation Portfolio Entrepreunership Products + Services + Start-up, Spin off + accelerators FAR BIO MS Agreements, Contracts, partnerships

  28. OBRIGADO! Thank you!


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