employers use of patient centered research

Employers Use of Patient -Centered Research Co-Hosted by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PCORI in Practice Webinar: Employers Use of Patient -Centered Research Co-Hosted by Integrated Benefits Institute Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Center for Workforce Health and Performance Wednesday, December 6,

  1. PCORI in Practice Webinar: Employers’ Use of Patient -Centered Research Co-Hosted by • Integrated Benefits Institute • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute • Center for Workforce Health and Performance Wednesday, December 6, 2017 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm ET

  2. Welcome Greg Martin Deputy, Chief Engagement and Dissemination Officer Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Chris McSwain President Integrated Benefits Institute 2

  3. Introductions Tom Parry, PhD (Moderator) President Emeritus, IBI; President and Board Chair, CWHP Larry Becker Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances (retired), Xerox Corporation; member, PCORI Board of Governors Lisa Woods Senior Director, US Health Care, Wal-Mart Jeff White Director, Global Healthcare and Well Being The Boeing Company 3

  4. Speaker Larry Becker Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances (retired) Xerox Corporation Member, Board of Governors PCORI 4

  5. Speaker Lisa Woods Senior Director, US Health Care Benefits Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 5

  6. Speaker Jeff White Director, Global Healthcare and Well Being The Boeing Company 6

  7. Discussion Tom Parry, PhD (Moderator) President Emeritus, IBI; President and Board Chair, CWHP Larry Becker Director of Strategic Partnerships and Alliances (retired), Xerox Corporation; member, PCORI Board of Governors Lisa Woods Senior Director, US Health Care, Wal-Mart Jeff White Director, Global Healthcare and Well Being The Boeing Company 7

  8. Thank You!


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