enabling iot in existing plants

Enabling IoT in Existing Plants Making Existing Facilities Smart - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Enabling IoT in Existing Plants Making Existing Facilities Smart Harry Sim, Cypress Envirosystems 05.09.2018 IoT Connect EVERYTHING Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Nearly two-thirds (77%) of all businesses plan to increase their IoT

  1. Enabling IoT in Existing Plants Making Existing Facilities Smart Harry Sim, Cypress Envirosystems 05.09.2018

  2. IoT – Connect EVERYTHING

  3. Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Nearly two-thirds (77%) of all businesses plan to increase their IoT investments over the next 12 months - BSquare Sources: http://reports.weforum.org/digital-transformation/electricity-an-industry-ready-for-digitization/ https://industrial-iot.com/2017/12/data-state-iiot-adoption-maturity/ https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/semiconductors/our-insights/the-internet-of-things-sizing-up-the-opportunity

  4. Reality of IoT Legacy mechanical, manual instrumentation for flow, temperature, pressure, pneumatic actuators – cannot communicate with cloud

  5. Difficulty of Digitizing Existing Plants • Just to read a simple pressure process value: – Run wires (power and/or signal) – I/O panels, termination – Break seals, leak checks, material compatibility, safety checks – Engineering assessment, documentation – Process downtime – Cybersecurity concerns There are thousands of these devices with critical process data, but it costs over $20,000 to instrument each one using conventional technology, plus cost of process downtime. Typical traditional solution: INVASIVE AND COSTLY

  6. Need for Non-Invasive Digitization Technology • Sensors which do not affect existing system: – No breaking seals, no leak checks, no wetted parts – Lightweight, no structural impact – No power wires, no signal wires – Little/no engineering review/analysis – Takes minutes to install, no plant downtime required – No new software to install, works with existing plant infrastructure

  7. Non-Invasive IoT Retrofit Applications - Examples Pneumatic Thermostats Dial Gauges Need to save energy & improve uptime, but hindered by outdated facility? Steam Traps Standalone Transducers, LED/LCD Displays Specialized Equipment: -80C Freezers Manual Instrumentation, Not Programmable, No Diagnostics… Equals: Wasted Energy, Higher Downtime, More Labor Required

  8. Non-Invasive IoT Retrofit Solutions WIRELESS PNEUMATIC THERMOSTAT WIRELESS GAUGE READER “Go from Pneumatic to DDC in minutes” “Remotely Read Gauges in minutes” NETWORK CONTROLLER WIRELESS STEAM TRAP MONITOR WIRELESS TRANSDUCER READER “Avoid Expensive Steam Leaks” “Remotely Read Transducers – No Wires” WIRELESS FREEZER MONITOR “Predicts and Avoids Costly Freezer Failure”

  9. Wireless Gauge Reader & Wireless Transducer Reader • “Electronic Eyeball” reads gauges and transmits readings wirelessly • Non-invasive, clamp-on to existing gauges in minutes • No downtime, no leak check, no wiring, no drawings • Battery life of 3+ years at typical sample rates • IP66/NEMA 4 rated for outdoor use • Enables wireless remote monitoring of virtually any analog transducer or instrument with the following outputs: 4-20mA, 0-5V, or 0-10V, RS-232, RS-485, thermocouple, thermistor • Compatible with most existing flow meters, current meters, particle counters, thermocouples, weigh scales, etc. • Enables data logging to enable trend analysis, notification, or statistical process control Non-Invasive Devices Enables Alarming, Trending, Historization for Process/Asset Monitoring and Troubleshooting of Legacy Equipment and Instrumentation

  10. How Does This Compare with Alternatives? BENEFITS Comparison with Alternatives • Non-invasive, clamp-on Wireless Gauge Wired • No downtime Reader Transducer • No leak check Transducer/Sensor $1,200 $300 • No audit/requalification Install/Wiring Labor $50 $1,500 (e.g. FDA, OSHA) Drawings, Reviews $0 $500 • No running wires Code Compliance $0 $1,000 • No drawings and approvals I/O Panel/Termination $0 $300 • Minimal retraining of staff Process Downtime $0 $1,000 Total Cost (per point) $1,250 $4,600 • No new enterprise software About 65% Lower Cost Compared with Alternative Solutions

  11. WGR Application - Compressed Air Customer Challenge: Compressed air systems are one WGR Solution: of the largest energy users in a manufacturing facility which often Typically manual gauges are run at settings beyond what is already installed throughout needed. CDA systems or coolant loop systems. Monitoring of the compressed air system is intrusive and expensive WGR’s can monitor and alarm pressure/flow to ensure process Installing additional compressed integrity and reduce energy use. air capacity to accommodate system needs due to excessive App note available: “Compressed leakage and compressor duty Dry Air System Energy Savings” cycling. Savings on 500hp Compressed Air System can be up to $100K per year, with a 8 month payback.

  12. Compressed Air – Design vs. Typical Case Compressor End User Working Pressure Pressure Design Case 15 psi loss 105 psi 90 psi Receiver Compressor Oil Filter Dust Filter Dryer Branch Pipe  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P Valve Pipe Valve Receiver Valve Pipe Valve Filter Valve Filter Valve Dryer Valve Pipe Compressor End User Working Pressure Pressure Unknown Loss Typical 125 psi Must keep at Case least 90 psi Clogged Filters, Leaks, Peak Usage Typical Plant Operator Overpressures to Compensate for Potential Losses

  13. Legacy Baghouses • Existing analog systems make maintaining baghouses challenging • Regulatory audits can be cumbersome due to lack of historical data Typical Baghouse • Failures can persist for weeks or months without notice, increasing potential fines and safety risks • Manual inspection of analog systems is labor intensive • Production line efficiency can be impacted Baghouses Require Frequent Maintenance and Inspection • Energy is wasted

  14. Retrofit Magnehelic Gauges and Flow Meters • The Wireless Magnehelic Reader (WMR) is a version of our Wireless Gauge Reader (WGR) for Magnehelic gauges • The WMR combined with the Wireless Transducer Reader (WTR) access the data in existing Magnehelic gauges and flow meters Analog Magnehelic Gauge • The WMR and WTR provide data for central Wireless Magnehelic monitoring and alarming of baghouses Reader • Trend data helps maintenance teams identify issues before failures occur • Alarms can be set to avoid catastrophic failure • Historical data can be used to verify compliance making audits faster and easier Wireless Transducer Airflow Meter Reader • Integration with existing systems can close control loops for more efficient operations

  15. Gas Cylinder Monitoring • Peoria, IL ~200 Cylinders • Initial installation in 2011 • Large site, basement areas • Demanding, data driven end-customer Secure IT Environment Long Distances Basement Concrete and Metal walls

  16. Wirelessly Capture Data from Vibration Sensors Wireless Transmission to Blue Box Accelerometers (DC-Response) DC Voltage Signal 0-10V Wireless Transducer Reader (Battery Operated) Monitor Vibration Changes Over a Period of Time (e.g. misalignment, not for high frequency analysis)

  17. Monitoring of Legacy Air Handlers • Most older Air Handler Units (AHU’s) are not monitored/automated • Labor intensive to detect problems, check filters • Proper air flow is the critical parameter - but can only be seen via manual dial gauges (e.g. Magnehelics) • Solution: Wireless Magnehelic Reader clamps on in minutes and transmits reading wirelessly to BMS/BAS Typical Air Handler Units • No downtime, no wiring, no leak checks • Alarm notification for filter changeout, low air flow • Condition-based maintenance, not schedule-based Wireless Magnehelic Reader Wireless Readers Monitors Filters and Airflow Mounts Over Existing Gauges Enables Monitoring of Legacy Air Handlers for 70% Less Than Traditional Transducers

  18. Paint Shop Filter Monitoring • Retrofit existing pressure gauges for • remote monitoring, trending and alarming. • Ensure positive pressure in paint areas • Replace air filters at optimal intervals • Reduce consumables cost, maintenance labor, and fan energy cost Analog Magnehelic Gauge Wireless Magnehelic Reader

  19. Non-Invasive IoT Retrofit Solutions WIRELESS PNEUMATIC THERMOSTAT WIRELESS GAUGE READER “Go from Pneumatic to DDC in minutes” “Remotely Read Gauges in minutes” NETWORK CONTROLLER WIRELESS STEAM TRAP MONITOR WIRELESS TRANSDUCER READER “Avoid Expensive Steam Leaks” “Remotely Read Transducers – No Wires” WIRELESS FREEZER MONITOR “Predicts and Avoids Costly Freezer Failure”

  20. Wireless Steam Trap Monitor (WSTM) CYPRESS ENVIROSYSTEMS WIRELESS STEAM TRAP MONITOR • Traps are a necessary part of the steam distribution system, usually hundreds of units per site • 15-20% average failure rate; leaks steam • Failed traps lose $5,000 per year (1/8” orifice) • Manual inspection typically done annually – labor intensive, do not catch problems in timely manner • Solution: Wireless steam trap monitor detects faults and alarms on error, avoiding expensive leak loss • Non-invasive installation: no breaking seals, wireless, integrates with BMS • Battery life of 3+ years at typical sample rates • IP65/NEMA 4 rated for outdoor use • One year payback on investment Leaking Traps Waste Energy Typical Steam Trap Save Energy and Time Locating Faulty Steam Traps


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