feasibility of i m plem enting i nternational quot

Feasibility of I m plem enting I nternational "Pedestrian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IPENZ Transportation Conference 2015 Feasibility of I m plem enting I nternational "Pedestrian Crossw alk" Law s in New Zealand Dr Glen Koorey & Courtney McCrostie University of Canterbury Presentation Outline Road rules

  1. IPENZ Transportation Conference 2015 Feasibility of I m plem enting I nternational "Pedestrian Crossw alk" Law s in New Zealand Dr Glen Koorey & Courtney McCrostie University of Canterbury

  2. Presentation Outline  Road rules in New Zealand and overseas  Research Objectives  Crash data analysis  Perception survey  Delay modelling  Conclusions  Recommendations

  3. New Zealand’s Pedestrian Crossw alk Law s  In New Zealand drivers only have to give way to pedestrians at  Signalised pedestrian crossings  Zebra crossings  Driveways  Shared space zones  But NOT unsignalised intersections

  4. NZ: No Priority Here

  5. Overseas Pedestrian Crossw alk Law s  “Vehicles do not have an automatic right of way on the road”  Ireland Road Safety Authority, 2013  “… a driver must slow down when approaching an intersection and be prepared to come to a complete stop if a vehicle or pedestrian with right-of-way is approaching from another direction.”  Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, 2013

  6. US: Three Legal Crossw alks

  7. Research Objectives  Identify the effects different laws have on pedestrian behaviour and safety  Determine the public’s preferences and understanding of law change options  Determine the effects of rule changes on both pedestrian & motorist delays  Consider the practical aspects of introducing a law change in New Zealand

  8. Movem ents I nvolved in Pedestrian Crashes  CAS Data: Jan ‘09 – Jul ‘14 (> 1750 crashes) 50% Signalised 45% Unsignalised 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%  Overseas ped’n crash data not as detailed

  9. Understanding of the Current Road Rules  Online Survey (sample size = 876) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Incorrect Correct 10% 0%

  10. Give W ay to Pedestrians No Yes, with markings W illingness to Yes 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

  11. Potential Crossw alk Markings  “Ladder” style most popular

  12. Overall W illingness to Give W ay to Pedestrians 50% Often by foot, rarely by car Often by car and foot Often by car, rarely by foot 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Yes, with markings No

  13. Delay Modelling Overview  PTV Vissim 6  Microscopic  Multi-modal  Two layouts considered  T intersection  X intersection  Nine flow combinations  Max/ Med/ Min ped’ns  Max/ Med/ Min vehicles

  14. Change in Pedestrian and Vehicle Travel Tim e ( secs/ hr) T I ntersection X I ntersection Vehicle Vehicle Ped tim e saved Max Med Min Max Med Min Pedestrian Pedestrian Max 1360 366 144 Max 2425 588 193 Med 432 135 35 Med 942 310 81 Min 144 89 -6 Min 309 95 -8 Vehicle Vehicle Veh tim e lost Max Med Min Max Med Min Pedestrian Pedestrian Max -1599 -476 -133 Max -4069 -1408 -280 Med -461 -150 -46 Med -1104 -316 -99 Min -110 -44 -18 Min -1109 -38 -33

  15. Delay Modelling: Cost of I m plem enting Change Max Med Using EEM Costs:  Approx. Yearly cost Min  T Intersection = $1,979  X Intersection = $11,939  40-year life-cycle cost  T Intersection = $30,661  X Intersection = $184,975 c.f. Cost of pedestrian fatality in 50km/ h zone = $3.05 million

  16. Project Lim itations  Crash data  Unable to compare to overseas  Didn’t look at motor veh crashes e.g. rear-end  Unable to estimate absolute safety effects  Use VISSIM conflicts as surrogate measure?  Online Survey  Relying on what people say they w ould do  Response bias?  Delay Modelling  Traffic behaviour assumptions in Vissim

  17. Practical Aspects of I m plem entation  All Inters’ns or just Specially Marked Ones?  What Crosswalk Markings to Use?  Roundabouts?  Required Road User Education?  Effect on Road User “Culture”?

  18. Use existing Zebra Xing?

  19. Cyclist Priority at Sideroads?

  20. Conclusions  Safety effects unclear (esp. absolute no.s)  Expect that crash patterns at unsignalised intersections will become sim ilar to those at signalised intersections  78% of people are already willing to give way to pedestrians  Life-cycle delay costs of change per intersection are relatively negligible No reason so far to dismiss a law change

  21. Recom m endations  Further research on the possible safety effects of a law change  Surrogate safety modelling with Vissim?  Physical/ Simulator trials at select sites  A more in-depth look at the economic benefits and costs of a law change  Particularly with any Safety assessment  Additional study on the effect of different types of crosswalk markings

  22. Thank You!  Any Questions?

  23. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Crashes Signalised Alcohol/ Drugs (driver) Unsignalised Alcohol/ Drugs (non-driver) 1 2 % Failed Give Way/ Stop Poor Handling 2 6 % Poor Observation Poor Judgement Pedestrian Factors Road Factors 4 6 % Weather Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

  24. “Pedestrian Factors” Contributing to Ped’n Crashes 16% Signalised 14% Unsignalised 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Crossing road Walking Stepping out Running Not complying Miscellaneous heedless of from behind heedless of with traffic traffic vehicles traffic signal


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