Finding Freedom on Your Yoga Mat! Presented by: Cheryl Killilea- Owner of Changing Lanes Fitness & Nutrition LLC NASM Personal Trainer/Nutrition Specialist & 140 Hour Trauma Informed Certified Yoga Instructor 1 How are you taking care of yourself right now? Thought joggers: What do you do daily for self care? What do you do to fill your cup? What activities nurture you? 2 1
Yoga Breathing- Pranayama The regulation of prana (life force/vital energy) The better you breathe the more vital energy moves through you. 3 Ocean-Sounding Victory Breath (Ujjayi) Calms and energizes- brings us into balance Activates the parasympathetic nervous system The parasympathetic nervous system predominates in quiet “rest and digest” conditions while the sympathetic nervous system drives the “fight or flight” response in stressful situations. 4 2
Mudra’s Positive hand gesture that produces joy and happiness Guides energy flow to specific areas of the brain. Should be held for at least 2minutes 5 Ganesh Mudra • Boost self-esteem and self-confidence • Provide inner strength for overcoming obstacles • Help relieve stress • Increases mood and keeps one motivated • Builds courage 6 3
Meditation Meditation is the practice of thinking deeply or focusing one’s mind for a period of time. There are many forms of meditation, the ultimate goal is a feeling of relaxation and inner peace, which can improve mental health. 7 Meditation Apps Calm Headspace Insight Timer Aura Smiling mind Abide 10% Happier Stop, think & Breathe 8 4
Guided Meditation “Just Show up” By Scott Stabile 9 Mantras-Affirmations Mantra= word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. Peace Love Breathe Affirmation= positive statements that can help overcome self-sabotage and negative thoughts. I am whole and perfect the way I am I am worthy of love and acceptance 10 5
Yoga asana (body posture/pose) Awareness on our physical body Relieves stress Reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation Sharpens attention and concentration Calms and centers the nervous system. 11 Twisting asana’s Twists help open up the chest, shoulders, and back which helps decrease any feelings of anxiousness. Twists can also increase blood flow to your digestive system 12 6
Hip Openers We store a lot of tension, trauma, stress, and anxiety in our hips. When we are put under stress, our bodies respond by tightening and clenching. Trauma causes a huge compression or tightening of hips. 13 Shiva Linga Mudra Overcome times that test our strength and resilience Energizes the body Promotes self confidence Relieves stress Calms the mind Improves intuition 14 7
Meditation “The Mountain” By Jon Kabat-Zinn 15 What are 1-2 actions steps you can take today/this week to bring more balance to your self care or wellness routine? Thought joggers: What can you commit to doing? Who can be your accountability partner? How will you monitor your progress? 16 8
Breath of Joy Awakens the body Temporarily stimulates the sympathetic nervous system Increases oxygen levels Release of pent up tension 17 Questions- Comments? 18 9
Thank you! Contact me: Cheryl Killilea 608-792-8545 19 10
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