emergency management forum australian airports association

Emergency Management Forum Australian Airports Association Ms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Emergency Management Forum Australian Airports Association Ms Rhonda Owen Pull quote Assistant Secretary Incident Control and Operations Branch National Incident Response Division www.health.gov.au The National Incident Room (NIR) in the

  1. Emergency Management Forum Australian Airports Association Ms Rhonda Owen Pull quote Assistant Secretary Incident Control and Operations Branch National Incident Response Division www.health.gov.au

  2. The National Incident Room (NIR) in the Australian Government Department of Health is the main Australia’s Chief Medical Officer operations centre for the Australian (CMO) Government on health emergency matters First Assistant Secretary Deputy CMOs National Incident Response Its key roles include: Division • Medical advice • Public Health advice • National disease surveillance • Secretariat and briefings for the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and subcommittees NIR • Coordination of border operations including travel bans and quarantine • National oversight of Public Health laboratories and testing • National stockpile management, including personal Departmental liaison Health workforce Medical advisers protective equipment officers • Advice on aged care • Public communications • International reporting

  3. Recent health emergencies COVID-19 2019/20 Hepatitis A bushfires in berries Measles Ebola White Island outbreak 2014-16 volcano eruption Samoa 2019 2018-20

  4. COVID-19 response NIR activated on 20 January 2020 Whole of Government response with federal government agencies and state/territory government agencies World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020 And a pandemic on 11 March 2020

  5. New and cumulative COVID-19 cases by notification date Cumulative cases New cases 500 9000 New cases Cumulative cases 450 8000 400 7000 350 6000 300 5000 250 4000 200 3000 150 2000 100 1000 50 0 0 1-02 4-02 7-02 10-02 13-02 16-02 19-02 22-02 25-02 28-02 2-03 5-03 8-03 11-03 14-03 17-03 20-03 23-03 26-03 29-03 1-04 4-04 7-04 10-04 13-04 16-04 19-04 22-04 25-04 28-04 1-05 4-05 7-05 10-05 13-05 16-05 19-05 22-05 25-05 28-05 31-05 3-06 6-06 9-06 12-06 15-06 18-06 21-06 24-06 27-06 30-06 Notification date Data source: National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, as at 1 July 2020

  6. Australia (% of all cases) 59.8% 28.0% 10.5% 1.6% Source of COVID-19 acquistion and total cases by states and territories Number of cases 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 NSW VIC QLD WA SA TAS ACT NT Locally acquired — contact of a confirmed case Locally acquired — contact not identified Overseas acquired Under investigation Data source: National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, as at 1 July 2020

  7. Data source: National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, as at 6 July 2020

  8. 1 Incoming travel ban for foreign nationals COVID-19 2 Outgoing travel ban for Australian citizens and permanent residents Current measures implemented at Australian 3 air borders Health screening for 100% of incoming travellers, which includes a temperature check Measures are recommended by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHHPC) and are based on evidence and proportionate to the risk 4 Mandatory 14-day quarantine for all incoming travellers at a government designated hotel AHPPC is chaired by the CMO and includes the Chief Health Officers from every state and territory National Cabinet makes the final decision 5 Public communications including fact sheets for on which measures to implement travellers, in-flight and arrival hall announcements and signage

  9. Looking forward What can we expect over the coming weeks and months? The short answer is it really depends on the local and global spread of disease BUT we can plan ahead and be ready to implement or withdraw measures when needed This may include..............

  10. 1 Relaxation of incoming travel ban for foreign nationals, maybe by cohorts e.g. international students 2 Trans- Tasman ‘bubble’ – green lanes / zones at airports Future measures that may 3 Different ways of approaching quarantine e.g. in home or be implemented or industry sponsored - rather than hotels withdrawn at Australian air borders 4 Staged relaxation of the outgoing travel ban As with our current measures, AHPPC will review the evidence and make recommendations National Cabinet will make the final decision on which measures to implement or withdraw

  11. Questions Health.gov.au Humanbiosecurity@health.gov.au


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