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Fairfield-Su Suisun S n Sewer D District 1010 Chadbourne Road - PDF document

Fairfield-Su Suisun S n Sewer D District 1010 Chadbourne Road Fairfield, California 94534 (707) 429-8930 www.fssd.com Gregory G. Baatrup, General Manager Bo Board rd o of D Dire rectors Rick Vaccaro, President Lori Wilson,

  1. Fairfield-Su Suisun S n Sewer D District 1010 Chadbourne Road • Fairfield, California 94534 • (707) 429-8930 • www.fssd.com Gregory G. Baatrup, General Manager Bo Board rd o of D Dire rectors Rick Vaccaro, President Lori Wilson, Vice President Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Anthony Adams Meeting Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 Pam Bertani Jane Day Meeting Place: 1010 Chadbourne Road Catherine Moy Fairfield, California Harry Price Meeting Time: 6:00 p.m. Michael Segala Teleconference Notice: Director Jane Day will be participating from Chuck Timm 1. Roll Call a teleconference location at 301 Morgan Wanda Williams Street, Suisun City, CA 94585. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Comments 4. Director Comments 5. General Manager Report 6. Consent Calendar Page (a) Approve Minutes of Meeting of March 25, 2019 ................................................................. 2 (b) Authorize General Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement for Auditing Services to Cropper Accountancy Corporation ................................................................. 5 7. Discussion Item (a) Receive Update on AB 530 (verbal) (b) Proposal to Create and Fund Budget Item for City Sewer Replacement .............................. 7 (c) Receive Report from Ad Hoc Committee on General Manager Options ............................ 10 (d) Consider Executive Committee Recommendation for Budget Workshop on June 1, 2019 (verbal) 8. Action Items: 9. Information Items (a) Board Calendar ................................................................................................................... 11 (b) Quarterly Investment Report .............................................................................................. 14 -- End of Agenda -- The Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District will provide reasonable disability-related modification or accommodation to a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting of the Board of Directors. Please contact us at (707) 429-8930 at least 48 hours before the meeting if you require such modification or accommodation. Documents that are disclosable public records required to be made available under California Government Code Section 54957.5 (b) (1) and (2) are available to the public for inspection at no charge during business hours at our administrative offices located at the above address. Members of the public may speak on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District by filling out a speaker’s request card, available on the table adjacent to the entrance to the board meeting room, and submitting the card to the District Clerk. Comments not listed on the agenda will be taken under Public Comments. Comments on matters appearing on the agenda will be taken during consideration of the item.

  2. Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District minutes 1010 C ha d b ou rn e Roa d F air fie l d, C A Te l ep h one (707) 429- 8930 www. fssd . com Date: March 25, 2019 Meeting Place: 1010 Chadbourne Road, Fairfield, California Meeting Time: 6:01 p.m. 1. Roll Call - The meeting was called to order with the following members present: Directors Vaccaro, Wilson, Adams, Bertani, Day (by teleconference), Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. 2. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Director Wilson. 3. Public Comments - No comments. 4. Director Comments– Directors Moy, Adams, Price, Williams, Bertani, Segala, Timm, Wilson, Vaccaro all thanked the public for the letters they had written and their attendance at the meeting. 5. General Manager Report – No Comments. 6. Consent Calendar (a) Approve Minutes of Meeting January 28, 2019. (b) Resolution 2019-07 Executing a Joint Community Facilities Agreement (c) Approve the Executive Committee recommendation to establish an Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate options for conducting the General Manager’s Performance Evaluation. Director Day requested removing item 6.b from the Consent Calendar. Director Timm moved to approve the Consent Calendar without item (b). Director Segala seconded the motion. The balance of the Consent Calendar was approved/adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vaccaro, Wilson, Adams, Bertani, Day, Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. NOES: None ABSENT: None General Manager Baatrup and District Counsel Curry provided additional information, explained item b and answered questions by Director Day. Director Wilson moved item 6.b. Director Williams seconded the motion. Consent Calendar Item 6.b was approved/adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vaccaro, Wilson, Adams, Bertani, Day, Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. NOES: None ABSENT: None 2

  3. Minutes March 25, 2019 Page 2 of 3 7. Discussion Items - None. 8. Action Items – Director Vaccaro moved to table the discussion of item 8.c until the April Board of Directors meeting. Director Moy seconded the motion. The Board approved tabling item 8.c by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vaccaro, Wilson, Bertani, Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. NOES: Day ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Adams Item 8.a. - Approve Resolution 2019-08 Supporting the District as the bill Sponsor and Approving AB 530. General Manager Baatrup reported the bill had been drafted largely in compliance with the Board’s Resolution 2018-02. The bill had been amended approximately a week prior by the author to include a requirement that LAFCO had to approve the service agreement for Middle Green Valley under specific sections of 56133 and that any other agreement for service outside the boundary would need to approved by LAFCO under Government Code Section 56133. Director Wilson explained a motion that she made during the Executive Committee Meeting to recommend being a Sponsor of AB 530, approving the language of AB 530 and to reject changes from the Orderly Growth Committee as the language is prohibited to current District operations including agreements that exist with Lystek. As a follow-up to the actions on AB530, she recommended the District adopt a policy regarding what conditions must exist prior to staff even participating in discussions on future development. Six public members expressed their thoughts about AB 530. Director Segala moved Resolution 2019-08 Approving Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District as a Sponsor of AB 530 and in Support of AB 530 with a policy to follow at a later date regarding out of area service agreements. The motion was seconded by Director Wilson. The item was approved/adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vaccaro, Wilson, Adams, Bertani, Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. NOES: Day ABSENT: None Item 8.b. - Director Price moved authorizing legislative letters for the Board President to sign opposing SB 332 and supporting H.R.1764. The motion was seconded by Director Wilson, the item was approved/adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vaccaro, Wilson, Adams, Bertani, Day, Moy, Price, Segala, Timm, Williams. NOES: None ABSENT: None 3

  4. Minutes March 25, 2019 Page 3 of 3 9. Information Items – No Comments. The meeting adjourned at 07:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, __________________________ President ATTEST: _________________________ District Clerk 4

  5. April 18, 2019 FI-150 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors THROUGH: Greg Baatrup, General Manager FROM: Helen Gaumann, Director of Administrative Services SUBJECT: Auditing Services for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2019 through 2021 Authorization of Agreement Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement for Auditing Services to Cropper Accountancy Corporation for the fiscal years 2019 through 2021 with the option to renew for each of the additional two subsequent fiscal years. Background: The District has routinely rotated independent auditors approximately once every five years to audit its annual financial reports. A competitive process for the selection of independent auditors is undertaken at the end of the term of each agreement. The audit rotation is a recommended best business practice not only to ensure auditor independence but also to avail of the current market consulting services pricing. The District has engaged the services of Chavan and Associates to audit its annual financial reports for the past five years. Like most agencies, the District believes a multiyear agreement (3 to 5 years) provides for greater continuity and helps to minimize the potential for staff disruption by allowing the auditors to become familiar with the District’s internal control and processes in connection with the independent audit. A multiyear agreement can also help to reduce audit costs by allowing the auditors to recover certain “startup” costs over several years, rather than over a single year. Discussion: The five-year agreement with Chavan and Associates has just expired. A request for proposal was prepared by Finance staff and was sent to twelve qualified accounting firms. Four proposals were received. All proposals were carefully reviewed and references for the top two firms were checked. Staff found the proposal from John Cropper of Cropper Accountancy Corporation to be the most responsive to the District’s needs. John Cropper Accountancy 5

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