essential characteristics

Essential Characteristics On-demand self-service Broad network - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TechFire Conference Cloud Made Simple - Dispelling the Hype. Brian Larkin Operations Director Digital Planet Essential Characteristics On-demand self-service Broad network access Resource

 TechFire Conference 
 Cloud Made Simple - Dispelling the Hype. � Brian Larkin � Operations Director � Digital Planet � �

  2. Essential Characteristics � › On-demand self-service � › Broad network access � › Resource pooling � › Rapid elasticity � › Measured Service �

  3. Service Models � › Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS). � › Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS). � › Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). �

  4. Deployment Models � › Private cloud � › Public cloud � › Hybrid cloud � › Community cloud �

  5. Managed � Multi-tenancy � Public � Private � Out-Source � Hybrid � In-House � SaaS � PaaS � IaaS � Community �

  6. Cloud Defined � � “ An alternative methodology for consuming your IT Computing requirements” �

  7. Common Cloud Themes � › Data Protection & Privacy � › Security � › Control � › Performance � › Lock In - Contracts �

  8. Why Look at the Cloud �

  9. Why Look at the Cloud � › TCO � › Rapid Deployment � › Scalability � › Resilience-up time � › Outsource non core business services �

  10. What to look for when choosing a Service or Data Centre Provider � › Experience in the Market � › Qualifications and Accreditations � › References � › Where the Infrastructure Sits � › How much access to the Environment the provider actually has! � › Manned 24/7 Network Operations Centre � › The Infrastructure being used – Quality! �


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