emodnet physics

EMODnet Physics EASME/EMFF/2016/006 - Operation, development and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EMODnet Physics EASME/EMFF/2016/006 - Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network EASME/EMFF/2016/ Lot 3/SI2.749411 Antonio Novellino Outline Brief background overview Tools and

  1. EMODnet Physics EASME/EMFF/2016/006 - Operation, development and maintenance of a European Marine Observation and Data Network EASME/EMFF/2016/ – Lot 3/SI2.749411 Antonio Novellino

  2. Outline • Brief background overview • Tools and services to users • Tools and services to the providers • What’s next

  3. What’s that? European Marine Observation and Data network • Long term data initiative from the European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) • Collect marine data once, use it many times • Data infrastructure is developed through a stepwise approach in three major phases • Consists of: • 7 thematic portals • Data Ingestion and Safe Keeping • 6 check points • Central portal + Secretariat • 160 organizations assembling marine data, products and metadata

  4. What do we do? Bathymetry Geology Seabed habitats Chemistry Biology Physics Human activities Minimum cell water Seabed substrate Depth Waves DDT Biomass Aggregate Extraction depth PCB Abundance Dredging Sediment Seabed substrate Water temperature TBT Gridded Maximum cell accumulation rate Energy at seabed TPT Abundance (DIVA) Fisheries water depth (waves & current) Water Oxytetracycline Sea-floor geology salinity/conductivity Mercury species groups Hydrocarbon Average cell water Salinity /density Cadium phytoplankton Extraction depth Seabed lithology Lead Main Ports Temperature Currents Anthracene zooplankton Standard deviation Stratigraphy Fluoroanthene Mariculture of cell water depth Light at seabed Light attenuation/ Cs137 angiosperms Coastline fluorescence Pu239 Ocean Energy Number of values migration Oxygen at seabed Nitrogen (Din, TN) macro-algae Facilities used for Sea level Phosphorus (DIP, interpolation of cell Aggregate TP) invertebrate Pipelines and Cables pH water depth resources Atmospheric bottom fauna pCO2 parameters Protected Areas alkalinity Horizontal Geological events birds O2 coordinate Wind Waste Disposal CO2 reference system mammals Polyethylene Underwater noise Wind Farms Polypropylene Depth reference reptiles Chlorophyll system River Other Forms of Area Silicates Fish Management / Organic Matter Lowest Ice Designation Astronomical Tide

  5. What’s for? • A single access gate for marine data where professionals from public sector, industry, civil society and science can find good quality harmonized datasets and products that are stored in different system across Europe (and more) • We want this to be quick and easy: • Easily accessible , interoperable , free of restriction on use • Easy identification of and links with the provider and PI • Feedback about the impact and use • Collect once and use many times, reduce fragmentation and increase our knowledge of the oceans • Facilitate the ingestion/connection of new data sources and make available more data • Strengthen the underlying European networks and infrastructures ( EuroGOOS, Copernicus Marine, SeaDataNet )

  6. How? Stats of the month cc Pillars cc Data Use cc Quick links Provider of the cc month cc Contributors (weighted sum)

  7. What’s available? OS . Redun ROOS CMEMS IOOS SDN IMOS NDBC IAPB GOSUD GLOSS PSMSL GRDC MEOP VOS FIXO3 dancy Mooring 914 766 17 1128 72 X Tide 356 155 37 1393 X Gauge FB/Ship 150 3 214 X Glider 50 134 ARGO 7640 Sea 1100 Mammal River 160 370 X Station HF Radar 30 96 16 CTD 1290 2330 X Drifting >11000 1250 X Buoy

  8. How do I access it?

  9. What can I find?

  10. What can I find? Quick download latest parameters Product info, QC/QF metadata Averages/trends

  11. For the techy • uniqueURL http://www.emodnet- physics.eu/map/platinfo/piradar.aspx?platformid=10273 http://www.emodnet- physics.eu/map/platinfo/pidashboard.aspx?platformid=10273 Service description @ http://www.emodnet- physics.eu/map/spi.aspx API (REST, SOAP)  web services [latest 60 days of data] • www.emodnet-physics.eu/map/Service/WSEmodnet2.aspx www.emodnet-physics.eu/map/service/WSEmodnet2.asmx OGC (WMS, WFS, …)  postgresql + geoserver • www.emodnet- physics.eu/map/service/GeoServerDefaultWMS www.emodnet- physics.eu/map/service/GeoServerDefaultWFS • Geoserver Layers geoserver.emodnet-physics.eu/geoserver/web • Opendap/THREDDS [HFR data, Ice, climatologies] thredds.emodnet-physics.eu/thredds/catalog.html • ERDDAP [latest 60 days of data] erddap.emodnet-physics.eu • Widgets www.emodnet- physics.eu/Map/Charts/PlotDataTimeSeries.aspx?paramc ode=TEMP&platid=8427&timerange=7

  12. Products?

  13. And for me, the provider? Data Report on Report on Data Synch Delivery data del. SLA Data Synch Data Delivery Report on Data Report on SLA Delivery CMEMS INSTAC • Daily data – 4 times a day • Check user rights and credentials Once a day Periodic (monthly) Monthly data – monthly Create and deliver runtime package replication of the report on users • • update data download • Reprocessed data – annual update PSMSL Annual Create and deliver runtime package (or redirect to PSMSL) SDN - CDIs Annual Forward the CDIs selection to the RSM Upon request: ask for it! SDN - Every 2-3 years Redirected to SDN Climaotology IOOS/AIMOS Daily data – 4 times a day • Create and deliver runtime package for latest 60 days • Redirect to originators for older data MEOP Annual Create and deliver runtime package GRDC Annual • Create and deliver runtime package (annual and monthly data) • Redirect to original source for daily data … …

  14. And for me, the provider?

  15. What’s next? Annual climatological discharge > 10 m 3 /s: Contribute to about half of the total inputs (Struglia et al., 2004; Ludwig et al., 2009) In situ Satellite data data Global CMEMS INSTAC Model Runoff DC River Stations outputs List of the rivers to be included (discharge/runoff >10 m3/s)  380 1. rivers 2. Inventory of the (operational) fixed platforms on those rivers 3. Definition of the data structure, file transport format, conventions 4. Focus on Level of water, river flow (also as computed by the level), 5. River platform page 6. Development of Total Suspended Matter (gridded) products (with trends) 7. Development of a model to compute the outflow of the river on the subsea basin at European level 8. Development of river climatology products (with trends)

  16. What’s next? underwaternoise Metadata and interoperability - SensorML, platform and hydrophone characteristics - Sampling frequency, hydrophone sensitivity, gain, quantization range, ... - Naming convention Data management - RT stream (SWE SOS) - NRT stream - e.g. netcdf for handling the image (spectrogram vs time) - Storage of an acoustic sample per day (should be representative) Data transport format - Raw data in (pcm) wav files - overall hydrophone metadata in the file (e.g. the LIST-INFO chunk). Data processing - Daily background noise (soundscape) from the sample - Impulsive noise levels in 10Hz-10kHz band (i.e. # events > X*rms) - Monthly distribution of noise in two third octaves (centred on 63 and 125 Hz) • SPL in dB RMS re 1 µPa with 20 seconds of integration time • SPL 63 in dB re 1 µPa at 63 Hz with 20 seconds of time integration SPL 125 in dB re 1 µPa at 125 Hz with 20 seconds of time integration •

  17. What’s next? • More links with GLOSS • Absolute Mean Sea Level (SONEL) • Development of a DMQC procedure for • extreme percentile and tidal range to NRT data from shelf waters plot (p99 and p1) • Apply procedure • Mean Sea Level Anomalies (also in real time • Make data available (MEOP and [p99 – p1]) Physics) • Links to GPS stations used to correct the • More NRT data vertical land movement • Map of the tidal ranges (max and average)

  18. What’s next? SDN Climatologies

  19. WP4.3: P Promotio ion a activit itie ies Help yourself to be more visible and accessible

  20. Conclusions • Operational data • Interoperability services • Test cases/proof of concepts • Feedback and suggestions

  21. Ocean physics at your fingertips contacts@emodnet-physics.eu


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