female body transformation plan

FEMALE BODY TRANSFORMATION PLAN Designed By Zack Todevski & - PDF document

FEMALE BODY TRANSFORMATION PLAN Designed By Zack Todevski & Kosta Shilev http://www.TopLevelFit.com Phone 773-359-1771 Introduction Regardless of your fitness level, if you know it's time to make a change in your life, you're in the

  1. FEMALE BODY TRANSFORMATION PLAN Designed By Zack Todevski & Kosta Shilev http://www.TopLevelFit.com � Phone 773-359-1771

  2. Introduction Regardless of your fitness level, if you know it's time to make a change in your life, you're in the right place! Whether you just graduated from college, bought your first house, or have a demanding job, you can take control of your lifestyle, craft healthy training and nutrition habits, and start transforming your body right now. It is never too late to slim down, tone up, burn fat, and build new levels of confidence and energy. We know how hard it is to balance money, everyday life and stress with health and fitness. Your work and dedication can be wasted without a plan. And I will give you specifically designed guide to training, nutrition, supplementation, and motivation to reach your goal. Training Training is about making a plan and sticking to it. Doesn � t matter if you join a public gym or small private studio, focus on yourself and your goals. You have your plan, and you have your dedication - now it's time to have results. Before you start training, it's important to be prepared. Having the right apparel is important for working out. You don't want any uncomfortable clothing. The body should only be concerned with exercising, not worrying about an uncomfortable pair of shorts. Wear clothing that you can move in and sweat in comfortably. Having a water bottle is also useful so you can stay hydrated! Get a partner A good partner will ensure you're using proper form, keep you accountable to your training, help you push yourself during your last few reps, and provide instant motivation when you need it most.

  3. If you can, grab a partner that's stronger than you and can push you to your limits. This will help you make progress faster. Focus and Form Focus Mental preparation is important for the success of any training program. When you enter the gym, you need to leave all your distractions outside - work, stress, money, and fear. Everyone is in the gym to get better, so don't worry about people looking at you - most people look at others in the gym to stay motivated. Focus on yourself, your workout, and your body. Also, working out requires that you push yourself harder than you normally do. You might be surprised to hear that if you don't tell yourself you can do it, you probably won't. During each set and every rep, you should mentally or even verbally congratulate and motivate yourself. Every completion and failure during training is progress, so keep your head in the game and you will see results. Form Form is one of the most important aspects of training. As you'll soon realize, many of the people in the gym have poor form due to not having proper instruction or knowledge - they'll have to worry about injuries later. At our bootcamps we work with each of our clients individually, modifying exercises if needed, to avoid injury. Warming Up Warming up is important, but many people forget to do it. It helps your body transition into an optimal state for burning fat and building muscle, so you can be certain you'll be rewarded for your work. Also, warming up is important for

  4. preventing many easy-to-avoid injuries, such as cramps, pulls, and tears. Plus, warming up is a good period to get prepared mentally - go into your workout with a positive mindset! Make sure you take 5-10 minutes to do a quick cardio warm-up to get your blood flowing. Stay Hydrated We all know hydration is important. Water keeps us alive, but it also helps our body operate efficiently. Whether you are trying to burn that fat or pack on muscle, a dehydrated body will result in reduced results. Water is also important for your endurance during training. Typically, a gallon of water per day should be consumed. Remember to drink water throughout the day, during your training, and at night before you go to bed. Water is important for muscle recovery, so staying hydrated all day is important. Remember to recover When it comes to training, "more is better" doesn't always apply. If you're constantly breaking your body down in the gym without time for your body to repair, recover, and rebuild outside the gym, you're not going to get the results you're looking for. That is known as "overtraining". This is a quick road to injury, catabolism, burn out, and stagnant results. Remember, 8 hours of sleep each night is important when you are training. When we sleep, our bodies are in the best position to build, recover, and repair all those muscles we've been working in the day.

  5. Nutrition When you read a magazine or watch TV, there are thousands of ads and dieting gimmicks. With thousands of diets to choose from, it's no surprise that so many people don't see results. Fad diets are incomplete and ineffective, but a proper and complete nutrition program will make you look and feel amazing. Meal Frequency One of the easiest, life-long patterns you can adopt is eating a small snack or meal every three hours. This provides you with the nutrients you need to feel energized throughout the day, maintain your muscle tone, and fire up your metabolism. With your metabolism in high gear, your body will be primed to burn fat for fuel. Instead of the typical 3 meals daily, eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day. This keeps your body burning fat and utilizing calories for energy-a key to staying lean and toning your muscles. Eating this often will help keep hunger under control, keep your metabolism high, and reduce cravings. Tools and meal prep notes Controlling your environment ensures that you'll always be prepared so next time, you won't get stuck with a bag of chips and a soda at lunch, or drive-through breakfast on the way to work. Make sure you'll have everything ready when you need it! Controlling your diet also means that you'll love the meals you prepare and the foods you eat. Cook, measure, and prepare food in advance so you'll never be left hungry. Invest in some plastic containers, ice-packs, and a lunch box or cooler to bring your food wherever you go. Load your cooler with protein or Meal Replacement powders, in case you're short on time. With your meals all planned out and ready to go, you'll have extra time for doing the things that make you happy.

  6. Calories Let's chat about calories, and how to use them to your advantage for weight loss. The body needs energy to carry out daily activities. This energy comes from the foods we eat. More specifically, it comes from the calories within those foods. Fat Loss Ratio In order to maximize your fat loss and keep muscle definition, we need to have specific ratio. The 40/40/20 ratio is formulated to help you lose fat, maintain muscle mass, and live healthy and happily. That means that 40% of your calories come from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 20% coming from fat. You want to take in enough calories so you can lose fat and still have energy for your workouts. To determine this number, multiply your current weight by 10-12 calories. (If you're 120lbs., this would be 1200-1440 calories.) For most women, this will translate to 1200 to 1700 calories a day, and will show you the perfect range for fat loss. You don't want to go much below 1200 calories each day, or you may not get the nutrients needed for good health. The balance between what you eat and what your body uses will determine fat loss. If you eat fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight, the pounds will come off as your body pulls from fat stores to provide energy. Put simply, losing fat requires dropping calories. It's a sad realization, we know, but it's also a true one! If you see a diet promising weight loss without a change in eating habits, it's probably too good to be true. What you should be eating Now that we've covered how often you'll be eating, and how many calories you need for your goal, let's talk about what you'll be eating. The basics boil down to the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Carbohydrates are your body's preferred energy source. We'll leave the debate out of it and stick with what works. Start eating a palm-sized portion of carbohydrates with each meal of the day. Some good sources are sweet potatoes,


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