energy storage

Energy Storage Kev Adjemian, I NL April 21, 2016 Energy Storage: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Energy Storage Kev Adjemian, I NL April 21, 2016 Energy Storage: Three-Prong Approach to meet Cost Targets Cost Targets, Projections, Chem istries Presented by Peter Faguy at 2 0 1 5 DOE-EERE-VTO Annual Merit Review Testing and Analysis at

  1. Energy Storage Kev Adjemian, I NL April 21, 2016

  2. Energy Storage: Three-Prong Approach to meet Cost Targets Cost Targets, Projections, Chem istries Presented by Peter Faguy at 2 0 1 5 DOE-EERE-VTO Annual Merit Review

  3. Testing and Analysis at Scale for Deeper I nsight Performance Science: Correlating the Testing and Analysis @ Scale lab data to data collected in the I ndependent testing and • field for “real- validation of various world” validation energy storage devices Vehicle • Systems analysis from half-cell to vehicle and back – connecting the lab to the real-world • Durability, Performance and Lifetime Modeling Pack Half-Cell / Coin Pouch / Cell Understanding basic performance and durability characteristics in state of the art laboratories Improving performance and durability of energy storage devices while reducing cost and complexity 3

  4. Battery Degradation Testing and Analysis Pre-conceived notions that DC Fast Charging ( 4 8 0 V) w ould be extrem ely detrim ental for battery durability relative to Level I I ( 2 4 0 V) After 5 0 ,0 0 0 m iles ( 8 0 ,0 0 0 km ) :  No appreciable difference in capacity loss ( ~ 2 % ) betw een Level I I and DC Fast Charging  On-Road cycled packs subjected to varying tem peratures each period  I n-lab cycled packs cycled in constant am bient tem p ( 3 0 o C)  Capacity loss rate approaches steady state in constant tem perature testing

  5. Adjustable Speed Pumped Storage Hydropower (A-PSH) Transient Simulation Modeling • Develop transient A-PSH models in small time steps (5 - 50 ms) to better understand the dynamic interactions between electromagnetics and hydrodynamics • Study the hydrodynamic behaviors such as water hammering and flywheel effects due to sudden load and fault conditions • Conduct System level testing and analysis DFIG on the Real Time Digital Simulator • Provide a greater understanding of variable ≈ ≈ ≈ renewable interactions and the value of ≈ energy storage Co-simulation of the electromagnetic & hydrodynamic transients

  6. Clean Energy and Advanced Transportation Leve veraging ng Ad Adva vanc ncing ng Techno hnologies  Holistic approach to develop next generation Advanced Transportation technologies to integrate and flow with next generation Power & Energy Systems

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