Estimation Theory Overview Introduction • Up until now we have defined and discussed properties of random • Properties variables and processes • Bias, Variance, and Mean Square Error • In each case we started with some known property (e.g. • Cram´ er-Rao lower bound autocorrelation) and derived other related properties (e.g. PSD) • Maximum likelihood • In practical problems we rarely know these properties a priori • Consistency • In stead, we must estimate what we wish to know from finite sets • Confidence intervals of measurements • Properties of the mean estimator J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 1 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 2 Terminology Estimators as Random Variables � � • Suppose we have N independent, identically-distributed (i.i.d.) • Our estimator is a function of the measurements ˆ { x i }| N θ i =1 observations { x i }| N i =1 • It is therefore a random variable • Ideally we would like to know the pdf of the data • It will be different for every different set of observations f ( x ; θ ) • It is called an estimate or, if θ is a scalar, a point estimate where θ ∈ R p × 1 • Of course we want ˆ θ to be as close to the true θ as possible • In probability theory, we think about the “likeliness” of { x i }| N i =1 given the pdf and θ • In inference, we are given { x i }| N i =1 and are interested in the “likeliness” of θ • Called the sampling distribution • We will use θ to denote the parameter (or vector of parameters) we wish to estimate • This could be, for example, the process mean µ x J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 3 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 4
Natural Estimators Good Estimators N � � = 1 � µ x = ˆ { x i }| N ˆ θ x i θ (ˆ f ˆ θ ) i =1 N n =1 • This is the obvious or “natural” estimator of the process mean ˆ θ • Sometimes called the average or sample mean θ • It will also turn out to be the “best” estimator • Without loss of generality, let us consider a scalar parameter θ for • I will define “best” shortly the time being • What is a “good” estimator N – Distribution of ˆ � � θ should be centered at the true value = 1 � x = ˆ { x i }| N µ x ) 2 σ 2 ˆ θ ( x i − ˆ i =1 N – Want the distribution to be as narrow as possible n =1 • Lower-order moments enable coarse measurements of “good” • This is the obvious or “natural” estimator of the process variance • Not the “best” J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 5 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 6 Bias Variance Bias of an estimator ˆ Variance of an estimator ˆ θ of a parameter θ is defined as θ of a parameter θ is defined as �� 2 � B (ˆ θ ) � E[ˆ �� � θ ] − θ var(ˆ � ˆ ˆ θ ) = σ 2 � � θ � E θ − E θ ˆ � • Unbiased : an estimator is said to be unbiased if B (ˆ θ ) = 0 • A measure of the spread of ˆ θ about its mean • This implies the pdf of the estimator is centered at the true value θ • Would like the variance to be as small as possible • The sample mean is unbiased • The estimator of variance on the earlier slide is biased • Unbiased estimators are generally good, but they are not always best (more later) J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 7 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 8
Bias-Variance Tradeoff The Bias-Variance Tradeoff θ (ˆ θ (ˆ f ˆ θ ) f ˆ θ ) θ (ˆ θ (ˆ f ˆ θ ) f ˆ θ ) ˆ ˆ θ θ θ θ ˆ ˆ θ θ θ θ • Understanding of the bias-variance tradeoff is crucial to this course • In many cases minimizing variance conflicts with minimizing bias • Unbiased models are not always best • Note that ˆ θ � 0 has zero variance, but is generally biased • The methods we will use to estimate the model coefficients are biased • In these cases we must trade variance for bias (or vice versa) • But they may be more accurate, because they have less variance • This idea applies to nonlinear models as well J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 9 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 10 Bias, Variance, and Modeling Notation and Prediction Error y = g ( x ) + ε g = g ( x ) g = ˆ ˆ g ( x ) g e = E[ˆ ˆ g ( x )] y ( x ) = g ( x ) + ε • Expectation is taken over the distribution of data sets used to y ( x ) = ˆ ˆ g ( x ) construct ˆ g ( x ) and the distribution of the process noise f ( ε ) • In the modeling context, we are usually interested in estimating a • Everything is a function of x function • Recall that ε is i.i.d. with zero mean • For a given input x , this function is a scalar • We are treating x as a fixed, non-random variable • We can define θ = g ( x ) • The dependence on x is not shown to simplify notation • Thus, all of the ideas that apply to estimating parameters also The prediction error for a new, given input is defined as apply to estimating functional relationships g ) 2 ] PE( x ) = E[( y − ˆ g ) + ε ) 2 ] = E[(( g − ˆ g ) 2 ] + 2 E[( g − ˆ g ) ε ] + E[ ε 2 ] = E[( g − ˆ MSE( x ) + σ 2 = ε J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 11 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 12
The Bias-Variance Tradeoff Derivation Bias-Variance Tradeoff Derivation Continued 1 y = g ( x ) + ε g = g ( x ) g = ˆ ˆ g ( x ) ˆ g e = E[ˆ g ( x )] g e ) 2 − 2( g − ˆ ① = E[( g − ˆ g e )(ˆ g − ˆ g e )] E[ g 2 − 2 g ˆ g 2 g 2 g 2 = g e + ˆ e − 2 g (ˆ g − ˆ g e )] + 2ˆ e − 2ˆ e E[ g 2 − 2 g ˆ g 2 = g e + ˆ e − 2 g ˆ g + 2 g ˆ g e ] • Only ˆ g is a random function E[ g 2 − 2 g ˆ g 2 = g + ˆ e ] • Nothing else is dependent on the data set g 2 − 2 g E[ˆ g 2 = g ] + ˆ e g 2 − 2 g ˆ g ) 2 ] g 2 MSE( x ) = E[( g − ˆ = g e + ˆ e g e ) } 2 ] g e ) 2 = ( g − ˆ = E[ { ( g − ˆ g e ) − (ˆ g − ˆ ⎡ ⎤ Thus g e ) 2 − 2( g − ˆ g e ) 2 = E ⎣ ( g − ˆ g e )(ˆ g − ˆ g e ) + (ˆ g − ˆ ⎦ � �� � � �� � MSE( x ) = ① + ② ① ② g e ) 2 + E[(ˆ g e ) 2 ] = ( g − ˆ g − ˆ g ]) 2 + E � g ]) 2 � = ( g − E[ˆ (ˆ g − E[ˆ J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 13 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 14 Bias-Variance Tradeoff Comments Bias-Variance Tradeoff Comments Continued g ]) 2 + E g ]) 2 + E � g ]) 2 � � g ]) 2 � MSE( x ) = ( g − E[ˆ (ˆ g − E[ˆ MSE( x ) = ( g − E[ˆ (ˆ g − E[ˆ = Bias 2 + Variance = Bias 2 + Variance • Large variance: the model is sensitive to small changes in the • Large variance, small bias data set – If the model is too flexible, it can overfit the data • Large bias: if the model was compared to the true function on a – The model will change dramatically from one data set to large number of data sets, the expected value of the model ˆ g ( x ) another would not be close to the true function g ( x ) – In this case it has high variance, but potentially low variance • If the model is sensitive to small changes in the data, a biased • Small variance, large bias model may have smaller error ( MSE ) than an unbiased model – If the model is not very flexible, it may not capture the true relationship between the inputs and the output • If the data is strongly collinear, biased models can result in more accurate models! – It will not vary as much from one data set to another – In this case the model has low variance, but potentially high bias J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 15 J. McNames Portland State University ECE 4/557 Estimation Theory Ver. 1.26 16
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