pragmatist storytelling philosophy in liquid quantum

Pragmatist Storytelling Philosophy in Liquid- Quantum Modernity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pragmatist Storytelling Philosophy in Liquid- Quantum Modernity David M. Boje New Mexico State University 2 11/24/12 3 11/24/12 4 11/24/12 What is Storytelling? N-A-S 5 11/24/12 Sustainability

  1. Pragmatist Storytelling Philosophy in Liquid- Quantum Modernity David M. Boje New Mexico State University

  2. 2 11/24/12

  3. 3 11/24/12

  4. 4 11/24/12

  5. What is Storytelling? N-A-S 5 11/24/12

  6. Sustainability Spiral 6 11/24/12

  7. What is Pragmatist Storytelling? 7 11/24/12

  8. In Being and Time (Heidegger BT, 1962/1996) the main illustrating of thing is the ‘hammer’ And there are passages about ‘hammering’ as a process of handicraft. And how hammers and blacksmith tongs go together in metalworking. � Photo of D. Boje with Vitalis Ballabeni, the 1972 Master Blacksmith of all France competition winner - Photo by D. Boje in June 2012 8 11/24/12

  9. Statue of 3 Blacksmiths 9 11/24/12

  10. 100 Year old Finnish Hammer 10 11/24/12

  11. What is Pragmatist Storytelling � N-A-S is “physics of the triadic kind” (Peirce, 1955: 92): firstness, secondness, & thirdness � Merleau-Ponty’s (1968) The Visible and the Invisible , has hints of proto-pragmatist methodology � E.G. N-A-S fits how Maurice Merleau-Ponty adapts Heidegger’s epistemic-ontic & integrates it with intellectualist-empiricist dialectic that pragmatist William James also uses � E.G. N-A-S fits “primordial definition of sensibility of flesh” not a mere representation or idea, rather a radiation encounter, and “transitivity of one body to another” across a chiasm two bodies in handshake “coupling with the flesh of the world” (Merleau-Ponty, 1968: 142-4). 11 11/24/12

  12. Quantum Sculpture by Julian Voss-Andreae 12 11/24/12

  13. Watch YouTube “Quantum Storytelling” Film � � Film link and Study guides available at 13 11/24/12

  14. 14 11/24/12

  15. 15 11/24/12

  16. Old and New Pragmatist Storytelling Philosophies � A quote from my new book: � New pragmatist, Richard Rorty (1991: 19) says the old pragmatist John “Dewey never, I think, saw pragmatism in the way in which Marxists saw dialectical materialism — as a philosophical key which unlocks the secrets of history or of society.” 16 11/24/12

  17. The Copenhagen Interpretation? In 1801, Thomas Young conducted his water wave experiments. 17 11/24/12

  18. Old Pragmatists: James, Dewey & Peirce � John Dewey focused on what we know from experience, by the senses. Charles Sanders Peirce, developed a pragmatist approach that cut between idealism and materialism, between semiotics and indexicality (referentiality) to the materiality signified (expanded more in late Roland Barthes, than in Peirce’s own sign systems). 18 11/24/12

  19. Tina’s Uncle’s Metal work 19 11/24/12

  20. William James (1907: 98) on “How things tell a story” “Their parts hang together so as to work out a climax. They play into each other’s hands expressively. … The world if full of partial stories that run parallel to one another, beginning and ending at odd times. The mutually interlace and interfere at points, but we can not unify them completely in our minds. In following your life-history, I must temporally turn my attention from my own... It follows that whoever says that the whole world tells one story utters another of those monistic dogmas that a man believes at his risk. It is easy to see the world’s history pluralistically, as a rope in which each fiber tells a separate tale; but to conceive of each cross-section of the rope as an absolutely single fact, and to sum the whole longitudinal series into one being living an undivided life, is harder.” 20 11/24/12


  22. Defining Pragmatist Materialist Rhetoric in Storytelling Dimitri Slalin (2007: 197): “… Pragmatist � hermeneutics builds on Charles Peirce’s precept that “the ultimate meaning of any sign consists either of . . . feeling or of acting or being acted upon” 22 11/24/12

  23. Kenneth Burke (1947) noticed moltenness and liquid alchemic center over fifty years before Bauman. � “Distinctions, we might say, arise out of a great central moltenness, where all is merged. They have been thrown from a liquid center to the surface where they have congealed. Let one of these crusted distinctions return to its source, and in this alchemic center it may be remade, again become molten liquid, and may enter into new combinations, whereat it may be again thrown forth as a new crust, a different distinction. So that A may become non- A” (Burke, 1947: xiii). 23 11/24/12

  24. Solid Modernity à Liquid Modernity � We are witnesses to a shift in storytelling organizations. Zygmunt Bauman (2000, 2007) says we have moved from the ‘solid’ modernity of Weberian iron cage of bureaucratic organizations into the Liquid Modernity, where space and time routines don’t last nearly as long as before. � Nov 15 2012 I got this email form my Dean of Business College: “hope that you have had a chance to review the enrollment … While I realize that we are still very early in the registration phase and that our enrollment is still very fluid , we need to keep the " swirl " to a bare minimum as we inch toward spring census date. Our target SCH for the spring semester is 190,000. We are currently at 96,332. ” 24 11/24/12

  25. 25 11/24/12

  26. 26 11/24/12

  27. Summary of 11 D’s Five of the D’s – Deployment, dwelling, de- severance, dispersion, and detaching – are all about space that is concernful in quantum storytelling. There are three other D’s about time – datability, duration, and destining. Three – directionality, disclosability and drafts get at both space-time. These D’s are constitutive of Being-in-the-world of blacksmithing art that is concernful and caring. 27 11/24/12

  28. Thank you � For more information on 11D’s and Pragmatist Quantum Storytelling see � For online articles and book chapters see � For annual Quantum Storytelling Conference see � For the annual Standing Conference for Management and Organizational Inquiry that is about storytelling � For Tamara Journal see 28 11/24/12


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