estimation of high dimensional vector autoregressive var

Estimation of High-dimensional Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Estimation of High-dimensional Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models George Michailidis Department of Statistics, University of Michigan gmichail CANSSI-SAMSI Workshop, Fields Institute, Toronto May 2014 Joint work

  1. Estimation of High-dimensional Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models George Michailidis Department of Statistics, University of Michigan ∼ gmichail CANSSI-SAMSI Workshop, Fields Institute, Toronto May 2014 Joint work with Sumanta Basu George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 1 / 47

  2. Outline Introduction 1 Modeling Framework 2 Theoretical Considerations 3 Implementation 4 Performance Evaluation 5 George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 2 / 47

  3. Vector Autoregressive models (VAR) widely used for structural analysis and forecasting of time-varying systems capture rich dynamics among system components popular in diverse application areas ◮ control theory: system identification problems ◮ economics: estimate macroeconomic relationships (Sims, 1980) ◮ genomics: reconstructing gene regulatory network from time course data ◮ neuroscience: study functional connectivity among brain regions from fMRI data (Friston, 2009) George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 3 / 47

  4. VAR models in Economics testing relationship between money and income (Sims, 1972) understanding stock price-volume relation (Hiemstra et al., 1994) dynamic effect of government spending and taxes on output (Blanchard and Jones, 2002) identify and measure the effects of monetary policy innovations on macroeconomic variables (Bernanke et al., 2005) George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 4 / 47

  5. VAR models in Economics George Michailidis (UM) -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Feb-60 Aug-60 Feb-61 Aug-61 Feb-62 Aug-62 Feb-63 Aug-63 Feb-64 Aug-64 Feb-65 Aug-65 Feb-66 High-dimensional VAR Aug-66 Feb-67 Aug-67 Consumer Price Index Federal Funds Rate Employment Feb-68 Aug-68 Feb-69 Aug-69 Feb-70 Aug-70 Feb-71 Aug-71 Feb-72 Aug-72 Feb-73 Aug-73 Feb-74 Aug-74 5 / 47

  6. VAR models in Functional Genomics technological advances allow collecting huge amount of data ◮ DNA microarrays, RNA-sequencing, mass spectrometry capture meaningful biological patterns via network modeling difficult to infer direction of influence from co-expression transition patterns in time course data helps identify regulatory mechanisms George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 6 / 47

  7. VAR models in Functional Genomics (ctd) HeLa gene expression regulatory network [Courtesy: Fujita et al., 2007] George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 7 / 47

  8. VAR models in Neuroscience identify connectivity among brain regions from time course fMRI data connectivity of VAR generative model (Seth et al., 2013) George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 8 / 47

  9. Model p -dimensional, discrete time, stationary process X t = { X t 1 ,..., X t p } X t = A 1 X t − 1 + ... + A d X t − d + ε t , ε t i . i . d ∼ N ( 0 , Σ ε ) (1) A 1 ,..., A d : p × p transition matrices (solid, directed edges) Σ − 1 ε : contemporaneous dependence (dotted, undirected edges) t = 1 A t z t outside { z ∈ C , | z | ≤ 1 } stability: Eigenvalues of A ( z ) : = I p − ∑ d George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 9 / 47

  10. Why high-dimensional VAR? The parameter space grows quadratically ( p 2 edges for p time series) order of the process ( d ) often unknown Economics: ◮ Forecasting with many predictors (De Mol et al., 2008) ◮ Understanding structural relationship - “price puzzle" (Christiano et al., 1999) Functional Genomics: ◮ reconstruct networks among hundreds to thousands of genes ◮ experiments costly - small to moderate sample size Finance: ◮ structural changes - local stationarity George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 10 / 47

  11. Literature on high-dimensional VAR models Economics: ◮ Bayesian vector autoregression (lasso, ridge penalty; Litterman, Minnesota Prior) ◮ Factor model based approach (FAVAR, dynamic factor models) Bioinformatics: ◮ Discovering gene regulatory mechanisms using pairwise VARs (Fujita et al., 2007 and Mukhopadhyay and Chatterjee, 2007) ◮ Penalized VAR with grouping effects over time (Lozano et al., 2009) ◮ Truncated lasso and thesholded lasso variants (Shojaie and Michailidis, 2010 and Shojaie, Basu and Michailidis, 2012) Statistics: ◮ lasso (Han and Liu, 2013) and group lasso penalty (Song and Bickel, 2011) ◮ low-rank modeling with nuclear norm penalty (Negahban and Wainwright, 2011) ◮ sparse VAR modeling via two-stage procedures (Davis et al., 2012) George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 11 / 47

  12. Outline Introduction 1 Modeling Framework 2 Theoretical Considerations 3 Implementation 4 Performance Evaluation 5 George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 12 / 47

  13. Model p -dimensional, discrete time, stationary process X t = { X t 1 ,..., X t p } X t = A 1 X t − 1 + ... + A d X t − d + ε t , ε t i . i . d ∼ N ( 0 , Σ ε ) (2) A 1 ,..., A d : p × p transition matrices (solid, directed edges) Σ − 1 ε : contemporaneous dependence (dotted, undirected edges) t = 1 A t z t outside { z ∈ C , | z | ≤ 1 } stability: Eigenvalues of A ( z ) : = I p − ∑ d George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 13 / 47

  14. Detour: VARs and Granger Causality Concept introduced by Granger (1969) A time series X is said to Granger-cause Y if it can be shown, usually through a series of F-tests on lagged values of X (and with lagged values of Y also known), that those X values provide statistically significant information about future values of Y . In the context of a high-dimensional VAR model we have that X T − t is Granger-causal for X T i if A t i , j � = 0 . j Granger-causality does not imply true causality; it is built on correlations Also, related to estimating a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with ( d + 1 ) × p variables, with a known ordering of the variables George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 14 / 47

  15. Estimating VARs through regression data: { X 0 , X 1 ,..., X T } - one replicate, observed at T + 1 time points construct autoregression     ( X T − 1 ) ′ ( X T − 2 ) ′ ( X T − d ) ′ ( ε T ) ′  ( X T ) ′  ···   A ′ ( X T − 2 ) ′ ( X T − 3 ) ′ ( X T − 1 − d ) ′ ( ε T − 1 ) ′ ( X T − 1 ) ′ 1 ···       .         = . + . . . . . ... .         . . . . . . . . . .       A ′ ( X d ) ′ ( X d − 1 ) ′ ( X d − 2 ) ′ ( X 0 ) ′ ( ε d ) ′ d ··· � �� � � �� � � �� � B ∗ � �� � Y X E vec ( X B ∗ )+ vec ( E ) vec ( Y ) = ( I ⊗ X ) vec ( B ∗ )+ vec ( E ) = β ∗ Y = Z + vec ( E ) vec ( E ) ∼ N ( 0 , Σ ε ⊗ I ) ���� ���� ���� � �� � Np × 1 Np × q q × 1 Np × 1 N = ( T − d + 1 ) , q = dp 2 Assumption : A t are sparse, ∑ d t = 1 � A t � 0 ≤ k George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 15 / 47

  16. Estimates ℓ 1 -penalized least squares ( ℓ 1 -LS) 1 N � Y − Z β � 2 + λ N � β � 1 argmin β ∈ R q ℓ 1 -penalized log-likelihood ( ℓ 1 -LL) (Davis et al., 2012) 1 N ( Y − Z β ) ′ � � Σ − 1 ⊗ I ( Y − Z β )+ λ N � β � 1 argmin ε β ∈ R q George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 16 / 47

  17. Outline Introduction 1 Modeling Framework 2 Theoretical Considerations 3 Implementation 4 Performance Evaluation 5 George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 17 / 47

  18. Detour: Consistency of Lasso Regression             β ∗  ε  Y = + X           n × 1 n × p n × 1 p × 1 1 n � Y − X β � 2 + λ n � β � 1 ˆ β : = argmin LASSO : β ∈ R p � � i . i . d . j ∈ { 1 ,..., p }| β ∗ ∼ N ( 0 , σ 2 ) S = j � = 0 , card ( S ) = k , k ≪ n , ε i Restricted Eigenvalue (RE): Assume 1 n � Xv � 2 > 0 α RE : = min v ∈ R p , � v �≤ 1 , � v Sc � 1 ≤ 3 � v S � 1 � β − β ∗ � ≤ Q ( X , σ ) 1 k log p � ˆ Estimation error: with high probability α RE n George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 18 / 47

  19. Verifying Restricted Eigenvalue Condition Raskutti et al. (2010): If the rows of X i . i . d . ∼ N ( 0 , Σ X ) and Σ X satisfies RE, then X satisfies RE with high probability. Assumption of independence among rows crucial Rudelson and Zhou (2013): If the design matrix X can be factorized as X = Ψ A where A satisfies RE and Ψ acts as (almost) an isometry on the images of sparse vectors under A , then X satisfies RE with high probability. George Michailidis (UM) High-dimensional VAR 19 / 47


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