eu china cooperation in doctoral education situational

EU-China Cooperation in Doctoral Education Situational analysis - PDF document

EU EU EU EU- - - -CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral

  1. EU EU EU EU- - - -CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral CHINA DOC Conference and Workshop on European Doctoral Education & EU Education & EU- Education & EU Education & EU - - -China Dialogue and Cooperation in Doctoral China Dialogue and Cooperation in Doctoral China Dialogue and Cooperation in Doctoral China Dialogue and Cooperation in Doctoral Education & Research Education & Research Education & Research Education & Research Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 8 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 8 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 8 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 8- - - -9 May 2014 9 May 2014 9 May 2014 9 May 2014 Prof. dr. Yuzhuo Cai Prof. dr. Chang Zhu EU-CHINA DOC Project Coordinator Chinese Education Research and Exchange Director EU-China Higher Education Research Centre, Higher Education Group, School of Center Management Vrije Universiteit Brussel University of Tampere, Finland EU-China Cooperation in Doctoral Education Situational analysis Survey 1

  2. Situational analysis • The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programs � Chinese universities as associate partners eg. Renmin University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, � Joint supervision/co-supervision eg. associate partners Beijing Normal University � Co-tutelle (bilateral agreement, jointly responsible for the Doctoral Programme) � double/multiple or joint degress eg. associate partners Tsinghua Unversity, Ningbo University Situational analysis • Marie Curie Actions � Joint Doctorate Programmes eg. Chinese partner university Shanghai Jiaotong University associate partners Beijing Normal University, Nankai University • Chinese Scholarship Council � Joint Degree (Joint training) Programmes � Bilateral agreement, between CSC & European universities eg. Univeristies in UK, BE, NL, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Switwerland… � Cai Yuanpei program � Joint Research PhD Fellowship Eg. Tongji U, Zhejiang U? 2

  3. Issues & challenges identified in Situational Analysis • Financial support Information • • Language • Legal & administrative issues Support during mobility • Survey of EU-China Cooperation in Doctoral Education: Perceptions of European Stakeholders Survey of EU-China Cooperation in Doctoral Education: Perceptions of Chinese Stakeholders 3

  4. Chinese respondents European respondents • 244 participants • 100 participants • 15 universities and institutions • 15 universities and institutions • Professors • Professors • Researchers • Researchers • PhD students • PhD students • Administrative staff • Administrative staff • Policy makers • Policy makers European respondents of the survey Chinese respondents of the survey 35% 35% 30% 30% PhD student PhD student 25% 25% academic staff Academic staff 20% 20% administrator Administrator 15% 15% policy maker Policy maker 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% 4

  5. Current involvement of Chinese HEIs in Current involvement of European HEIs cooperation with European HEIs in DE in cooperation with Chinese HEIs in DE 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% No No 30% 30% Yes Yes Uncertain Uncertain 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% No Yes Uncertain No Yes Uncertain Cooperation Model of European HEIs Cooperation Model of Chinese HEIs with Chinese HEIs in DE with European HEIs in DE 45% 45% 40% 40% joint supervision student and staff exchange 35% 35% student and staff exchange joint supervision 30% 30% joint PhD degrees through joint PhD degrees through 25% 25% bilateral agreements bilateral agreements joint PhD degrees (Erasmus joint PhD degrees (Erasmus 20% 20% Mundus programs) Mundus programs) 15% 15% joint courses joint courses 10% 10% joint courses through e- joint courses through e- learning learning 5% 5% 0% 0% 5

  6. Perceived advantages of European HEIs Perceived advantages of Chinese HEIs cooperating with Chinese HEIs in DE cooperating with European HEIs in DE 80% 80% more opportunities for better cross-cultural mobility competences 70% 70% more opportunities for better cross-cultural mobility competences 60% 60% enhanced quality more joint projects & publications 50% 50% more joint projects & more funding opportunities publications 40% 40% more funding opportunities improved social & economic relationships 30% 30% higher employability of PhD higher employability of PhD holders holders 20% 20% higher prestige of jointly enhanced quality programs 10% 10% improved social and economic higher prestige of jointly relationships programs 0% 0% Perceived challenges of Chinese HEIs Perceived challenges of European HEIs cooperating with European HEIs in DE cooperating with Chinese HEIs in DE 80% 80% Language & cultural barriers Language & cultural barriers 70% 70% Different practices and Different practices and traditions in HE 60% traditions in HE 60% Gaps between legislative & Gaps between legislative 50% administrative procedures & administrative 50% procedures not visible on rankings to Complicated application 40% Chinese 40% procedures for EU grants Complicated application Not visible on rankings to 30% 30% procedures for EU grants Chinese Lack of mutual Unbalanced commitment of 20% 20% understanding & trust partners Unbalanced commitment Lack of mutual 10% 10% of partners understanding & trust 0% 0% 6

  7. Perceptions of Chinese stakeholders on Perceptions of EU stakeholders on differences in organization of DE between the differences in organization of ED between the EU and China EU and China 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 DE structure DE content & PhD supervision PhD student Academic DE structure Academic supervision PhD students status quality requirements approaches status environment environment approaches Perceptions of Chinese stakeholders on Perceptions of EU stakeholders on similarities in organization of DE between the similarities in organization of DE between EU and China the EU and China 10 14 9 12 8 7 10 6 8 5 6 4 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 DE structure Academic PhD PhD students Career DE structure Academic DE content PhD Career environment requirements status development environment requirements development 7

  8. Support needed for cooperation with Support needed for cooperation with European HEIs in DE Chinese HEIs in DE 80% 80% financial support financial support 70% 70% help with marketing administrative support 60% 60% Chinese PhD scholarship opportunities and programs 50% 50% information on relevant legal advice on providing PhD in EU joint degrees 40% 40% information on relevant PhD administrative support 30% 30% in EU 20% 20% help with marketing Chinese legal advice on providing PhD scholarship joint degrees opportunities & programs 10% 10% student selection student selection 0% 0% European awareness of Chinese HEIs and Chinese awareness of European HEIs and relevant policies relevant policies 2,5 2,5 CSC program opportunities Challenges that Chinese 2 2 students are facing in Europe Challenges that European thesis requirements in students are facing in China European HEIs 1,5 China policy on cooperating 1,5 Other scholarship with Europe in HE opportunities thesis requirements in Erasmus Mundus scholarship Chinese HEIs 1 opportunities 1 Other scholarship Europe policy on cooperating opportunities with China in HE Chinese relevant policies on Dialogue between China-EU 0,5 0,5 HEI cooperation 0 0 8

  9. Expectation of Chinese stakeholders regarding Expectation of European stakeholders regarding cooperation model with Chinese HEIs cooperation model with European HEIs 70% 70% student and staff exchange student and staff exchange 60% 60% joint courses joint supervision of doctoral 50% 50% theses joint supervision joint PhD degrees through 40% 40% bilateral agreements joint PhD degrees through joint PhD degrees (Erasmus bilateral agreements 30% 30% Mundus programs) joint PhD degrees (Erasmus joint courses Mundus programs) 20% 20% joint courses through e- joint courses through e- learning 10% 10% learning 0% 0% More fingings regarding expectations….. Perceptions of Chinese stakeholders on expectations of cooperation between China and the EU in DE 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 More academic Developing Developing More funding Sharing best Developing Easier process Enhance DE Enhance exchangs and joint PhD exchange PhD practices/ double degree for admission quality understanding cooperations programs programs resources 9

  10. More fingings regarding expectations….. Perceptions of EU stakeholders on expectations of cooperation between China and the EU in DE 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 More academic Enhance mobility Developing joint Developing More funding Enhance Developing Enhance DE exchangs and PhD programs exchange PhD understanding double degree quality cooperations programs Thank you for your attention! 10


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