english language 1 joy of learning

English Language 1. Joy of Learning 2. Unit Coverage 3. Level - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

English Language 1. Joy of Learning 2. Unit Coverage 3. Level Focuses 4. Level-Wide Strategies 5. Assessment Format 6. Home Support Little Red Dot To expose pupils to current affairs in Singapore and world issues To read a variety of

  1. English Language

  2. 1. Joy of Learning 2. Unit Coverage 3. Level Focuses 4. Level-Wide Strategies 5. Assessment Format 6. Home Support

  3. Little Red Dot  To expose pupils to current affairs in Singapore and world issues  To read a variety of text types  2 to 3 selected articles with reading activities e.g. journal and presentation

  4. 1. The Sunflower that Went Flop 2. The Wolf’s Story 3. What’s This 4. Stephanie Investigates 5. Camille and the Sunflower 6. There’s a Boy Under My Bed 7. Houses in Singapore 8. The Perfect Birthday Present 9. Charlotte’s Web Chapter 1 -5 10. Charlotte’s Web Chapter 6-10 11. Charlotte’s Web Chapter 11-15 12. Charlotte’s Web Chapter 16-20 13. Charlotte’s Web Chapter 21-22

  5. Level Oracy Writing  P3 speak confidently by having eye Generate and select ideas for writing and contact, smiles representing for a variety of purpose using  speak with common sentence Tell-Show strategy and A (adverb) S-V-O starters with ease and confidence structure  able to justify, elaborate and compare

  6. SSR – Sustained Silent Reading  10 minutes of silent reading  Sharing of book read by teacher or some students  Promote reading for enjoyment and sharing of good books read Developing Language Skills SR – Supported Reading  Vocabulary words (Narrative texts)  Grammar items  Reading for understanding and enjoyment  Sentence manipulation  Making prediction and questioning  Whole-text study  Reading strategies  Writing Process  Text types  Text features KWL – Know-Want to Know-Learnt (Non-fiction texts)  Relate a new topic or information to what they already know  Anticipate what they will be reading about  Get involved in the text by having students look for information they want to find

  7. Charlotte’s Web  Literature text in Semester 2  To expand students’ vocabulary  To expose students to different sentence structures  To deepen discussion for in-depth analysis of characters and plots in the story  To develop and promote reading for enjoyment and reading to learn

  8.  Read the text several times to increase understanding  Using reading strategies such as retelling , questioning , inferring , visualising , predicting and evaluating to deepen understanding  Use prior knowledge to make connections with the text and make sense  Use TAPS ( T enses, A greement, P unctuation and S pelling) to check accuracy of answers

  9.  Examine the question carefully e.g. Write a composition of at least 120 words about a rainy day (theme)  Use one or more of the 3 given pictures to develop a plot  Expand main ideas with details  Explore more on the characters – senses, thoughts and feelings, actions and behaviour  Use Tell-Show Strategies: describe the scenes and events as if they are taking place in real time use vivid descriptions, actions and dialogues to put the readers in the story show the characters’ emotions through words and actions, not tell

  10. Reading Aloud  Pronounce every word accurately with clear ending sounds  Read fluently, pausing at the right part of the sentences  Vary tone, pitch and pace appropriately to convey the emotions in the text  Read clearly and loudly to be heard

  11. Stimulus-based Conversation  Use the pictures to engage in a conversation  State choices with explanations  Elaborate on ideas by giving opinions and reasons, describe thoughts and personal experiences, and suggest possible actions  Use a wide range of vocabulary and accurate language structures  Speak confidently and coherently  Speak loudly and clearly to be heard and understood

  12. Components No. of questions No. of marks per question Vocabulary MCQ 8 1 Grammar Cloze 4 1 Sentence Combining 3 2 Visual Text 5 1 Comprehension Comprehension OE Up to 6 1-2 Total : 30 marks Duration: 50 minutes

  13. Paper Components Marks Weighting % Duration 1 Composition 20 marks 20 50 min 2 Language Use and 50 marks 50 1h 15 min Comprehension 3 Listening Comprehension 14 marks 14 Approx. 30 min 4 Reading Aloud 16 marks 16 Approx. Stimulus-based Conversation 10 min Total 100 marks 100

  14. Home Support – Reading and Discussion  Provide a wide variety of age-appropriate books for reading  Expose children to different authors and genres  Read with, not read for, the child to involve him/her in reading and understanding the text  Set mini authentic writing tasks (e.g. diary, making a shopping list and taking telephone messages) to increase confidence and interest in writing  Model spoken Standard English Language  Set a routine for homework and revision – recalling improves retention  Learn spelling and dictation timely

  15. Thanks! Happy 2019


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