employing a collaborative model for structured content

Employing a Collaborative Model for Structured Content April 25, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Employing a Collaborative Model for Structured Content April 25, 2017 Dori Kelner, Managing Partner Sleight-of-Hand Studios About me Survey data collection Data warehousing Technical project management Strategist Foodie and oenophile

  1. Employing a Collaborative Model for Structured Content April 25, 2017 Dori Kelner, Managing Partner Sleight-of-Hand Studios

  2. About me Survey data collection Data warehousing Technical project management Strategist Foodie and oenophile 5/2/2017 | 2

  3. Common Vocabulary 5/2/2017 | 3

  4. 5/2/2017 | 4

  5. Unstructured Content 5/2/2017 | 5


  7. Why care? Reusable Scalable Multi-channel Device agnostic Future proof Content becomes data 5/2/2017 | 7

  8. “Get your content ready to go anywhere because it’s going to go everywhere.” —Brad Frost 5/2/2017 | 8

  9. Separate Content from Presentation True device agnosticism 5/2/2017 | 9

  10. 5/2/2017 | 10

  11. 5/2/2017 | 11

  12. D omain Author Model Cont ent T heming Creat ion ( f ront - end) Cont ent Visual Developers Model D esign Coding Wiref rames/ Graphic Designer ( sit e build) P rot ot ype ( back- end) Cont ent T ypes UX Designer Content Strategist --Designing Future-Friendly Content" by Mike Atherton and Carrie Hane 5/2/2017 | 12

  13. Cont ribut ors Domain Model Ingredient s St ores P rocess 5/2/2017 | 13

  14. visit St ore submit R ecipe consist sOf STORE RECIPE PROCESS PEOPLE hasCat egory sellIngredient submit R eview haveR ole consist sOf INGREDIENT CATEGORY REVIEW ROLE --Designing Future-Friendly Content" by Mike Atherton and Carrie Hane 5/2/2017 | 14

  15. ST ORE RECIP E P ERSON Inst ruct ion F ull N ame T it le St eps N ame Subt it le F irst name Address Short summary Content Model Last name Cit y Summary Summary P erson St at e Bio Image Ingredient CAT EGORY R ole Video Websit e Ingredient T it le Inst ruct ions N ut rit ional inf o Yield Cook t ime P rep t ime IN GRED IEN T ROLE Cat egory Rat ing Measure T it le Comment s Quant it y Cont ent priorit y N ame REVIEW R at ing Comment 5/2/2017 | 15

  16. Name Title Field Body Field Fields Type Details Recipe Recipe name Description – 1024x512 200 characters Photo Image Alt tag Content Types yyyy-mm-dd Date published Date Popup calendar Hours and Prep Time Time minutes Select list Yield Integer Number Repeating Ingredient Text 100 chars Entity Link to person Author relationship content type One tag 5/2/2017 | 16 Type Term reference Category type

  17. Wireframes 5/2/2017 | 17

  18. Visual Design/Theming 5/2/2017 | 18

  19. Content: Recipe Development Term reference: Category Content: Person 5/2/2017 | 19

  20. Content Layout Context Display Suite Page Manager Panelizer Paragraphs 5/2/2017 | 20

  21. Content Creation 5/2/2017 | 21

  22. Microdata: “Schema.org is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the schema.org Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.” 5/2/2017 | 22

  23. https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool 5/2/2017 | 23

  24. 5/2/2017 | 24

  25. Social Sharing: Open graph, twitter cards, etc. 5/2/2017 | 25

  26. Bon appétit! Common model Shared language Collaborative understanding Content that is reusable, adaptive and discoverable 5/2/2017 | 26

  27. Dori Kelner, MS Managing Partner Sleight-of-Hand Studios 703-758-7178 dmkelner@sohstudios.com D.o: dmkelner Twitter: @dorikelner LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorikelner 5/2/2017 | 27

  28. What did you think? Locate this session at the DrupalCon Baltimore website: http://baltimore2017.drupal.org/schedule e survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/drupalconbaltimore Come to the BoF Wednesday @5:00 in Room 304 THANK YOU! 5/2/2017 | 28


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