end vertices of graph searching algorithms

End-vertices of graph searching algorithms Graph searching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Report in Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M ) End-vertices of graph searching algorithms Graph searching algorithms Shou-Jun Xu ( M ) Properties of end- vertcies E-mail:shjxu@lzu.edu.cn End-vertex Lanzhou University Problems @

  1. Report in Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) End-vertices of graph searching algorithms Graph searching algorithms Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Properties of end- vertcies E-mail:shjxu@lzu.edu.cn End-vertex Lanzhou University Problems @ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Jun 6, 2014

  2. Outlines Report in Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph Graph searching algorithms 1 searching algorithms Properties of end- vertcies Properties of end-vertcies 2 End-vertex Problems End-vertex Problems 3

  3. Graph searching algorithms Report in Shanghai • General graph searching algorithm: employing some mechanism Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å for systematically visiting all vertices and edges in the given graph. � ) After choosing an initial vertex, a search of a connected graph visits Graph each of the vertices and edges of the graph such that a new vertex searching algorithms is visited only if it is adjacent to some previously visited vertex. LBFS LDFS • Several well-known graph searching algorithms MCS MNS notes on BFS (Breadth-first search); algorithms Properties DFS (Depth-first search); of end- vertcies LBFS (Lexicographic BFS, Rose et al., 1976); End-vertex Problems LDFS (Lexicographic DFS, Corneil et al., 2008); MCS (Maximum cardinality searching, Tarjan et al., 1984); MNS (Maximal neighborhood searching, Corneil et al., 2008).

  4. LBFS Report in Shanghai (The following algorithm cut from Reference [Corneil et al., 2008]) Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph searching algorithms LBFS LDFS MCS MNS notes on algorithms Properties of end- vertcies End-vertex Problems D.J. Rose, R.E. Tarjan, G.S. Lueker, Algorithmic aspects of vertex elimination on graphs, SIAM J. Comput. 5 (1976) 266–283.

  5. An example for LBFS Report in Shanghai {5-1} {4} {4, 5-3 } Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) 1 1 3 1 {5-1} {6} {4, 5-2 } {6} { 5-2 } {6} { 3} {4, 3} Graph searching algorithms {5-1} LBFS {4} 2 {4} ( ) 2 A ( ) B ( C ) LDFS MCS {4, 2} 4 {4, 2} 4 MNS notes on algorithms Properties 3 1 3 1 of end- { 3, 5-4 } {6} {4, 3} {6} 5 { 3, 1} {4, 3} vertcies End-vertex Problems {4} ( E ) 2 ( D ) 2 {4} LexBFS • Note that at any step, if we denote l ( u ) = ( a 1 , a 2 , · · · , a k ) , then a i is the number of visited neighbours of u , l ( u ) is a sequence in the decreasing order and the order of visited neighors of u is a 1 first, a 2 second, and so on.

  6. LDFS Report in Shanghai (The following algorithm cut from Reference [Corneil et al., 2008]) Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph searching algorithms LBFS LDFS MCS MNS notes on algorithms Properties of end- vertcies End-vertex Problems D.G. Corneil, R.M. Krueger, A unified view of graph searching, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22 (2008) 1259–1276.

  7. An example for LDFS Report in Shanghai {1} { ,1} 2 3 {2, 1} Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) 1 1 1 {1} {0} 2 {1} {0} { } 3 {0} 2 {1} Graph searching algorithms {1} { ,1} 2 LBFS {2, 1} ( A ) ( B ) 3 {2, 1} ( C ) LDFS 3 {2, 1} MCS MNS notes on 1 algorithms 1 2 {1} 4 {3} {0} Properties 2 {1} 4 {3} {0} of end- vertcies 5 {4, 2, 1} LexDFS ( E ) { , 2, 1} 4 ( D ) End-vertex Problems • Note that at any step, if we denote l ( u ) = ( a 1 , a 2 , · · · , a k ) , then a i is the number of visited neighbours of u , l ( u ) is a sequence in the decreasing order and the order of visited neighors of u is a k first, a k − 1 second, and so on.

  8. MCS Report in (The following algorithm cut from Reference [Berry et al., 2010]) Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph searching algorithms LBFS LDFS MCS MNS notes on algorithms Properties of end- vertcies End-vertex Problems R.E. Tarjan, M. Yannakakis, Simple linear-time algorithms to test chodality of graphs, test acyclicity of hypergraphs, and selectively reduce acyclic hypergraphs, SIAM J. Comput. 13 (1984) 566–579.

  9. An exmaple for MCS Report in Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) 1 2 3 2 Graph searching 1 1 algorithms 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 LBFS 0 LDFS MCS MNS 1 2 2 ( A ) notes on ( ) B 3 2 ( ) C algorithms 3 2 Properties of end- 1 vertcies 1 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 5 End-vertex Problems 4 ( ) 2 D 2 ( ) MCS 4 E

  10. MNS Report in Shanghai (The following algorithm cut from Reference [Corneil et al., 2008]) Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph searching algorithms LBFS LDFS MCS MNS notes on algorithms Properties of end- vertcies End-vertex Problems D.G. Corneil, R.M. krueger, A unified view of graph searching, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22 (2008) 1259–1276.

  11. Notes on algorithms Report in Shanghai Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å � ) Graph searching • Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V of size n . We algorithms LBFS define α = ( α (1) , α (2) , · · · , α ( n )) to be a linear ordering of V , LDFS MCS which will typically be the left-to-right order in which we number MNS notes on the vertices in a search, the smaller the number is labeled, the algorithms Properties earlier the vertex is visited. of end- vertcies End-vertex Problems

  12. Some basic definitions Report in Let G be a connected graph. A vertex v in G is called an Shanghai end-vertex of some graph searching algorithm (such as LBFS, Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å LDFS), if v is visited last by some execution of the algorithm � ) on G . Graph A chordal graph is a graph with no chordless cycle C of length searching algorithms greater than 3, i.e., there is an edge connecting nonconsecu- Properties tive vertices on any cycle of length greater than 3. of end- vertcies A clique is a set of pairwise adjacent vertices. Some basic definitions A vertex is simplicial if its neighborhood is a clique. Applications of A path P misses vertex v (or v misses P ) if P ∩ N ( v ) = ∅ end-vertices of LBFS Properties of (i.e., no vertex of P is adjacent to v ). end-vertices Basic Two vertices x, y are unrelated with respect to vertex v if properties of end-vertices Moplex there are paths P between x and v and Q between y and v property of end-vertices such that P misses y and Q misses x . Moplex property of End-vertices An independent triple of vertices x, y, z is an Asteroidal triple of LBFS Moplex (AT), if between every pair of vertices, there is a path that properties of end-vertices of LDFS misses the third. End-vertex A vertex v is admissible if there are no unrelated vertices with

  13. Applications of end-verties of LBFS Report in (Dragan et al., 1997) The eccentricity ecc ( v ) of an end-vertex Shanghai v is equal to the graph’s diameter diam ( G ) if G is interval. Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å ecc ( v ) � diam ( G ) − 1 if G is HHD-free (Dragan, 1999), � ) chordal (Dragan et al. 1997) or AT-free (Corneil, 2001). Graph searching ecc ( v ) � diam ( G ) − 2 if G is HH-free (Dragan, 1999). algorithms For these restricted families of graphs, there are an easy, linear Properties of end- time algorithm that closely approximates the diameter of the vertcies Some basic graph. definitions Applications of (Corneil et al, 1999) End-vertices can be used to find a dom- end-vertices of LBFS inating pair in connected AT-free graph G . Properties of end-vertices Basic properties of F.F. Dragan, F. Nicolai, A. Brandstadt, LDFS-orderings and powers of graphs, in: end-vertices Moplex LNCS 1197 (1997) 166–180. property of end-vertices F.F. Dragan, Almost diameter of a house-hole-free graph in linear time via LBFS, Moplex property of End-vertices Discrete Appl. Math. 95 (1999) 223-239. of LBFS Moplex properties of D.G. Corneil, F.F. Dragan, M. Habib, C. Paul, Diameter determination on restricted end-vertices of LDFS graph families, Discrete Appl. Math. 113 (2001) 143-166. End-vertex

  14. Basic properties of end-vertices Report in (Rose et al., 1976) The end-vertex of an LBFS of a chordal Shanghai graph is simplicial. Shou-Jun Xu ( M Å (Tarjan, Yannakakis, 1984) The end-vertex of an MCS of a � ) chordal graph is simplicial. Graph (Corneil et al., 2008) The end vertex of an MNS (say an searching algorithms LDFS) of a chordal graph is simplicial. Properties (Corneil et al., 1999) The end-vertex of an LBFS of an AT- of end- vertcies free graph is admissible. Some basic definitions Applications D.J. Rose, R.E. Tarjan, G.S. Lueker, Algorithmic aspects of vertex elimination on of end-vertices graphs, SIAM J. Comput. 5 (1976) 266–283. of LBFS Properties of end-vertices R.E. Tarjan, M. Yannakakis, Simple linear-time algorithms to test chodality of graphs, Basic properties of test acyclicity of hypergraphs, and selectively reduce acyclic hypergraphs, SIAM J. end-vertices Moplex property of Comput. 13 (1984) 566–579. end-vertices Moplex D.G. Corneil, R.M. krueger, A unified view of graph searching, SIAM J. Discrete property of End-vertices of LBFS Math. 22 (2008) 1259–1276. Moplex properties of D.G. Corneil, S. Olariu, L. Stewart, Linear time algorithms for dominating pairs in end-vertices of LDFS asteroidal triple-free graphs, SIAM J. Comput 28 (1999) 1284–1297. End-vertex


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