quality control and i m plem enting haccp

Quality Control and I m plem enting HACCP Culinary Skills W - PDF document

Slide 1 Quality Control and I m plem enting HACCP Culinary Skills W orkshop June 2 0 1 3 Developed by: Slide 2 Objectives Explore quality standards in delivering fresh, appealing foods to students. Review HACCP principles

  1. Slide 1 Quality Control and I m plem enting HACCP Culinary Skills W orkshop June 2 0 1 3 Developed by: Slide 2 Objectives Explore quality standards  in delivering fresh, appealing foods to students. Review HACCP principles  and tools to docum ent and verify your district’s HACCP plan. 2 1 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  2. Slide 3 Objectives Discuss the m anager’s  role to ensure that safe, quality m eals are provided to students. 3 Slide 4 Manager’s Role  Oversee Program  I dentify Training Needs  Monitor Com pliance  Evaluate  Maintain Docum entation 4 Students identify Responsibilities and Actions on Chart under “Food Quality” and HACCP Implementation” on page 1 of workbook. Table brainstorm then share, students take notes in workbook. 2 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  3. Slide 5 W hat does “quality” m ean to you? 5 Ask question on slide then - OPTIONAL - Scenario : Imagine you have just had lunch at a school in your district and your lasting impression was “Wow, that was really a quality meal.” Now, in a minute I am going to ask you to close your eyes, and remembering that you have just eaten a really good school meal, let me walk you through your selection. I want you to visualize what the cafeteria and line looked like and your impression of the environment. Lead them through entering the cafeteria, arriving at the line, looking at the selections, paying for the meal, sitting down at a table and eating your meal. What do you see, what do you smell, what do you taste. After the visualization ask members at each table to share their thoughts and come up with 3 statements that described their quality meal. Groups share – instructor records “What quality means” on flip chart and record on page 2 of their workbook. REFER TO Workbook page 2 – Read “All food…” Then talk about Quality scorecard – refer to handouts – NFSMI, Healthy Cuisine. All food products have standards that are used to measure quality. Then ask question in their workbook, “So what’s a Quality Score Card?” A quality score card tells what the quality standards of a food should be during preparation and what the finished product should look and taste like. Samples – Fruits and Vegetables Galore section Healthy Cuisine – NFSMI website. To consistently achieve quality products, a Quality Score Card should be established for each recipe produced. It tells what the quality standards of a food should be during preparation and what the finished product should look and taste like. Refer to Quality Score Card handouts . 3 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  4. Slide 6 EVALUATI ON FACTORS Appearance How the food should look Texture or How the food should feel in the Consistency m outh and how it cuts Flavor How the food tastes Service The ideal tem perature for serving the Tem perature food 6 What are evaluation factors to determine quality food? Participants record on page 2 in workbook. Aroma - The way food smells before we taste it. Also important factor to customers. Other ways to find out what is important to customers – Student and Staff surveys. 4 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  5. Slide 7 Product Quality Factors During Production  Standardized recipes  Production equipm ent  Production schedules  Sanitation practices  Food production handling techniques 7 What factors influence food quality during production? Ask question then show slide. This is printed on page 3 in the workbook. Then ask “What does food quality have to do with HACCP?” Talk about food temperatures for safety, how does that affect food quality if Mfg. instructions or recipes are not followed. Will talk more about this when we take a look at SOPs. 5 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  6. Slide 8 Eight Keys to Success  Purchasing  Receiving and Storage  Proper Handling  Preparation and Cooking Page 3 - 4 Slide 9 Eight Keys to Success  Serving  Line Presentation  Proper Handling  Marketing Page 4 - 5 6 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  7. 7 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  8. Slide 10 Purchasing  Com m odity dollars – W hat to process – W ho to process w ith  Frozen vs. canned vegetables  Purchase from HACCP certified vendors Page 3 in workbook. Slide 11 Receiving and Storage  Check tem peratures im m ediately  Check dating  Check for any signs of dam age Page 3 in workbook. 8 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  9. Slide 12 Receiving and Storage  Store products appropriately  Practice FI FO Page 3 in workbook. Slide 13 Proper Handling  Practice proper techniques for thaw ing according to Serve Safe – I n refrigeration at or below 4 1 ° – Running w ater at or below 7 0 ° Page 3 in workbook. 9 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  10. Slide 14 Preparation and Cooking  For all raw item s follow guideline set forth by Serve Safe  Processed item s follow the m anufacturer’s instructions Page 4 in workbook. Slide 15 Preparation and Cooking  Develop standards for batch cooking  Ensure ovens are properly calibrated  Enforce use of recipes – Standardized recipes Page 4 in workbook. 10 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  11. Slide 16 Proper Holding  Serve hot foods hot – Minim um tem perature of 1 4 0 ° – Hot w ells controls – Holding cabinets  Serve cold foods cold – Maxim um tem perature 4 1° Page 4 in workbook. Slide 17 Serving  Proper serving utensils – Storage and food – Heat resistant handles – Minim ize bare hand contact Page 4 in workbook. 11 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  12. 12 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  13. Slide 18 Serving  Proper personal hygiene – No dangle earrings, fake fingernails, polish, rings – Proper hand w ashing  Polite and courteous service Page 4 in workbook. Slide 19 Line Presentation  Signage – All item s should be labeled – Clean easy to read m enu boards w ith pricing Page 4 in workbook. 13 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  14. Slide 20 Line Presentation  Use garnishes w hen possible – elevators – risers  Keep serving line clean and free from debris Page 4 in workbook. Slide 21 Marketing  Utilize prom otions – To create excitem ent – To boost participation w hen needed – Enhance aw areness of the Child Nutrition Departm ent Page 5 in workbook. 14 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  15. Slide 22 Marketing  Solicit involvem ent from brokers and m anufacturers  Com m unicate upcom ing special events Page 5 in workbook. Slide 23 Actions to Ensure Quality  Plan food production for just-in- tim e service.  Review the recipe and organize equipm ent and ingredients before beginning production.  Alw ays use the correct culinary technique.  Deliver only the products that m eet quality standards. 23 Review - This is referred to on page 2 of the workbook. 15 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  16. Slide 24 Food Presentation 24 We have been talking about how to have quality food and now it’s time to turn our focus onto how to present the quality food that has been produced in our cafeteria. The presentation of the food plays an important role in getting our customers to buy and consume the quality and nutritious foods that we serve. 16 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  17. Slide 25 Objectives  I dentify key elem ents of food presentation.  Evaluate the atm osphere of the cafeteria serving line. 25 Page 5 in workbook. Lets turn our focus onto the entire serving line and the atmosphere in the cafeteria. The serving line to creates an impression on our customers. The atmosphere of the serving line and cafeteria influences participation. 17 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  18. Slide 26 The Serving Line  How does the line look?  The entire serving area should look nice and appealing, not just the food. 26 Presenting food creatively can turn a dull looking foodservice line into a bountiful marketplace of healthful and appetizing eating opportunities. Students have the same impressions as most of us when deciding what they will select and eat as they come through the school meals serving line. It isn’t enough to have some items on the serving line dressed; the entire line should look good. When you go to church or to a wedding, do you put on a fancy dress or suit but leave your hair undone and wear just any shoes? The same should be done with the serving line. Remember, we eat with our eyes so the serving line needs to create the right impression! If food doesn’t look good a customer may not select it! 18 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013

  19. Slide 27 The Serving Line  Use pans that fit properly into steam table w ells.  Use appropriate serving tools and utensils 27 Refer to Basics at a Glance Poster handout. Wearing gloves is part of using the appropriate serving utensil. Wearing gloves on the serving line demonstrates to our customers that we are presenting safe foods. That may influence their choices. If a customer sees a server touching foods without gloves they probably will not want to eat those foods. 19 Quality, Presentation, & HACCP Instructor Slides 2013


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