enhancing person centred care

Enhancing Person-Centred Care Co-Lead Very Poor Very Good 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Enhancing Person-Centred Care Co-Lead Very Poor Very Good 2 Co-Lead Co-Lead What is person-centredness? care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values, ensuring that patient values guide

  1. Enhancing Person-Centred Care Co-Lead

  2. Very Poor Very Good 2 Co-Lead

  3. Co-Lead

  4. What is person-centredness? “…care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values, ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions” • Involving users of health and social services as equal partners in planning, developing and monitoring care • Considering the person’s point of view and being respectful • Considering people’s desires, values, family situations and social circumstances IOM. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A new health system for the 21 s century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Co-Lead

  5. Person-Centredness Principles Support Person is a persons to partner in make their own informed health care Change in Offering Affording decisions behavior and coordinated people dignity, mindset care, support respect and supported by Collaboration or treatment compassion Supporting people a system between to recognize and person, their build on strengths, family and Appreciation preferences Offering staff and respect personalized for unique health and contribution social care people make Co-Lead HSE – QID (2016a). Person-Centred Principles and Person-Centred Practice Framework

  6. The Ladder of Engagement and Participation Devolving Placing decision-making in the hands of the community and individuals Working in partnership with communities and patients in every aspect of the decision Collaborating including development of alternatives and identification of the preferred solution Working directly with community and patients to ensure concerns and aspirations are Involving constantly understood and considered Obtaining community and individual feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions Consulting Providing communities and individuals with balanced and objective information to assist them Informing in understanding problems, alternatives opportunities and solutions Co-Lead NHS England. The “Ladder of engagement and Participation”

  7. Patient Engagement Continuum Consultation Levels of Engagement Involvement Partnership& Shared Leadership Treatment decisions based Patients receive Patients are asked about on patient preferences, Direct Care information about a their preference in medical evidence & clinical diagnosis treatment plans judgement Organization surveys Hospitals involve patients Organizational Patients Co-lead hospital patients about their care as advisors or advisory design & safety and quality experience council members governance improvement committees Patient recommendations Patient representation on Public Agency conducts about research priorities committee that decides focus groups with patients Policy Making used by public agency to how to allocate resources to ask their opinion make funding decisions to health programmes Factors Influencing engagement: Patient: (beliefs, culture, health literacy, education) Organization: (policies, Culture, procedures) Society: (Social norms, regulations, policy) European Respiratory Society. Commentary on "Engagement as an Element of Safe Inpatient Psychiatric Environments": Engagement Is Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/A-multidimensional-framework-for-patient-and-family-engagement-in-health-and-health-care_fig1_279990712

  8. Partnership & Shared Leadership Partnership & Shared Leadership Involvement Consultation Co-Lead

  9. The Irish Context: Patient Experience Survey 2017 Lowest Rated Areas Hospital Admission Care on the Ward Examinations, Diagnosis & Discharge or Transfer treatment Waiting time for Hospital Food Educating patients Time to discuss care and admission about medication side treatment with a doctor effects Co-Lead

  10. Improving the Patient Experience Co-Lead

  11. Encouraging Person Centred Thinking Co-Lead

  12. What are the top 3 questions What are the top 3 I should encourage the questions I should ask patient to ask me to become myself to be more person more person centred? centred? Co-Lead

  13. Co-Lead

  14. Activity: Emotional Journey Map Co-Lead

  15. Emotional Registration Waiting Consultation Lab tests Pharmacy Departure Arrival State Stressed Relaxed

  16. Outcomes Individuals are Care and support plans empowered and Family engagement are focused on the long treated with dignity term goal and lifestyle Transparent and clear Individuals processes Differences make informed recognised and choices and respected Positive and accept related solution risks focused attitude Patients viewed as equal and active partners Privacy is respected Co-Lead

  17. Session outcomes? What can we start doing as a team to become more person-centred? Co-Lead

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