few tev cosmic rays

few TeV cosmic rays with the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Detection of anisotropies in the arrival directions of few TeV cosmic rays with the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. Iuppa University of Rome Tor Vergata INFN, sez.ne Tor Vergata on behalf of the ARGO-YBJ collaboration CRISM2011

  1. Detection of anisotropies in the arrival directions of few TeV cosmic rays with the ARGO-YBJ experiment presented by R. Iuppa University of Rome Tor Vergata INFN, sez.ne “Tor Vergata ” on behalf of the ARGO-YBJ collaboration CRISM2011 Cosmic Rays and the Interstellar Medium environment Montpellier - June 29 th , 2011

  2. Outline  What we expect: isotropy of cosmic rays  Observations of CR anisotropies  The ARGO-YBJ experiment  The large scale anisotropy  The intermediate scale anisotropy  Conclusions 2011, 29th June 2 CRISM2011

  3. What is expected: isotropy The galactic magnetic field is thought to be the superposition of a “regular” and a “ chaotic ” component (with intensities B reg ~2 μ G and B ch ~0.5 ÷ 5 μ G respectively). Alvarez Muniz J. And Stanev T. J. Giacalone and J. R. Jokipii 2006 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 47 126 1999 ApJ 520 204 The gyroradius of a particle of rigidity R TeraVolt is: We expect to p       4 observe their arrival r R [ TV ] 5 10 pc R [ TV ] 100 A . U . ZeB directions are Cosmic rays interact with the interstellar medium (ISM), the interactions further scattering their trajectories (minor effect w.r.t. that of B). 2011, 29th June 3 CRISM2011

  4. What the observation of CR anisotropies might suggest  there are sources nearby.  the galactic magnetic field is not what we imagine:  the role of the Solar wind as well as the magnetic field in the solar system may be non-negligible.  there might be local (or non-local) magnetic field structures focusing CRs up to the Solar System.  the chaotic component of the magnetic field may overwhelm the regular one.  any combination of the two facts above. 2011, 29th June 4 CRISM2011

  5. Observations of CR anisotropies MILAGRO - 2009 ApJ 698 2121 Super-Kamiokande – ICRC 2007 Proceedings G. Guillian et. al. 2007 PRD Tibet AS- γ - Science 20 October 2006 : ICE-CUBE - 2010 ApJ 718 L194 Vol. 314 no. 5798 pp. 439-443 2011, 29th June 5 CRISM2011

  6. The ARGO-YBJ experiment Altitude 4300 m a.s.l. Longitude 90 ° 31’ 50” East Latitude 30 ° 06’ 38” North A strophysical R adiation with G round-based Tibet AS- γ O bservatory at Y ang B a J ing 2011, 29th June 6 CRISM2011

  7. Operation modes Shower mode Trigger : number of fired pads (N pad ) within 420 ns on the central carpet for N pad  20, rate ~ 3.5 kHz ( ~220 GBytes/day) Detection of Extensive Air Showers (direction, size, core …) Aims : cosmic-ray physics (threshold ~ 600 GeV) VHE g -astronomy (threshold ~ 300 GeV) gamma-ray bursts Scaler mode counting rates (  1,  2,  3,  4 coincidences) for each cluster Aims: detector and environment monitor flaring phenomena ( gamma ray bursts, solar flares) 2011, 29th June CRISM2011 7 with a threshold of few GeV

  8. Number of Fired Strips Space pixel: single strip ( 7 × 62 cm 2 ) Time pixel: pad ( 56 × 62 cm 2 ) is the OR of 8 strips, with a resolution of ~ 1.8 ns Dynamical range for protons by means of pads, strips and big pads : ~ 600 GeV - 10 4 TeV Excellent operating performance since November 2007. Duty cycle > 85%   Rate stability 0.5% (intrinsic) 2011, 29th June 8 CRISM2011

  9. Moon shadow Angular resolution A natural tool to evaluate the performance of the detector • Pointing accuracy, • Angular resolution, • Absolute energy calibration. N pad > 100, 71 s.d. Energy calibration The energy scale uncertainty less than 13%! 26/05/2011 9 R. Iuppa - ROMA2 Physics forum

  10. Moon shadow  N pad >100: 10 s.d./month  A tool to monitor the stability of the data and reconstruction  Figures on the right: one point per month !  Position stable at a level of 0.1 °  Angular resolution stable at a level of 10% 26/05/2011 10 R. Iuppa - ROMA2 Physics forum

  11. Data analysis DATA SET: 2008-2010 data N str >40 Zenith angle < 50 ° 1.4 10 11 events NO SELECTION CUT APPLIED Background estimation methods:  Up to 45 ° -wide structures:  Time swapping/scrambling (3 hrs, N off /N on =10)  Direct integration (3 hrs)  (consistent each other within 7. 10 -6 )  For larger scales: equizenith method 2011, 29th June 11 CRISM2011

  12. The large scale anisotropy as observed by ARGO-YBJ All-data sky-map. Analysis optimized to look at large scale anisotropies (“all - distance” equizenith background estimation technique). Loss-cone Cygnus region Tail-in 2011, 29th June 12 CRISM2011

  13. Energy spectrum of the large scale anisotropy 0.7TeV(20-60) In agreement with standard diffusion 1.5TeV(60-100) models, where the anisotropy increases with 3.9TeV(>100) the energy. 2011, 29th June 13 CRISM2011

  14. Large scale anisotropy: possible interpretations Loss-cone Cygnus region Tail-in Xiao-bo Qu et al 2011, arXiv:1101.5273 What we see is the combination of a Uni-Directional The loss-cone is the signature of the “ poloidal ” component of the Flow and a Bi-Directional Flow (along the magnetic field galactic magnetic field (in arm). The characteristic lengths agreement with southern are so small that a emisphere data from IceCube). “ tail-in ” “ Cygnus ” local low-density The and the excess are both due to guiding by feature must be the magnetic fields along the local advocated: the Local arm (the “ tail-in ” excess is slightly Interstellar Cloud (~90 pc 3 ). deformed by the Heliosphere). Mizoguchi et al, 31 st ICRC 2009 2011, 29th June 14 CRISM2011

  15. Large scale anisotropy: possible interpretations Loss-cone Cygnus region Tail-in Xiao-bo Qu et al 2011, arXiv:1101.5273 What we see is the combination of a Uni-Directional The loss-cone is the signature of the “ poloidal ” component of the Flow and a Bi-Directional Flow (along the magnetic field galactic magnetic field (in arm). The characteristic lengths agreement with southern are so small that a emisphere data from IceCube). “ tail-in ” “ Cygnus ” local low-density The and the excess are both due to guiding by feature must be the magnetic fields along the local advocated: the Local arm (the “ tail-in ” excess is slightly Interstellar Cloud (~90 pc 3 ). deformed by the Heliosphere). Mizoguchi et al, 31 st ICRC 2009 2011, 29th June 15 CRISM2011

  16. The intermediate scale anisotropy MILAGRO: Discovery of Localized Regions of Excess 10-TeV Cosmic Rays Phys.Rev.Lett.101:221101,2008 DA DATA SE SET: Smoothin Sm ing rad radiu ius 10 10 ° Zenit Zen ith an angle le < < 45 45 ° Region B Region A 11 eve 2.2 2.2 10 10 11 events 12.4 s.d. 15 s.d. Med edia ian en ener ergy 1 1 TeV eV Fractional Fractional NO GAM NO GAMMA HAD ADRON excess: excess: DISCRIMINATIN AP DI APPLIED 4 10 -4 6 10 -4 Background estimation technique: Ra: a: 11 117 ° -131 131 ° | 13 131 ° -141 ° Ra: a: 66 66 ° -76 76 ° direct integration method (2 hours De: 15 De 15 ° -40 40 ° | 40 40 ° -50 50 ° De: 10 De 10 ° -20 20 ° intervals) 2011, 29th June 16 CRISM2011

  17. The intermediate scale CR anisotropy as observed by ARGO-YBJ All-data sky-map. Analysis optimized to look at small and medium scale anisotropies (direct integration and time-swapping background estimation technique). Several extended features are already visible at 1 ° scale. Equatorial coordinates: projection of the earth longitude and latitude 2011, 29th June 17 CRISM2011

  18. The intermediate scale anisotropy at 5° Significance SMOOTH RADIUS 5 ° GA GALACTIC AN ANTI-CENTER Ratio 2011, 29th June 18 CRISM2011

  19. The intermediate scale anisotropy: focus on >5 s.d. significant regions SMOOTH RADIUS 5 ° Ratio (> 5 s.d.) GA GALACTIC AN ANTI-CENTER Sub-structures? Cygnus region New-structures? 2011, 29th June 19 CRISM2011

  20. Intermediate scale anisotropy energy spectrum ARGO-YBJ MILAGRO 2008 Region A and region B defined as in slide 3 2011, 29th June 20 CRISM2011

  21. What is behind the intermediate scale anisotropies The excesses are due to nearby sources (Geminga, Vela, Monogem … ) emitting CR. In any case it looks as particular features of the local magnetic field are needed to bring us the radiation so beamed . The spectrum and the cut-off are explained Salvati & Sacco, with the age of the Astronomy&Astrophysics 2008 source. Drury & Aharonian, Astroparticle Physics 2008 What we see is the effect of the magnetic reconnection in the heliotail . The spectrum and the cutoff are due to the efficiency of the process. Lazarian & Desiati, 2010, arxiv 1008.1981 2011, 29th June 21 CRISM2011

  22. What is behind the intermediate scale anisotropies The excesses are due to nearby sources (Geminga, Vela, Monogem … ) emitting CR. In any case it looks as particular features of the local magnetic field are needed to bring us the radiation so beamed . The spectrum and the cut-off are explained Salvati & Sacco, with the age of the Astronomy&Astrophysics 2008 source. Drury & Aharonian, Astroparticle Physics 2008 What we see is the effect of the magnetic reconnection in the heliotail . The spectrum and the cutoff are due to the efficiency of the process. Lazarian & Desiati, 2010, arxiv 1008.1981 2011, 29th June 22 CRISM2011


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