Experience of Teaching Academic Integrity to Undergraduate Medical Students Kulsoom Ghias and Anita Allana
Introduction • Medical education focus traditionally on building scientific competencies for treating diseases • As per the World Federation of Medical Education, the competencies required for a “good” physician are: Ethics Scientific knowledge
Context: Pakistan • Students enter medical college with no or very little exposure to “ethics” • In many schools, copy-paste and other such practices are rewarded
Context: Aga Khan University • Private medical college established in Karachi in 1983 • Professional attribute: Providing compassionate, ethically, legally, culturally, best possible care, with honesty and empathy • Has had a formal bioethics curriculum since 1988 with iterations/revisions since then
AKU Medical College: Policies • Student code of conduct • Student academic integrity policy Zero tolerance with regards to academic and research misconduct
Bioethics curriculum Contextual, longitudinal curriculum across the five year programme focusing on knowledge, skills and attitudes to be an ethical medical practitioner •Year 1: – First module: Interactive, small-group session on academic integrity, with a focus on plagiarism •Year 2: – Research module: tutorial on ethical principles in research, including process of IRB review
Outcomes • Students admit to acts of academic • Cheating in exams if I was unprepared misconduct in the past, both intentionally • Copying homework • Copy pasting from Wikipedia for my assignments and unintentionally without citation • Targeted, timely sessions useful • While writing for an article for school’s newsletter • No breaches of academic/research integrity copied sentences from a Yahoo article and edited it • Copying a friend’s work reported since restructuring
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