exploring further to reach higher

Exploring Further to Reach Higher Corporate Presentation, 2020-04 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Explore Further to Reach Higher Exploring Further to Reach Higher Corporate Presentation, 2020-04 TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF v1 Explore Forward-Looking Statements Further to Reach Higher This presentation contains certain

  1. Explore Further to Reach Higher Exploring Further to Reach Higher Corporate Presentation, 2020-04 TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF v1

  2. Explore Forward-Looking Statements Further to Reach Higher This presentation contains certain statements that may be deemed “forward -looking statements” . All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address events or developments that Gaia Metals Corp. expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always identified by the words “expects”, “plans”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”, “estimates”, “projects”, “potential” and similar expressions, or that events or conditions “will”, “would”, “may”, “could” or “should” occur. Although Gaia Metals Corp. believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward- looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploration and production successes or failures, continued availability of capital and financing, inability to obtain required shareholder or regulatory approvals, and general economic market or business conditions. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Gaia Metals Corp. management on the date the statements are made. The technical information in this presentation has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the Company by Mr. Darren L. Smith, M.Sc., P .Geo., of Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. and Vice President of Exploration for Gaia Metals Corp, a Qualified Person and registered permit holder with the Ordre des Géologues du Québec. TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 2

  3. Explore About Gaia Metals Corp. Further to Reach Higher Gaia Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of mineral projects containing base and precious metals, including platinum group elements, and lithium. The Company’s primary asset is the Corvette-FCI Property which hosts numerous occurrences of high-grade gold, copper, silver, platinum group elements, and lithium . In addition, the Company holds several other properties that are prospective for gold, lithium, as well as high purity silica. TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 3

  4. Explore Capital Structure Further to Reach Higher S HARES O UTSTANDING ( AS OF F EBRUARY 5, 2020) 14,788,816 W ARRANTS @ $1.00 ( EXPIRY D ECEMBER 27, 2021) 704,080 @ $1.50 ( EXPIRY S EPTEMBER 25, 2022) 150,000 @ $0.09 Y R 1, $0.15 Y R 2, AND $0.20 Y R 3, ( EXPIRY D ECEMBER 2, 2022) 5,888,571 O PTIONS @ $1.15 ( EXPIRY M ARCH 17, 2020) 40,000 @ $0.80 ( EXPIRY M AY 15, 2020) 97,500 Suite 500 – 666 Burrard St. @ $0.50 ( EXPIRY S EPTEMBER 4, 2020) 100,000 Vancouver, BC @ $1.00 ( EXPIRY M AY 4, 2021) 95,000 V6C 3P6 @ $0.50 ( EXPIRY J ULY 11, 2021) 155,000 778 945 2950 @ $0.60 ( EXPIRY M AY 2, 2022) 235,000 info@gaiametalscorp.com @ $0.09 ( EXPIRY J ANUARY 14, 2023) 675,000 @ $0.09 ( EXPIRY F EBRUARY 3, 2023) 80,000 23,008,697 T OTAL S HARES F ULLY D ILUTED TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 4

  5. Explore Board of Directors and Management Further to Reach Higher A DRIAN L AMOUREUX D USAN B ERKA , P P AUL C HUNG , B.S C ., MBA . E NG . President, CEO, & Director CFO & Director Director Mr. Lamoureux has worked in the venture capital Having worked in Europe and Americas, Mr. Berka Mr. Chung holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in markets for the past 12 years, specializing in the has 50 years of international business and Geology from the University of British Columbia & a design & implementation of market strategies and engineering experience. He also has extensive Masters of Business Administration in IT from corporate development. experience in the capital markets, financing, Athabasca University. marketing, management and administration of Mr. Lamoureux has particular expertise in the Mr. Chung is experienced in project management, public companies. mineral exploration & development sector. During bringing companies to the public markets & his time working in the venture capital markets, Mr. During the past 39 years, Mr. Berka has served as a international transactions. Mr. Chung has conducted Lamoureux has financed a number of successful Director and Senior Officer of various public operations in N. & S. America & China & is private & public companies. companies traded on the NASDAQ, TSX, TSX experienced in asset acquisition, financings, & Venture and CSE. Mr. Berka is a graduate engineer marketing for multi-location international with a M.Sc. (Dipl. Ing.) degree from Slovak businesses. Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia (1968), Mr. Chung helped to identify a suite of lithium and has been a member of the Association of projects (Mariana brine in Argentina, Avalonia Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British project in Ireland, Mavis Lake lithium/rare metals Columbia since 1977. project in Ontario). These are the core projects for International Lithium Corp & their strategic partner Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd. of China. TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 5

  6. Explore Board of Directors and Management Further to Reach Higher T ODD H ANAS D ARREN L. S MITH , M.S C ., P K ELLY P LADSON .G EO Director Vice President of Exploration Corporate Secretary Mr. Hanas is a marketing and communications/sales With more than 14 years experience in the Kelly Pladson has provided corporate governance & specialist with 24 years of experience in all aspects industry, Mr. Smith specializes in high-level project regulatory compliance services to many TSX of business communications, corporate identity, management including program design and Venture & CSE listed companies since 2009. She implementation, technical reporting, land works closely with the company’s CEO and legal corporate finance and investor relations/consulting management, community engagement, and counsel in maintaining corporate records, managing for both private and public companies. corporate disclosure. He has provided technical the day to day operations of the company & Mr. Hanas has proven resource, oil and gas oversight for PEA, PFS, and FS level projects as ensuring the company’s filings with the securities exploration and production expertise with significant well as complex metallurgical programs. commissions & exchanges are accurately filed & in experience and success in start-up, early-stage accordance with their deadlines. Prior to 2009, Ms. junior resource companies. Mr. Hanas is currently Mr. Smith’s experience includes Pladson was an investment advisor’s assistant for president and chief executive officer of Bluesky carbonatite complexes & associated metals (Ta, Nb, two years. Sc, REEs), lithium, cobalt, graphite, phosphate, Corporate Communications Ltd. fluorspar, uranium, as well as base & precious metals. In 2009, Darren & his team discovered one of the world’s largest REE deposits (Ashram) and has been instrumental in its development since this time. TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 6

  7. Explore Gold and Silver Breaking Out Further to Reach Higher o Recent gold price breakout above $1,450 o “ Lack of discoveries and declining production will drive both gold prices higher and drive M&A” Sprott Asset Management (2016) o Strong potential for greenstone (lode) Source: 911 Metallurgist, Andrew Jackson deposit type on the Company’s properties – high-grade deposit style o Gold to silver ratio at highest level in almost Gold price 30 years (>80) and is poised for reversion to Silver poised breakout to breakout more normalized levels (~60) – leverage to increasing silver price TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 7

  8. Explore Copper Supply Crunch on the Way Further to Reach Higher o Copper is a key commodity in the ongoing development towards a green economy o electric motors, solar and wind energy systems, charging infrastructure for electric vehicles o Electric vehicles require significantly more copper compared to conventional combustion engine vehicles o 18-49 lbs (combustion) vs 183 lbs (battery electric) www.copper.org o Copper market is poised to enter into supply deficit by 2021 CRU Group / Bloomberg 2019 Source: www.copper.org / Copper Development Association Inc. TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 8

  9. Explore Increasing Lithium Demand Further to Reach Higher o Lithium is an essential component used in clean technology – energy storage (Li-ion batteries), electric vehicles, as well as ceramics, alloys, lubricants, electronics and pharmaceuticals o Demand is growing at 10%+ per year , while new technologies continue to support this growth trend well into the future – e.g. Tesla Motors Gigafactory in Nevada and Gigafactory 2 in Europe Source: Deutche Bank; Industry data o The lithium market remains anchored in strong fundamentals with demand forecasted to quadruple over the next 10 years (Bloomberg) “Lithium is the new Gasoline” o Pegmatite deposits are typically amenable to open-pit (Goldman Sachs, Dec 2, 2015) mining and straight-forward mineral processing TSX-V: GMC / FSE: R9G / OTCQB: RGDCF 9

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