evwd community survey report on results

EVWD - Community Survey - Report on Results - February 6, 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EVWD - Community Survey - Report on Results - February 6, 2015 Probolsky Research (949) 855-6400 Newport Beach 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 (916) 256-4040 Sacramento Newport Beach, CA 92660 USA (202) 559-0270 Washington DC

  1. EVWD - Community Survey - Report on Results - February 6, 2015 Probolsky Research (949) 855-6400 Newport Beach 3990 Westerly Place Suite 185 (916) 256-4040 Sacramento Newport Beach, CA 92660 USA (202) 559-0270 Washington DC www.probolskyresearch.com

  2. EVWD - Community Survey Methodology From Thursday, January 29 through Sunday, February 1, 2015, Probolsky Research conducted a telephone survey within the service area of East Valley Water District. A total of 400 surveys were collected. A survey of this size yields a margin of error of +/-4.9% with a 95% degree of confidence. Interviews were conducted with voters on both landline and cell phones and were offered in English and Spanish languages. Probolsky Research specializes in opinion research on behalf of government, business, special interest and media clients. 2 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  3. EVWD - Community Survey Highlights: general water issues and themes • Water is an issue of concern to more than 75 percent of respondents, who worry about the availability of future water supplies. • More than 90 percent of respondents support major investments that will modernize and upgrade our infrastructure. • An approval rating of 78.8 percent indicates that customers feel confident that EVWD is doing a good job in supplying its water and wastewater services, saying “I always have water,” and “They do a good job.” 3 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  4. EVWD - Community Survey Highlights: Recycled water and the Recycled Water Center • Three-quarters of respondents are familiar with the concept of recycled water. More than half think recycling water is a good idea. Respondents commented on the value of conservation and helping with the drought situation. • Similarly, 75.8 percent of respondents support the concept of a District Recycled Water Center that would treat up to 10 million gallons a day of wastewater instead of discharging it into the Santa Ana River. • Support remains strong among all audience segments: genders, political parties, age groups, owners and renter and differing ethnic groups. • Support for the Recycled Water Center grew when respondents knew that: o It will provide a local, high quality, drought-proof supply. o It will replenish groundwater levels. o The state-of-the-art purification process will be closely monitored. o It will create jobs. o It will produce $148 million of water over two decades. o Similar projects are at work around the world. • Support also became more likely when respondents were told that the Center’s location near a school would allow for extensive educational partnership opportunities. 4 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  5. General Community Themes and District Awareness 5 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  6. What is top of mind in the District? Highlights from the cloud 6 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  7. Public safety and jobs/the economy Are the most important issues Question: What is the most important issue facing your community today? Public safety 35.3% Jobs and the economy 22.0% Poverty 8.8% Environmental issues 7.8% Government 5.8% Transportation 5.5% Education/schools/higher education 5.5% Overpopulation/controlling growth/development 1.8% Healthcare 1.8% Affordable housing 1.0% Moral issues 0.8% None/nothing 3.8% Other 1.3% Don't know/refused 16.5% 7 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  8. 51.3% correctly identify East Valley Water District As their water provider Question: Can you tell me who provides the water service for your home? East Valley Water District/EVWD 51.3% Water department/water district in our area 4.3% San Bernardino Municipal Water Department/SBMWD 4.0% Apartment complex 3.0% Highland Water District 2.3% West Valley Water District 1.5% The landlord/landowner 1.5% City 1.3% Edison 1.0% Nothing/don't have water service 1.8% Other 7.3% Don't know/not sure 22.0% 8 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  9. News Sources for Water and Water-Related Issues 9 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  10. Local TV is the top source for news/information about water, Followed by newspapers and the local water agency Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. Local television 49.3% Newspaper 32.5% Your local water agency 29.5% Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter 22.3% A website or blog 15.5% Local radio 13.3% Magazines 2.3% Nothing 4.0% Something else 7.5% Unsure/refuse 6.5% 10 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  11. Top local TV News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. Channel 7 8.0% News 8.0% KTLA/Channel 5 7.0% Channel 11 5.0% Fox News 3.5% Channel 4 3.0% ABC 3.0% Channel 2 2.8% Channel 3 2.3% NBC 2.3% CNN 2.0% CBS 1.8% KCAL/Channel 9 1.5% Any stations 1.3% TV 1.3% Channel 34 1.0% Local station 0.8% PBS/Public Broadcasting Service 0.8% Channel 52 0.5% Univision 0.5% Nothing 1.0% Other 4.0% Don't know/can't recall/refused 2.0% 11 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  12. Top newspaper News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. The Sun 15.5% Newspapers/articles 2.8% Highland Newspaper 2.8% The Community News 1.5% LA Times/Los Angeles Times 1.3% The Press Enterprise/Riverside Press Enterprise 1.3% Redlands Daily Facts 1.0% Daily News 0.5% Nothing 0.3% Other 4.0% Don't know/can't recall 2.3% 12 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  13. Top water agency News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. East Valley Water District 15.5% Mail 2.3% Flyers/ bulletins/brochures/notices 2.3% Newsletter 1.3% Bills 1.3% San Bernardino Municipal Water Department 1.0% Water company/department 0.5% Email 0.5% Meetings/conference 0.5% Other 2.5% Don't know 3.0% 13 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  14. Top social media News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. Facebook 15.8% Twitter 1.8% Online/internet 1.8% Google 1.0% Instagram 0.5% Youtube 0.5% Other 1.8% Don't know 1.0% 14 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  15. Top website News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. Yahoo 2.8% Google 1.8% Blog/website 1.3% Weather site 0.8% Reddit 0.8% Water district/company website 0.8% MSN 0.5% East Valley Water District website/EVWD 0.5% CNN 0.5% Research 0.5% Facebook 0.5% Tumblr 0.5% None/nothing specific 1.3% Other 2.3% Don't know 1.0% 15 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  16. Top radio News sources Question: What are your top two sources for news and information about water and water-related issues? Pick two. 99.1 FM 2.0% KFI 640 AM 1.5% NPR 1.3% News on the radio 1.0% KNX 1070 AM 0.8% 97.5 FM 0.8% Any station 0.8% KOLA 99.9 FM 0.8% KTIE 590 AM 0.5% Local radio station 0.5% Other 3.3% Don't know/refused 0.3% 16 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  17. Focusing on Water Availability 17 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  18. 75.3% are concerned About the availability of water in their community in the years to come Question: How concerned are you about the availability of water in your community in the years to come? Would you say that you are extremely concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned or not at all concerned? 75.3% 22.5% 2.2% Concerned Not concerned Unsure/refused 18 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  19. 30.5% say they are very concerned About the availability of water in the years to come Question: How concerned are you about the availability of water in your community in the years to come? Would you say that you are extremely concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned or not at all concerned? Somewhat 44.8% Extremely Not too 30.5% 16.8% Not at all 5.8% Concerned Not concerned 19 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  20. 91.0% agree that we need to make Major investments to modernize and upgrade our water infrastructure Question: Now, please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Water supply is always an issue in drought -prone California, and while water conservation is important, it is only part of the solution. We need to make major investments to modernize and upgrade our water infrastructure to ensure local, safe, reliable, high quality water now and in future years.” 91.0% 6.8% 2.2% Agree Disagree Unsure/refused 20 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  21. The intensity of agreement is high: 60.3% strongly agree Question: [IF AGREE OR DISAGREE>>>] And would you say that you strongly or somewhat (agree/disagree)?] [IF UNSURE>>>] And would you say that you would lean one way or the other? 1.0% Lean Somewhat 29.8% Strongly 60.3% Lean 0.5% Somewhat 3.3% Strongly 3.0% Agree Disagree 21 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com

  22. District Performance And Satisfaction 22 (949) 855 6400 www.probolskyresearch.com


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