empowerment through marcedit

Empowerment Through MarcEdit Missouri Library Association - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Empowerment Through MarcEdit Missouri Library Association Pre-Conference Workshop October 3, 2012 Mary Aycock Head, Metadata Services Missouri University of Science & Technology aycockm@mst.edu MarcEdit and Me First used MarcEdit in

  1. Empowerment Through MarcEdit Missouri Library Association Pre-Conference Workshop October 3, 2012 Mary Aycock Head, Metadata Services Missouri University of Science & Technology aycockm@mst.edu

  2. MarcEdit and Me  First used MarcEdit in 2006  From 2007-2011, worked at MU where one of primary duties was loading records of all sorts (e-resources primarily)  Grateful to MarcEdit and wanted to share my knowledge with others from a user perspective  Feel free to ask questions anytime  If I don't know the answer, will research it.

  3. What MarcEdit is  Freeware (created by Terry Reese at Oregon State Univ.) that allows metadata specialists to: Preview, edit, and analyze MARC  records outside the ILS Create spreadsheets from MARC  records and other manipulations of the files Harvest records through OAI (Open  Archives Initiative) or Z39.50 Crosswalk records from one metadata  scheme to another Lowers tech barrier = Empowerment 

  4. Outline of today's session  Section 1: Using the MarcEditor to preview & edit records   Section 2: Settings and Reports   Section 3: Additional MarcEditor editing   Section 4: Manipulation of MARC records   Section 5: Harvesting and crosswalking 

  5. MARC U Unadultera lterated ed

  6. First Things First: MarcBreaker  Converts MARC file into text-based file (.mrk)  On “StartPage” under “Frequently Used Tools”, click “MARC Tools”  Process will create another file

  7. MarcEditor Interface  Every record is separated by a blank line  Paging: Each page is separated into 100 records (by default—will edit settings file later)  MARC fields prefixed by =  Subfields represented by $  Blank indicators are slashes “\”  Unlike Millennium or Connexion, all the $a's are specified.

  8. A Quick Tour of Basic Functions  Typical operations under “File” menu Open, Close, Save, Save As  “Recent” can be particularly helpful   Edit Cut, copy, paste, jump to (record or page)   Most of these have keyboard shortucts & many appear in toolbar

  9. Seeking Specific Metadata (Find)  Use the Find Function to Go to a particular record or for information gathering: Edit → Find (Ctrl-F) “Find” only searches page you are on  “Find All”  Can save to clipboard − − Can save in text file Example: “Find All” to look at dates of  publication

  10. Beyond Find to Replace  Ability to just replace one at a time (useful when you want to test first) or replace All (~ I'm feeling lucky)  Edit → Replace or (Ctrl -R)  Example: Change $z note that appears to public in 856

  11. All in One Fell Swoop (Global Edit Functions)  Similar to global update in Millennium: all or nothing  Able to isolate and work on a lot of components (indicators, subfields)  Use with caution!  Valuable feature: Special Undo (but only undoes the last action)

  12. And You can Take Away (Delete Field)  Tools → Add/Delete Field or F7  Example: “Also available in the internet...”

  13. The Sincerest Form of Flattery (Copy)  Tools → Copy Field Data  Type or Select Source Field  Find in Field (if you have particular text)  Destination Field  Option: Also can delete source field  Example: Add 949 field, incorporating call number

  14. Indicate Your Indicators  Tools → Edit Indicator Data (F8)  Type or Select Field  Type current indicators  Type field data if necessary  Replace with indicators  Input Replace  Example: Indicators for 856 41: Version of resource vs 40: IS resource 

  15. Targeting Subfield Data  Tools → Edit Subfield Data (F9)  Fill in: Field & subfield  Field data (if applicable)   Can “Replace Text” or “Remove Text”  Or Through the Options, even add subfield through “New subfield only” or “Add subfield if not present” Examples: Delete $c in 300 for online records  Add online after call number (^e) 

  16. Exchange through Swapping  Tools → Swap Field Data (F11)  Type or select field, indicators, subfields, and value if applicable  Type or select field, indicators, and subfield  Options: Select copy if you don't want to delete original  field Can append to field  Example: Try 949 field again 

  17. Editing Observations  There are many paths up the mountain What is most efficient  What is most accurate  Sometimes it just comes down to preference   Some edits that will work with a specific record set may fail with others (due to different data)  Some edits have unintended consequences What can you live with? 

  18. Exercise Session #1

  19. Section 2 Settings and Reports

  20. MarcEdit Preferences In main Welcome Screen:  Tools → Preferences File Associations tab  If you receive MARC files with a different suffix − (such as .bin files from OCLC), can associate it to open MarcEdit when clicked. MarcEditor tab  − Current Template: Can choose different ones − Font Properties: Can change font − Default encoding: Can choose non-Roman languages

  21. Paging & Preview  Tools → Preferences (MarcEditor tab cont.) Print Preview Mode (Checkbox)  − Only loads part of the file (snapshot) into window Best for LARGE record loads − Global edits occur across the entire file (not just − what is previewed) Paging (Box)  − Box specifies # of records per page (Want to keep between 100 to 1,000 records per page) − Global edits also occur across the whole file

  22. Sharing Settings  From Main Screen: File → Share Configuration Settings Export Settings  − Exports your tasks & macros into file that others can import Import Settings  Can import others' tasks & macros: but will − overwrite your existing ones

  23. Verify URL  Add- ins → Verify URLs  Looks for .mrk file  Report will display in HTML

  24. Font & MARC Info In MarcEditor itself: s → Font (Ch  Font nts Change e size ze and and typef typeface)  Fonts → Color (Change color of text)  Edit → MARC Info Leads to either OCLC Bibliographic Formats -  or- Library of Congress MARC pages 

  25. MarcEditor reports  Reports → Field Count Handy for determining # of records  If you need to analyze it further, can generate  report for later viewing.  Reports → Material Type Useful for detecting anomalies  Information from the 008/fixed fields  Can print this file 

  26. Validation Report  Reports → MarcValidator (Ctrl -M) & click OK Examines file to see if it fits specified rules in  marcrules.txt file (such as only one 245, etc.) Can print results file  Can alter marcrules.txt file (recommend to  save default copy under another name first) Example: 245 1 One 245 field must be  present in a MARC21 record. ####Specifies the Primary Title. In MARC21, a record must have a 245 field.

  27. Quick Exercises #2

  28. Section 3 More Editing in MarcEditor

  29. Edit Shortcuts & Deduplication  Change Case (HELPFUL FOR UPPERCASE): Edit → Edit Shortcuts → Change Case  (Global edit: would only use for egregious case) Example: 505 into Initial case −  Find Missing Field Edit → Edit Shortcuts → Field Edits → Find  Records Missing Field Example: Missing URL! −  Record Deduplication Tools → Record Deduplication 

  30. No 001?: No Problem!  Create Control Numbers (Tools → Generate Control Numbers) Program will remember where you left off last  time, but never hurts to double-check Click checkbox: Generate in current file 

  31. Would you like Call Numbers to Go with your Records?  Tools → Generate call numbers Uses OCLC's Classify Web Service  Can specify Dewey or Library of Congress call  numbers Will calculate cutters & dates 

  32. Program Routine Edits Into Tasks  Added to MarcEdit in 2010 instead of macro recorder (for non-programmers)  Tools → Manage Tasks Create New Task List  Insert Edits as if you were doing it in Record  File

  33. When you're done with the file  Compile back into MARC File → Compile File into MARC  Recommended practice is to save under  another filename OR you could use MarcMaker to make .mrk  file into .mrc

  34. Exercise Session #3

  35. Section 4 Manipulation of MARC Records

  36. Batch Process MARC Records  Tools → Batch Process MARC Records Example: MARCXML records from vendor 

  37. Combine MARC records  Tools → MARCJoin

  38. Separate MARC records (outside of MarcEditor)  Tools → Select MARC records  Delete Selected Records vs. Extract Selected Records: Allows you to delete or divide records in files outside of MarcEditor

  39. Select Individual Records to Make (in MarcEditor)  File → Select Individual Record(s) to Make

  40. MARC fields into Tab-Delimited  Reasons this feature might come in handy: You want to check a few fields  Ability to manipulate data in a spreadsheet  Need more user-friendly way to display data  (such as sending to other departments) You need to batchload records in OCLC 


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