FHWA Podi - Poci And tc3 ProGrAMS Satvinder S. Sandhu, PE FHWA, Oregon Division Office 11/7/2018
What is PoCI Projects of Corporate Interest Projects of Corporate Interest (PoCI) are deemed to be so significant that FHWA is willing to commit additional resources beyond those available in a single Division office to help ensure successful delivery of the project.
tHe Poci Project contd.. Project selection should be risk-based and stewardship and oversight activities should be directed toward addressing the identified risks. This may require retaining certain project approval actions or directing stewardship and oversight activities to a specific phase or element of the project .
SoMe exAMleS oF Poci ProjectS • 1 SR 520, I-5 to WA POCI-15008 Replace the SR 520 Evergreen Floating Bridge and east approach Medina: Bridge with a 6-lane facility which includes two HOV lanes. This Stage Replacement and will also provide a connection to the west approach structure. The HOV Project Evergreen Point Floating Bridge is vulnerable to wind and wave damage on Lake Washington and risks catastrophic failure if not replaced. SR 99: Alaskan WA POCI-15009 Replace SR 99 from approximately South Royal Brougham Way to Roy Way Viaduct Street with a tolled single bore tunnel with two lanes in each direction. Replacement Southbound lanes will be located on the top portion of the tunnel, and Project the northbound lanes will be located on the bottom. The bored tunnel will be designed to provide emergency access, evacuation routes, ventilation, and fire suppression systems in accordance with NFPA standards and other codes and regulations. The project will also remove the existing viaduct and will close and fill the existing Battery Street Tunnel.
PoDI Projects Projects of Division Interest (PoDI) Projects of Division Interest (PoDIs) are those projects that have an elevated risk, contain elements of higher risk, or present a meaningful opportunity for FHWA involvement to enhance meeting program or project objectives.
PoDI Contd….. Each Division Office (Division) should identify those projects, within its limited resources, where FHWA should assert a positive leadership influence to help assure a high level of public confidence that projects and programs are administered with integrity, are in compliance with applicable requirements, and yield maximum value for the public. Project selection will be risk-based and stewardship and oversight activities will be directed toward addressing identified risks.
Podi conSiderAtion MAjor ProjectS And tiGer Are AlWAyS in Other considerations: 1.Complexity 2. Cost 3. Schedule 4. Urgency 5. Environmental Considerations/Stakeholders 6. Funding 7. Project Administration 8. National/Regional Significance 9. Corporate Actions 10. Local Considerations
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