enabling people to stay healthy for longer reducing

Enabling people to stay healthy for longer- reducing excess weight - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Enabling people to stay healthy for longer- reducing excess weight Muriel Scott Director of Public Health Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Prevalence of Excess Weight In Central Bedfordshire 67.1% of adults are

  1. Enabling people to stay healthy for longer- reducing excess weight Muriel Scott Director of Public Health Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  2. Prevalence of Excess Weight • In Central Bedfordshire 67.1% of adults are overweight or obese. • Almost 1 in 4 adults (24.2%) are obese. • 2015/16 National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) data revealed that 19.6% of 4-5 year olds and 29.4% of 10-11 year olds are overweight or obese. • The trend for excess weight in children aged 4-5 remains stable, however there is a slight increase in the excess weight levels of children aged 10 – 11. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  3. Excess weight and diabetes • Type 2 diabetes, previously considered as an adult disease, is now diagnosed in overweight children as young as five. • Compared to those who are not obese the risk of type 2 diabetes is 13 times greater for obese women and 5 times greater than obese men. • Losing 5%+ of body weight has been associated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  4. Excess weight and diabetes • 6% (12,485) of Central Bedfordshire’s adult population have been diagnosed with diabetes. • If current trends in the size of population and levels of obesity continue, the total prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise to 7.3% by 2020 and 8.3% by 2030. • Approximately a third of the projected rise in diabetes prevalence can be attributed to the increasing prevalence of obesity in England. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  5. Diabetes – Spend Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  6. National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) • Central Bedfordshire is in Wave 2 of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme as part of the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes STP. • Bedfordshire CCG began phased rollout in May 2017 • All practices in the Chiltern Vale locality began to refer from 3rd July 2017. • During August it will be rolled out to the remaining Central Bedfordshire practices. • NDPP sessions are scheduled to start at the end of August. • Other CGGs have taken a practice-wide approach from the outset which has generated a higher number of referrals. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  7. NHS Health Check • As part of the NHS Health Check people identified as at high risk of diabetes (based on body mass index and blood pressure) should be offered a diabetes screening test. • In Central Bedfordshire in 2016/17 • 3,247 people were identified as requiring a diabetes screening following their NHS Health Check • 1,361 (42%) had a blood glucose test • 27 were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes • 1,819 people were identified as having a BMI>30 during their NHS Health Check. • Of these only 21 (1%) were referred to weight management programmes. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  8. Areas of Concern • Referrals to BeeZee Bodies from healthcare practitioners continue to be low, despite clear referral pathways . • Despite the offer of free ‘Raising the Issue of Weight’ training, healthcare practitioners find it challenging to raise the issue of weight - particularly if the practitioner is also overweight. • Parents are often reluctant or unable to acknowledge that their child would benefit from weight management support and seek assistance. • The number of patients referred to the local National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) is low compared to other CCGs. However, this is expected to rise as the programme is rolled out. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  9. Recommendations relating to diabetes • Health practitioners to attend ‘Raising the Issue of Weight’ training and adopt this in practice. • Think ‘weight management’ and refer to BeeZee Bodies. • Think about whether patients with hyperglycaemia or diabetes would benefit from weight management support and refer to either the NDPP or BeeZee Bodies. • Consider whether all adult patients with high blood pressure and/or a high BMI (outwith the NHS Health Check) would benefit from diabetes screening. Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  10. Strategic Recommendations • Provide leadership by re-affirming commitment to the Excess Weight Partnership Strategy and in particular - ensuring the recommendations relating to diabetes are implemented - ensuring that partner organisations are represented at the right level the Excess Weight Implementation Group - ensuring that prevention and management of excess weight is identified as a priority in organisational plans - Acting as positive role models, providing healthy workplaces for employees Central Bedfordshire Council www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk


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