evaluation of online schedule synthesis algorithms for

Evaluation of Online Schedule Synthesis Algorithms for Time-based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chair of Network Architectures and Services Department of Informatics Technical University of Munich Evaluation of Online Schedule Synthesis Algorithms for Time-based Scheduled Time Sensitive Networks Final talk for the Masters Thesis by

  1. Chair of Network Architectures and Services Department of Informatics Technical University of Munich Evaluation of Online Schedule Synthesis Algorithms for Time-based Scheduled Time Sensitive Networks Final talk for the Master’s Thesis by Alexander Mildner advised by Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Dr. Marcel Wagner (Intel), Hector Blanco Alcaine (Intel) Wednesday 4 th March, 2020 Chair of Network Architectures and Services Department of Informatics Technical University of Munich

  2. Outline • Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking • Thesis Objectives • Design and Approach • Implementation • Network Calculus Model for WCD Analysis in TSN Networks • TSN emulation environment based on Mininet • GCL Synthesis Algorithms • TSN Testbed Setup • Evaluations • Conclusion and Future Works A. Mildner — TSN 2

  3. Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) • A set of IEEE standards and additions to the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard, for providing deterministic communication on common Ethernet technology (Layer 2) • IEEE Time Sensitive Networking Task Group, former Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Task Group • High interest on TSN in various use-cases: • Industrial Automation (Industry 4.0) • Automotive • Aerospache/Avionic • Autonomous Driving • Convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) possible using TSN • The Standarization process is still ongoing, some important standards are not yet finished and published A. Mildner — TSN 3

  4. Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking IEEE TSN Standards Figure 1: TSN components [2] A. Mildner — TSN 4

  5. Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking Example TSN Network CUC CNC ES1 ES3 Flow 1 GCL GCL GCL SW1 SW2 GCL GCL GCL Flow 2 ES2 ES4 Figure 2: IEEE 802.1Qbv enabled TSN Network with a centralized Configuration Approach. Legend: • CUC - Centralized User Configuration • CNC - Centralized Network Configuration • ESx - End Station • SWx - Switch • GCL - Gate Control List A. Mildner — TSN 5

  6. Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking IEEE 802.1Qbv - Time Aware Scheduler ingress Switching Fabric Q7 Q6 Q5 Q0 GCL T 1 : 1000 0000 T 2 : 0111 1111 Strict Credit Transmission Transmission T GCL Prirority Based Selection Selection Algorithm Algorithm Scheduling Shaper Gate 7 Gate 6 Gate 5 Gate 0 Transmission Selection egress Figure 3: Time-based Scheduler (GCL: Gate Control List, T GCL : Cycle Time of the schedule) A. Mildner — TSN 6

  7. Introduction to Time Sensitive Networking IEEE 802.1Qbv - Time Aware Scheduler ingress Switching Fabric Q7 Q6 Q5 Q0 GCL T 1 : 1000 0000 T 2 : 0111 1111 Strict Credit Transmission Transmission T GCL Prirority Based Selection Selection Algorithm Algorithm Scheduling Shaper Gate 7 Gate 6 Gate 5 Gate 0 Transmission Selection egress Figure 4: Time-based Scheduler (GCL: Gate Control List, T GCL : Cycle Time of the schedule) A. Mildner — TSN 7

  8. Thesis Objectives Problem Statement • The TSN set of standards is still lacking a proper way for dynamically (re-)configuration of TSN networks • Currently TSN networks need to be statically configured with prior knowledge about the network and the particular flows in it • The scheduling problem introduced by IEEE 802.1Qbv (Time Aware Scheduling) is con- sidered as non-trival ( NP-Complete ) with respect to the network size • But: There have been recent research efforts, in order to tackle the dynamic schedule synthesis Main goal of this Thesis: Provide and evaluate an apporach towards dynamic configuration and schedule synthesis for IEEE 802.1Qbv enabled TSN networks. A. Mildner — TSN 8

  9. Thesis Objectives • Objective 1: Provide an automated framework for worst-case delay analysis on a flow basis in IEEE 802.1Qbv scheduled TSN networks and evaluate and validate the implementation. • Objective 2: Provide an automated framework for online GCL synthesis for IEEE 802.1Qbv based TSN networks and evaluate and validate the implementation. • Objective 3: Provide suitable evaluation environments for automated measurements and validation for IEEE 802.1Qbv based TSN networks. • Objective 4: Perform proper Analysis on the implemented methods for online schedule synthesis and dynamic configuration of IEEE 802.1Qbv enabled TSN networks. A. Mildner — TSN 9

  10. Design and Approach Dynamic Configuration System model design User Stream Input Schedule WCD Create Generator Analysis Configuration Network Topology Deploy Configuration Figure 5: Proposed system model design for Dynamic Configuration of IEEE 802.1Qbv enabled TSN networks. • Inputs: Network Topology, Stream Definitions • Output: Deployable Qbv configuration for the TSN network • The User can change the stream inputs i.e. add or remove streams or alter stream para- meters • The generated GCLs should be validated using a NC Model for WCD Analysis for verifying, that the end-to-end latency requirements are met • The generated configurations should be in the correct format for deployment in a TSN network using the Deploy Configuration module A. Mildner — TSN 10

  11. Implementation Network Calculus Model for WCD Analysis in TSN Networks • L. Zaho et. al proposed in [5] a Network Calculus model for determining the Worst Case Delay of flows in time-based scheduled TSN networks • Conducts a hop by hop WCD analysis, using leaky bucket arrival ( α ( t ) ) and TDMA service curves ( β ( t ) ) • Works on statically configured time-based scheduled TSN networks (GCLs given) and accounts for impacts of higher and lower priority traffic • Inputs → network topology, GCLs, flow information, Flow of Interest (FOI) • Output → End-to-End WCD of the FOI • Implemented parameter calculation for the resulting service curves for each port on the FOIs path in Python • For reproducable and reiable WCD analysis, we have used the DiscoDNC 1 Framework 1 https://disco.cs.uni-kl.de/index.php/projects/disco-dnc A. Mildner — TSN 11

  12. Implementation Network Calculus Model for WCD Analysis in TSN Networks Figure 6: Example resulting guaranteed service curve for a particular flow provided by a Qbv enabled Switch. [5] A. Mildner — TSN 12

  13. Implementation Building a TSN emulation environment based on Mininet • Nice to Have: A flexible Network Emulator that can do time-based scheduling according to the standard • Idea: Use recently added TAPRIO 2 kernel net-scheduler module to add time-based sched- uling capabilities to mininet 3 • TAPRIO can be configured like any other Queuing Dicipline (qdisc) using the iproute2 tool tc • Problem: • mininet uses veth (virtual ethernet) interfaces • veth interfaces implement no Transmit (TX) Queues • TAPRIO requires TX Queues to work • Result: Problem still persists and could not be solved during this thesis 2 http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-taprio.8.html 3 http://mininet.org/ A. Mildner — TSN 13

  14. Implementation GCL Synthesis Algorithm • We implemented one example of a proposed GCL Synthesis Algorithm • Model is based on Array Theory Encoding ( T A ) for Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) as proposed in [4] • Implemented in Python, using the z3 SMT/OMT solver • Inputs → network topology, flow information, additional network information • Output → For each node in the network: array of open times ( φ ), array of close times ( τ ) and array of frame-to-window assignment ( κ ) • Hide complexity of the underlying model behind a easy to use Class ( GCLATSolver() ) with a sophisticated interface • Included a transformation function, in order to use the generated output with the real Hard- ware on the TSN Testbed A. Mildner — TSN 14

  15. Implementation TSN Testbed Implementations • Idea: Conduct end-to-end latency measurements of a dynamically configurable time-based scheduled TSN Network on real TSN capable Hardware • Setup a TSN Testbed consiting of 2 Qbv capable Switches and four to six TSN capable End Stations at the Intel Office • We have implemented an example real-time application ( talker and listener ), which utilizes the Intel i210 launchtime feature and Hardware TX/RX Timestamping • Implemented sophisticated configuration scripts: • End Stations: VLAN , TAPRIO and ETF configuration (remotely via SSH ) • Switches: Qbv configuration using netopeer2 ( NETCONF/RESTCONF Protocol) A. Mildner — TSN 15

  16. Evaluation NC model evaluation • For very simple scenarios the NC model seems to provide resonable results • We conducted a WCD Analysis on some of the simple example cases presented in the paper [5] • One result was e.g. 1204.6 µ s (our implementation) versus 1287.8 µ s (paper) • Unfortunately, due to the lack of time we could not further investigate the cause of the difference A. Mildner — TSN 16

  17. Evaluation Runtime Evaluation of the GCL synthesis Algorithm 15 Endstations | 5 Switches | Periods=['20ms', '10ms'] | 4 TT-Queues 350 300 300 250 time [s] 200 200 150 100 50 100 16 0 # O p 50 e 8 n 40 W 30 i n 4 d 20 #Streams o w 2 5 10 s Figure 7: Runtime results of the GCL synthesis Algorithm using Array Theory Encoding. A. Mildner — TSN 17

  18. Evaluation Runtime Evaluation of the GCL synthesis Algorithm Figure 8: Scalability Analysis of the GCL synthesis Algorithm in a strict periodic system. A. Mildner — TSN 18

  19. Evaluation GCL Verification GCLs in the Network ('SW1', 'ES3') ('ES1', 'SW1') 0 20 40 60 80 100 T GCL [ s ] Figure 9: Generated GCLs in a simple TSN network setup with 2 ES and 1 SW. A. Mildner — TSN 19


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