enhancing and implementing ndc s with

Enhancing and implementing NDCs with ambition and transparency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Enhancing and implementing NDCs with ambition and transparency Department of Environment of I.R. of IRAN Fourteenth Policy Consultation Forum of the Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 September 2019 Table ble

  1. Enhancing and implementing NDC’s with ambition and transparency Department of Environment of I.R. of IRAN Fourteenth Policy Consultation Forum of the Seoul Initiative Network on Green Growth Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 September 2019

  2. Table ble of of contents contents  Introduction  Upstream legislations and general strategies  Actions  Challenges  Requirements  Recommendations

  3. Introduction Intr oduction Iran is the 18 th largest country  Capita l: Tehran  Population: 75,149,000  Total area: 1,648,195 sq. km  Climate: mostly arid/semiarid, subtropical along Caspian coast - minimum of -35 ° C - maximum of 50 ° C - average temperature increase: 0.4 ° C /decade - average annual precipitation: 250 mm  Elevation: - lowest point: Caspian Sea -28 m - highest point: Damavand mountain 5,671 m

  4. Iran ranks under the category of vulnerable countries, on the basis of articles 4.8 and 4.10 of the UNFCCC

  5. Introduction Intr oduction Climate change impacts in Iran (up to 2030)  Decrease the amount of surface runoffs by 25%,  Raising the mean temperature by more than 1.5 ° C,  increased losses of national programmable water by about 20 to 25 billion cubic meters.

  6. Introduction Intr oduction Contribution of Contribution of D Dif iffer eren ent t Se Secto ctors s to to total total CO CO2 2 Eq Equiva uivalent lent Emission Emission i in 20 n 2010 10

  7. Intr Introduction oduction Ener Energy Sector CO2 y Sector CO2 Emissi Emissions ons Ran Ranking(I king(IEA) EA)

  8. Upstr Upstream eam le legisla gislations tions and and gener general al str strate tegies gies

  9. Upst Upstream eam le legisla gislations tions and and gener gen eral al st strate tegies gies UNFCCC UNFC CC Commit Commitmen ments ts 1- For Developed Countries(Art.4.2) [ So called Annex 1 Parties ] ▪ Reduction of GHGs Emissions ▪ Finance ▪ Technology Transfer ▪ Capacity Building 2- For Developing Countries(Art.4.1) ▪ National Communications

  10. Upst Upstream eam le legisla gislations tions and and gener gen eral al st strate tegies gies Artic Ar ticle le 50 50 of of the the Cons Constitution titution of of the the Islamic Rep Islamic R epub ubli lic of c of Ir Iran an app pproved ed in 197 in 1979 “In the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is considered a public duty to preserve the environment where the present and the future generations may have an improved social life. Consequently, any activity, economic or other, that leads to the pollution of the environment or its irreparable damage will be forbidden. ” Others …  The second to the Sixth National Five-Year Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan (1995-2021)  Consumption Pattern Reform (2011) (annual emission reduction and EI reports)  Clean Air Act (June 2017)

  11. Upst Upstream eam le legisla gislations tions and and gener gen eral al st strate tegies gies Gener Gen eral al st strate tegies gies on on the the En Envir viron onmen ment  Mainstreaming the reduction of emission and carbon footprint in socioeconomic development plans  Low Carbon Economy (annual emission reduction reports)  Monitoring of the environmental emissions and environmental accounting system  Tackling the climate change especially in adaptation  Promoting regional and international cooperation and environmental diplomacy  Promoting climate change knowledge

  12. Actions

  13. Action Act ions  Establishment of combined cycle power plants,  Establishment of renewable energies and nuclear power,  Reduction of gas flare emissions,  Increasing energy efficiency in various consuming sectors,  Substituting high-carbon fuels with natural gas,  Strategic planning for utilizing low-carbon fuels,  Intensifying economic diversification and  Participation in market-based mechanisms at the national and international levels

  14. Action Act ions Industrial sector  the increase of natural gas share in primary energy production from 29% in 1996 to 52.2% in 2010  Renewal of currently obsolete processing equipment and machinery in order to decrease energy consumption  Introducing efficient energy conversion technologies

  15. Act Action ions Agricultural sector  Water pumps fuel switching of Agricultural wells: Reducing gas oil consumption by replacing existing diesel engines with electric submersible pumps

  16. Act Action ions Transport sector  Rail transport development  Renewal of city bus and taxi fleets (introducing 27,000 CNG-powered buses and 500,000 CNG powered long- range taxis)  development of subway network in 8 metropolitans

  17. Action Act ions Oil and gas sector  Recovery of flared gases in offshore and onshore oil extraction facilities  Flare gas reduction in gas treatment facilities  Methane leakage reduction in transport and distribution of natural gas  Accessing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology

  18. Act Action ions Power generation sector  Installation of 6,000 MW wind and 18,700 MW hydro power plants by 2025  Raising share of efficient combined cycle power plants with thermal efficiency of around 45% in power generation mix from 27.3% in 2015 to 54.2% in 2025  Installation of another 2,000 MW nuclear power plant  Increasing the share of natural gas in power plants fuel mix

  19. Challenges  Economic, technological and financial restrictions and in particular unjust sanctions,  The eight year imposed war upon Iran (1980-1988),  Hosting millions of refugees from the neighboring countries,  Availability of hydrocarbon resources,  Dependence of the national economy on revenues from production and export of oil and its byproducts.

  20. Requ equir ireme ement nts Requirements (Mitigation)  Technologies needed to curb and utilize gas flares;  Reducing natural gas leakage in the distribution networks;  Increasing efficiency through the development of CHP and combined-cycle power plants;  Reducing transmission and distribution electricity losses;  Energy demand optimization and management; and  Use of renewable and alternative energy resources (like nuclear power) as well as biofuels, biogas, waste to energy production and CCS.

  21. Requ equir ireme ement nts Requirements (Adaptation)  Modern and eco-friendly and climate smart agricultural technology and practices for scattered local communities in 2/3 of the country’s area;  Modern environmental friendly technologies for supplying water (desalination, recycling and water treatment);  Development of on-line monitoring network of climate observation system;  General Circulation Models (for national and regional application with monitoring and observing features for forest fires);  Access to new and environmentally sound technologies for industrial production, as well as forest fire fighting systems; and  Early-warning and monitoring systems of climate extreme events, dust and sand storms and access to global satellite data.

  22. Recommendations  Facilitate availability of international resources in the form of financial support and technology transfer for mitigation and adaptation activities regardless of unjust sanctions,  Exchange of carbon credits,  Accessibility of bilateral or multilateral implementation mechanisms,  Transfer of clean technologies as well as capacity building  diversification of energy supply mix by other sources (renewable ones)and promote energy efficiency as well as wider utilization of low carbon fossil fuels

  23. Thank you for your attention


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