essp the egnos service provider

ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider EGNOS performance, status & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider EGNOS performance, status & evolutions Thierry RACAUD BLUEGNSS Final Event CIAMPINO, 18 July 2018 Table of Contents 1. E uropean S atellite S ervices P rovider, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services

  1. ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider EGNOS performance, status & evolutions Thierry RACAUD BLUEGNSS Final Event CIAMPINO, 18 July 2018

  2. Table of Contents 1. E uropean S atellite S ervices P rovider, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services Status 3. EGNOS SoL Service Performance Status 4. LPV Implementation Status 5. New EGNOS User available tools 2

  3. A European private company under French law A joint venture of 7 key European Air Navigation Service Providers UK GERMANY FRANCE SWITZERLAND Toulouse Madrid PORTUGAL ITALY SPAIN 3

  4. European Satellite Services Provider o Created in 2008 o 120 staff of 10 nationalities (70 persons in Toulouse, 50 in Madrid) o ESSP’s main mission is to act as the EGNOS Service Provider for the European Commission 4

  5. SBAS in the world EGNOS is the European S atellite B ased A ugmentation S ystem, it improves the GPS signal and makes it suitable for safety critical applications EGNOS SDCM WAAS / CWAAS European SBAS Russian SBAS American SBAS Operational since 2011 Operational in 2018 ? Operational since 2003 MSAS Japanese SBAS Operational since 2007 KASS Korean SBAS Operational in 2022 ? AFRICA / ASECNA pending BDSBAS Chinese SBAS Operational in 2020 ? GAGAN Indian SBAS AUSTRALIA Operational since 2013 pending 5

  6. ESSP Toulouse office ESSP Madrid office System Operations Unit & Compliance Management Unit Service Provision Unit we provide the service we operate the system GPS Service IMPROVES Definition AVAILABILITY Receiver Lab & Reporting CONTINUITY System ACCURACY Engineering & INTEGRITY Maintenance EDAS Service + Assets User Support Management Service users users + Operations It’s there, use Coordination NOTAM it. proposals RIMS (x39) CPF (x5) NLES (x6) Fostering reference processing uplink Service adoption triangulation error calculation data Development MCC (x2) mission control centre 6

  7. Table of Contents 1. ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services Status 3. EGNOS SoL Service Performance Status 4. LPV Implementation Status 5. New EGNOS User available tools 7

  8. EGNOS SoL SERVICE Service Definition Document S ervice D efinition D ocuments describe the characteristics, terms and conditions of access to the corresponding EGNOS services offered to users Sixth issue v3.1 published on the 26 th September 2016 • Commitment maps based on EGNOS Release 241M New Safety of Life Service Definition Document expected by Q3 2018 • 8

  9. EGNOS SoL Service – Commitment Current SoL SDD commitments for APV-I availability and continuity 9

  10. EGNOS SoL Service – Commitment Current SoL SDD commitments for LPV-200 availability and continuity 10

  11. EGNOS Services Evolution : 2018-2019 USER INTERFACES SERVICE AREA E GNOS S ervices R oadmap LPV200: Improvement @North SoL SDD publication : Q3-2018 ----- ----- SoL SDD publication Safety of Life Service LPV-200 Extension Next Publication ----- LPV200 Extension (Q3 2018) Service area extension to 72º N SoL SDD publication : Q1-2019 ----- ----- Safety of Life Service Extension to 72ºN RIMS Haïfa Entry into Operations SoL SDD publication : Q4-2019 All EGNOS Services RIMS Haïfa Q3 Q1 Q4 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 11

  12. EGNOS Services Evolution Beyond 2018 … up to 2020 1 2 3 EGNOS Service Paving the way Service Performance area extension Stability towards the transition e.g. for APV-I service specially increased level covering EU-28 as from EGNOS V2 to V3 robustness against allowed by the system IONO activity 12

  13. Table of Contents 1. ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services Status 3. EGNOS SoL Service Performance Status 4. LPV Implementation Status 5. New EGNOS User available tools 13

  14. EGNOS SoL SERVICE PERFORMANCES APV-I Availability – April 2018 APV-I Continuity – April 2018 APV-I performance vs SDD commitment (April‘18) 94,74% of SoL SDD Service Area covered with APV-I Availability (99%). o o 96,93% of SoL SDD Service Area covered with APV-I Continuity (5x10-4/15s). 14

  15. EGNOS SoL SERVICE PERFORMANCES APV-I + LPV-200 performance over the airports (April 2018) All the airports with APV-I EGNOS based procedures presented an availability higher than 99% (exception Kirkenes at 98,86%). All the airports with LPV-200 EGNOS based procedures presented an availability higher than 99% 15

  16. EGNOS SoL SERVICE For more information… 16

  17. Table of Contents 1. ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services Status 3. EGNOS SoL Service Performance Status 4. LPV Implementation Status 5. New EGNOS User available tools 17

  18. * non-EU States 25 20 15 10 5 0 Austria 1 Belgium 1 Bulgaria 1 EGNOS Working Agreement (EWA) Croatia 1 Czech Republic 3 Denmark 4 Estonia 2 Finland 1 France 1 Germany 1 EWA with Cyprus : ongoing discussion Greece 1 Guernsey* 1 Hungary 1 Ireland 4 Italy 1 Jersey* 1 Malta 1 Netherlands 2 5 Norway* 1 28 EU Member States Poland 2 Portugal 1 Romania 1 Slovak Republic 1 23 Spain 2 Sweden 5 Switzerland* 1 No EWA EWA United Kingdom 21 18

  19. LPV Implementation Status APV baro Airports LPV Procedures RNP Procs COUNTRY 0.3 LPV- (EGNOS APV-I APV-I LPV-200 Procs 200 enabled) Austria 0 4 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 0 Belgium 5 0 Croatia 4 1 6 1 0 0 Czech Republic 5 0 9 0 0 4 Denmark 4 1 8 2 0 0 Estonia 1 0 2 0 0 0 Finland 1 0 2 0 0 33 France 68 48 103 67 0 4 Germany 23 6 37 10 0 56 Guernsey 1 0 2 0 0 0 Hungary 0 1 0 4 0 0 Ireland 1 0 1 0 0 0 Italy 10 3 21 3 0 0 Netherlands 3 0 4 0 0 0 Norway 17 9 26 19 0 10 Poland 0 12 0 26 0 0 Portugal 2 0 3 0 0 0 Romania 1 0 2 0 0 0 Slovak Republic 2 3 4 4 0 0 Spain 4 0 9 0 0 0 Sweden 7 0 12 0 0 0 Switzerland 8 2 10 3 4 0 United Kingdom 13 0 28 0 0 0 Total 180 90 298 146 4 107 EWA signed 3 Number of published LPV procedures 5 Number of Airports/Procedures 19

  20. Implementation Status 444 LPV approaches Plans up to 2020 4 RNP 0.3 Procedures > 350 LPV procedures planned 107 ‘EGNOS enabled’ APV Baro 20

  21. Implementation Status – Further Plans SIGNIFICANT HIGHLIGHTS: As of June 2018: 444 LPVs (APV-I and LPV-200) serving 254 airports Malta: Luqa airport (2 RWYs APV-I) being processed New PBN Implementing rule : requires the implementation of EGNOS based approach procedures at all Instrument Runway ends without precision approach procedures (e.g. ILS CAT I) in place by December 2020, and 2024 elsewhere 21

  22. Table of Contents 1. ESSP, the EGNOS Service Provider 2. EGNOS Services Status 3. EGNOS SoL Service Performance Status 4. LPV Implementation Status 5. New EGNOS User available tools 22

  23. New EGNOS User Available tools Online LPV Flight Simulator.

  24. Thank you! +34 911 236 555 (H24/7) 24


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