ethnicity and employability comparing the outcomes of

Ethnicity and employability: Comparing the outcomes of Albanian and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

European Sociological Association 14 Conference Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging Manchester, UK, 20-23 August 2019 Ethnicity and employability: Comparing the outcomes of Albanian and Italian graduates from Italian

  1. European Sociological Association 14 Conference Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging Manchester, UK, 20-23 August 2019 Ethnicity and employability: Comparing the outcomes of Albanian and Italian graduates from Italian universities Dorel MANITIU, Ph.D International Relation Office & Projects Inter-university Consortium AlmaLaurea, Bologna, Italy

  2. Contents Introduction: what AlmaLaurea is AlmaLaurea surveys and sources we use Foreign graduates in Italian universities Comparison between Italian and Albanian graduates AlmaLaurea Graduates Tracking survey: Italian and Albanian graduates outcomes Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 2

  3. ALMALAUREA INTERUNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM AlmaLaurea is an Inter-university Consortium, founded in Italy in 1994, at the University of Bologna. It is a bottom up initiative which involves, nowadays, 75 Universities and about 90% of graduates in Italy Since 2015 AlmaLaurea is in the SISTAN (National Statistics System), the network of units that can provide official statistical information in Italy Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 3

  4. ALMALAUREA The AlmaLaurea project is based on three pillars :  an annual survey (census survey) on the graduates’ profile i nternal effectiveness of HEIs): aggregate data  an annual survey (census survey) on the graduates’ employment situation at 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation external effectiveness of HEIs: aggregate data  an online databank wof graduates CVs (more than 2.6 million): tool improve the match between supply and demand of graduates on labour market). services to companies and firms : online based recruitment services, ad hoc human capital selection, employer branding, etc. Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 4

  5. GRADUATES PROFILE Sources we use Information provided Information provided by graduates by universities + instrument Instrument Online Questionnaire Administrative Graduate for graduates record Quality and completeness of information High Quality and certification of graduates' information instrument AlmaLaurea Database Graduates' Profile AlmaLaurea yearly report Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 5

  6. GRADUATES EMPLOYMENT STATUS ANNUAL CENSUS SURVEY ON GRADUATES’ EMPLOYMENT SITUATION (630.000 graduates surveyed in three years) It is run through a CAWI and CATI methodology The questionnaire is filled in by graduates at 1, 3 and 5 years after graduation The response rate is 78.2% (1 year – graduates 2017), 70.4% (3), 64,5% (5) – at 3 (graduates 2015) and 5 years (graduates 2013) second level graduates The member universities provide AlmaLaurea with the 100 % of graduates’ administrative data Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 6

  7. FOREIGN GRADUATES IN ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES 2008 20.1 5.3 43.6 8.2 9.4 11.7 2010 19.5 6.3 37.6 4.8 10.3 11.6 10.0 2012 17.7 7.3 34.2 8.2 10.8 11.2 10.6 2014 15.2 9.0 30.9 9.6 12.5 13.4 9.4 2016 13.9 9.9 29.3 9.1 14.3 13.9 9.6 2018 12.6 11.4 28.1 9.2 16.4 12.8 9.4 0 100 Albania Romania other European countries China Asia (excluding China) and Oceania Africa Americas Source: AlmaLaurea , Graduates’ Profile Survey Reports, 2009 -2019 Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 7

  8. ALMALAUREA GRADUATES PROFILE: ALBANIANS AND ITALIANS YEAR 2018 GRADUATES IN TOTAL TOTAL ALBANIANS FOREIGN ITALIANS ITALY GRADUATES N. of graduates 1,249 9,890 270,340 280,230 Filled the questionniare 1,194 8,813 250,158 258,971 Compilation rate (%) 95.6 89.1 92.5 92.4 Woman (%) 70.1 61.1 58.6 58.7 Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 8

  9. ALMALAUREA GRADUATES PROFILE: ALBANIANS AND ITALIANS TOTAL TOTAL YEAR 2018 GRADUATES IN ITALY ALBANIANS ITALIANS FOREIGN GRADUATES At least one parent with HE studies (%) 24.4 39.1 29.5 29.9 Parents without HE studies (%) 73.9 58.4 69.1 68.7 Belonging to a high social class* (%) 9.05 20.28 22.48 22.4 High school diploma abroad (%) 32.6 56.5 0.3 2.3 *High social class: professionals, directors, entreprenurs with at least 15 employees (A. Cobalti e A. Schizzerotto, The social mobility in Italy, Bologna, il Mulino, 1994) Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 9

  10. ALMALAUREA GRADUATES PROFILE: ALBANIANS AND ITALIANS YEAR 2018 GRADUATES IN TOTAL TOTAL ALBANIANS ITALIANS ITALY FOREIGN GRADUATES Scholarship (%) 69.8 57.8 22.2 23.4 Study experience abroad(%) 11.7 18.9 12.8 13.0 Internship during the studies (%) 58.0 56.8 59.4 59.3 Work experience during the 79.0 69.7 65.2 65.4 studies: Full time (more than half of the 8.4 6.5 6.1 6.1 studies period) (%) Other work experiences full time (less 6.1 5.4 3.6 3.7 than half of the studies period) (%) Part time (%) 30.2 24.4 18.7 18.9 Occasional, part time, seasonal (%) 34.3 33.5 36.8 36.7 Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 10

  11. 2017 Graduates' Employment Status: second-level degree Contents graduates interviewed one year after graduation YEAR 2017 SECOND LEVEL GRADUATES ALBANIANS ITALIANS IN ITALY SECTOR OF ACTIVITY Public (%) 3.2 13.6 Private (%) 89.7 81.0 Non profit (%) 7.1 5.2 AVERAGE MONTHLY NET EARNINGS ( € ) Men 1,260 1,358 Women 1,296 1,098 Total average 1,282 1,219 Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 11

  12. 2017 Graduates' Employment Status: second-level degree Contents graduates interviewed one year after graduation YEAR 2017 SECOND LEVEL GRADUATES IN ITALY ALBANIANS ITALIANS Type of work (%) (%) (%) Self employed 6.9 7.4 Permanent contract 37.5 26.9 Training contract 22.0 17.7 Non-standard contract (e.g. non permanent, part time) 27.7 35.2 Collaboration/Consultancy 1.8 3.2 Other types of self employed (e.g. part time collab.) 2.5 5.1 Without contract 1.6 4.1 Part type incidence 15.9 21.2 Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 12

  13. 2017 Graduates' Employment Status 1 year after graduation: Contents employment rate and net earnings by internship after graduation SECOND- LEVEL DEGREE 2017 DO NOT PARTICIPATED AT INTERNSHIP PARTICIPATED AT INTERNSHIP AFTER GRADUATION AFTER GRADUATION 81,5 81,2 79,3 70,8 70,3 68,8 EMPLOYMENT RATE (% employee) Albanians Foreign Italians Albanians Foreign Italians citizenship citizenship 1415 1401 1399 1400 1361 1347 1349 1323 1321 1284 1265 1258 1248 1243 1239 1211 1139 1080 NET EARNINGS (average monthly, € ) M W T M W T M W T M W T M W T M W T Albanians Foreign Italians Albanians Foreign Italians citizenship citizenship Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 13

  14. Graduates' Employment Status 1 year after graduation: employment rate and net earnings (survey years 2008 vs 2018) SECOND- LEVEL DEGREE 2007 E 2017 EMPLOYMENT RATE NET EARNINGS (% employee) (average monthly, € ) 86,2 84,8 80,4 1342 74,0 73,8 1292 71,5 1282 1219 1174 878 SURVEYS YEAR 2008 2018 2008 2018 2008 2018 2008 2018 2008 2018 2008 2018 Albanians Foreign Italians Albanians Foreign Italians citizenship citizenship Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 14

  15. CONCLUSIONS some hints and further research ideas and opportunities In the Italian context is (still??) fruitful: - pursue Higher Education to get a job - following an internship for two main reasons: - higher employment rate - better wages Other research ideas/opportunities: - integration with other European initiatives (e.g. “Graduates Advancement and Development of University Capacity in Albania – GRADUA”, project in implementation phase, co-funded by European Commission – Erasmus+ Programme) - expand the analysis considering different aspects of graduates background. - social democratic tradition of the country? Social cohesion? (see Rehbien Boike publications) , etc. - inclusion and equality of opportunity should become principles Dorel MANITIU (AlmaLaurea) 15



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