essentjal writjng skills for business amp presentatjon

Essentjal Writjng Skills for Business & Presentatjon Skills - PDF document

Essentjal Writjng Skills for Business & Presentatjon Skills [Essentjal Writjng Skill for Business & Presentatjon Skill ~ Elevate Your Expertjse] Professional Writjng for Business & Presentatjon Skills 18 Afolabi Aina Street, Ofg

  1. Essentjal Writjng Skills for Business & Presentatjon Skills [Essentjal Writjng Skill for Business & Presentatjon Skill ~ Elevate Your Expertjse] Professional Writjng for Business & Presentatjon Skills 18 Afolabi Aina Street, Ofg Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos State. PHONE: 0903 8401 501, 0803 3027 439 WEBSITE:, EMAIL:

  2. BRIEF PROGRAM OVERVIEW This integrated business skills development program is built into three modules; it is a full two days intensive workshop that focuses on development of partjcipant writjng for Business and Presentatjon Skills. Module I: Writjng Skills for Business As with any form of communicatjon, the way you write is infmuenced by many variables including your unique knowledge, interests, skills, personality and emotjons. This practjcal course will help you plan, organize and structure a range of business communicatjon formats, whilst giving you the opportunity to expand your own personal writjng style. Module II: Report Writjng Reports are important conduits of organizatjonal informatjon and an essentjal business record. Poorly crafued and presented reports can conceal important informatjon, and their purpose can be unclear. This course will help you ensure your reports are clear, concise and well structured. Module III: Writjng Efgectjve Email Email communicatjon is at the forefront of efgectjve business relatjonships. Anything you write in an email can be retained for future reference, forwarded on to others, or used as a record of communicatjon. Therefore, it is critjcal to be are aware of how to use email appropriately as a communicatjon tool at work. Module IV: Presentatjon The ability to give an interestjng, informatjve and persuasive presentatjon is a skill critjcal for many of us needing to make others think and be inspired to take actjon. Whether you’re presentjng in a formal or informal situatjon, this course will not only help you plan and present with confjdence, but also provide you with the insight to evaluate your efgectjveness to contjnually improve the delivery of your message. FOR WHOM:  This course will benefjt anyone who wishes to atuain a higher professional business writjng competency skills.  Ideal for people who want to improve their writuen communicatjon skills when writjng business correspondence including letuers, emails, memos and short reports.  Anyone who wants to learn techniques to improve the content, structure and professionalism of their reports to ensure they’re clear and easily understood.  Anyone who wants to improve their professionalism and efgectjveness when writjng business emails.  This course has been developed for anyone required to make business presentatjons for both formal and informal situatjons.

  3. COURSE OUTCOMES MODULE I: WRITING SKILLS FOR BUSINESS  Implement a prewritjng plan in order to meet the desired objectjve of the correspondence.  Apply professional layout, format and development of content.  Use words and phrases that will improve the comprehension of your message and ensure a positjve tone.  Adopt techniques to proof your document for spelling, punctuatjon and grammar.  Use the four-step writjng process as a framework for business correspondence. MODULE II: REPORT WRITING SKILLS  Distjnguish between difgerent types of business reports.  Write according to the report’s purpose and target audience.  Apply a clear and logical structure.  Meet the objectjve of each separate sectjon.  Adapt your writjng style to support the report’s purpose.  Present a professional business document. MODULE III: WRITING EFFECTIVE EMAILS  Improve your ability to communicate via email and ensure your message is understood.  Write with the audience’s expectatjons in mind.  Use words and phrases that will improve the comprehension of your message and ensure professionalism.  Apply techniques to turn negatjve language into positjve language and remove emotjon from your writjng.  Adopt techniques to proof your document for spelling, punctuatjon and appropriate tone. MODULE IV: EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION  Prepare for your presentatjon by understanding your purpose and objectjves.  Use three easy steps to structure your presentatjon.  Distjnguish and understand the difgerent audience styles you may encounter.  Create efgectjve speaker notes and visual aids.  Understand how you can use your voice and body to enhance your presentatjon.  Think quicker on your feet during questjon tjme.

  4. PROGRAMME CONTENT MODULE I – WRITING SKILL FOR BUSINESS   Principles of business writjng Edit and revise The three main principles of business writjng Ensure you have addressed your purpose you need to consider. from the reader’s perspectjve and avoid common pitgalls.  Personal needs analysis Identjfy your own personal needs for  Word and language improving your business writjng. Use ‘plain English’ business writjng methods  The four-step writjng process to ensure your document is simple and direct. A framework to work from when writjng any type of document.  Ensuring a positjve tone  Planning to write How using positjve words and phrases lifus the tone and removes some of the Tools for planning and idea generatjon, associated negatjvity. including constructjng a mind map and how to make a fmowchart.  Proof reading  Writjng the draf Suggested techniques for proof reading your document to ensure you make the right Ensure the layout and format of your impression. document are visually appealing so your message is clear.  Punctuatjon and spelling essentjals SuccessDrives Consultjng  Development of content Tips to improve your spelling and punctuatjon over tjme. Ensure your message is concise, with the right level of detail and a logical fmow from  Introductjon to short reports one point to another. Understand the typical components of a  Developing the message short report and how to apply the four-step writjng process. A framework and formula for delivering good news or bad news, or making a request. MODULE II – REPORT WRITING  Challenges of report writjng Focus on the transfer of knowledge and Understand key business reportjng decision outcomes.  Identjfying audience needs and consideratjons. expectatjons  Types of business reports Understand the audience’s perspectjve and accommodate for visual, auditory and Review common types of reports: informatjon reports, analytjcal reports and kinaesthetjc (VAK) learning styles. proposals.  Gathering and analysing informatjon  Planning to write a report Identjfying, researching and analysing data. Adopt planning techniques to assist ideatjon and structure.  Common report structure  Purpose of the report

  5. Use navigable structures to improve Guidelines for writjng tjtle pages, usability. introductjons, conclusions and recommendatjons.  The executjve summary  Professional presentatjon Understand the value of this reportjng element. Use communicatjon styles and language to promote positjve outcomes.  Writjng for impact  Critjque and review Apply professional business standard SuccessDrives Consultjng

  6.  Managing diffjcult caller behaviours  Making a diffjcult outbound call Using LEAPS (listen, empathise, acknowledge, be positjve and fjnd solutjons) Before you make your call, develop an actjon with the emotjonal caller. plan. MODULE III: WRITING EFFECTIVE EMAIL   Why email? Words and language for business emails Why and when email should be chosen How you write gives the reader an as your method of communicatjon. indicatjon of your professionalism and  Schedule email handling tjme attjtude.  Developing the message Techniques to ensure email use does not drain your or tjme and energy. Your email needs to engage the reader’s  What does an efgectjve business email interest quickly. It must be concise, but stjll contain enough content so that it is look like? not ambiguous or misleading. How to structure your emails to  Be aware of tone efgectjvely deliver your message.  Who are you writjng to? Because you cannot convey tone in and email. Consider your audience and the outcome  Punctuatjon essentjals you hope to achieve.  Quick and clear message format Review the basics and avoid common errors. Learn simple framework to help you  Spelling and proof reading structure your content clearly and concisely. How to avoid errors which could cause SuccessDrives Consultjng people to form a bad impression of your business. MODULE IV: PRESENTATION SKILLS


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