electron and ion sources

Electron and Ion Sources Layout Electron Sources Thermionic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electron and Ion Sources Layout Electron Sources Thermionic Photo-Cathodes Child-Langmuir Current Limitation Ion Sources Particle motion in plasmas Penning Ion Source ECR Ion Source Negative Ions Richard

  1. Electron and Ion Sources Layout Electron Sources   Thermionic  Photo-Cathodes  Child-Langmuir Current Limitation Ion Sources   Particle motion in plasmas  Penning Ion Source  ECR Ion Source  Negative Ions Richard Scrivens, BE Dept, CERN. CAS, Varna, September 2010 1

  2. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Thermionic Emission Conducting materials contain free electrons, who follow the Fermi-Dirac E Fermi 2.5 energy distribution inside the material. 2.0 When a material is heated, the 1.5 electrons energy distribution shifts T=0K T=1000K from the zero temperature Fermi 1.0 T=2000K distribution. 0.5   Free Electrons (arb units)   0.0   π 3 / 2 4 ( 2 m ) E   = e   n ( E ) dE dE 0 2 4 6 8 −     3   E E h 10 +   Fermi 1 exp     1   kT 0.1 Electrons 0.01 above the 1E-3 E work 1E-4 U work 1E-5 e φ function E Fermi 1E-6 work energy, can 1E-7 be removed 1E-8 0 2 4 6 8 from the METAL VACUUM Electron Energy (eV) material. 2

  3. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Thermionic Emission Therefore at high temperatures there is an ELECTRON CLOUD  around the material. The current density can then be found by integrating the available electrons and their energy. J = nve This electron current is available  −  eU to be pulled off the surface… = ⋅   2 work J A T exp Richardson-Dushmann equation   kT Rev. Mod. Phys. 2, p382 (1930) π 2 4 em k − = ≈ × 6 - 2 2 This factor A is not achieved e A 1 . 2 10 Am K 3 h In practice. The current density is further increased by the Schottky effect –  the electric field on the surface, used to extract the electrons, allows electron tunneling Where E s is in kV/cm => 15%   for 1kV/cm @1000K E 139 E = ×   S J J exp U work − R D   E Fermi T METAL VACUUM 3

  4. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Thermionic Emission LaB 6 Cs/O/W Thoriated W Mixed Oxide Cs 100 Ta 10 A U work W Acm -2 K -2 eV -2 ) Emission (Acm 1 W 60 4.54 W Thoriated W 0.1 Mixed Oxide W 3 2.63 Caesium Thoriated Ta 0.01 Cs/O/W LaB6 Mixed 0.01 1 1E-3 Oxide 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Temperature (K) Cesium 162 1.81 Element melting point v work 4000 function for selected metals : 3500 Element Melting Point (C) Ta 60 4.12 Nature does not provide an ideal solution 3000 2500 Cs/O/W 0.003* 0.72* 2000 LaB 6 29 2.66 1500 1000 500 0 *- A and work function depend on the Cs/O layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thickness and purity Work Function (eV) 4


  6. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Photo Emission The energy of an electron in a material can be increased above  the vacuum energy by absorbing photons - photoelectric effect. E E E a U work U work E Fermi E GAP E Fermi SEMI-COND METAL VACUUM VACUUM hc 1239 . 8 hc 1239 . 8 λ = = λ = = c + + c eU U E E E E work work GAP a GAP a λ c (nm) λ c (nm) E g +E a (eV) U work (eV) GaAs 5.5 225 W 4.5 275 Cs:GaAs * * Mg 3.67 340 Cs 2 Te ~3.5 350 Cu 4.65 267 K 2 CsSb 2.1 590 Cs:GaAs – Surface Caesiated GaAs can be used with 532nm radiation. Requires 6 Recaesiation after a few hundred C extraction.

  7. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Photo Cathodes Quantum Efficiency = Electrons/photon [ Q e ( λ) ]   GaAs:Cs=17% , CsTe=12.4% , K2CsSb=29%, Cu~0.01%, METALS   If desired, can be almost-“blind” to optical or infra-red.  Using the thermal electrons above the Fermi Energy, can make a very low current source using optical wavelengths.  At high optical powers, a plasma is formed. SEMICONDUCTORS   Can find materials optical wavelengths with high quantum efficiency (cf Photo Cathode Tubes).  Difficult to use in a high radiation area of an electron-gun (x- rays and ions cause decomposition and surface damage).  GaAs:Cs has high QE at 532nm – High power lasers available. Cs surface not suited to RF guns.  Cs 2 Te (Cesium Telluride)– High Quantum efficiency but needs UV lasers. 7

  8. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Photo Injector Photo cathodes can produce bunch structure of the same  length as the light pulse. Photo Injector Test Facility - Zeuthen RF Injection – 1.3GHz Cs 2 Te Photo-Cathode or Mo ∆ =0.77ns 262nm Laser Pico-second pulses @ 1.3GHz freq quadrupled with LBO and BBO crystals 8

  9. Electron and Ion Sources Cornell DC Photoemission  gun. laser = 520nm, 1.3GHz Cathode Cs:GaAs 9

  10. Electron and Ion Sources Limitations in Emittance   Thermal Emittance: Electron and ion source have a minimum emittance that can be produced, due to the excess thermal energy of the particles before they are brought into vacuum. ε = βγσ σ n x ' x γ β σ σ ( m c ) ε = 0 x ' x n m c 0 β m σ Is the transverse momentum. Can be assess for c  0 x ' particle sources. Normalised emittance for photoelectrons 2 E kin ε = σ E kin : Electron excess kinetic energy th laser 2 3 m c σ laser : Laser beam spot 0  Typically values for the thermal emittance are 0.1 – 1 mm.mrad Can use λ laser to change E kin . But E kin and high Q e are not compatible. 10

  11. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Child-Langmuir Law Child-Langmuir law (3/2 power law) gives the limit of current that  can be removed from a surface. Need electric field to remove electrons from surface.  Electrons set up their own space charge field.  V/Vo - No Space Charge V/Vo - With Space Charge V/Vo - Space Charge Limited 1.4 These electrons create an electric field ; E - No Space Charge E - With Space Charge That repels these electrons 1.2 E - Space Charge Limited CATHODE ANODE 1.0 (V/Vo) or (Ed/Vo) 0.8 ; 0.6 0.4 0.2 v 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ρ x/d 2 d U 1 mv = − = ρ qU = 2 J v ε 2 dx 2 0 = dU ( x 0 ) = = = = = E U ( x 0 ) 0 ; U ( x d ) V ; 0 11 dx

  12. Electron and Ion Sources Electrons – Child-Langmuir Law Hence there is a MAXIMUM current density that can be extracted  for a given voltage and gap. d : Cathode to Anode distance 1 / 2   3 / 2 4 2 q V V : Cathode to Anode voltage = ε   J − C L 0   2 q : particle charge 9 m d m : particle mass This is not relativistic 2.5 If the cathode-anode voltage is  varied, so is the electrode current. 2.0 -2 ) Current Density (Acm 1.5 If the cathode-anode voltage is  1.0 ZERO, no current is extracted -> Cathode Grid. 0.5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Voltage over 1cm (kV) 12

  13. Electron and Ion Sources Ion Sources - Basics An Ion Source requires an “ion production” region  and an “ion extraction” system. In most (but not all) cases, ion production occurs  in a plasma. 13

  14. Electron and Ion Sources Ion Sources - Basics Plasma Processes   Electron heating  Plasma confinement (electric and magnetic)  Collisions (e-e, e-i, i-e, i-i + residual gas)  Atomic processes (ionisation, excitation, disassociation, recombination)  Surface physics (coatings + desorbtion, e-emission)  Mechanical processes (chamber heating+cooling, erosion) Ion Source Goal -> Optimise these processes to produce the  required ion type and pulse parameters. AND maximize reliability, minimize emittance, power and  material consumption. 14

  15. Electron and Ion Sources Plasma Particle Motion E B B × ⊥ ω 2 mE eB E B ρ = = = v drift , L L 2 B eB m 15

  16. Electron and Ion Sources Plasma Particle Motion 2   1 / 2   1 / 2 2 m E m   1 m ⊥   ρ υ p 2 p e D ~ ~ ~     L c 3 / 2 1 / 2 eB T m T     p cf: opposite to classical B energy – velocity equation ! 1 / 2   2 E =   v   m 16

  17. Electron and Ion Sources ECR Source – Magnetic Mirror A force acts in the opposite direction to the y Increasing B field x F2 B1 F1 B2 v Vdrift 1 / 2   2 ( ) = − µ   v drift K B Energy is transferred   m from Vdrift to Vecr 2 µ = magnetic moment mv µ = ⊥ 2 B K = total kinetic energy 17

  18. Electron and Ion Sources 2 mK Ion Source – Penning / PIG v ρ = = ⊥ ⊥ ω L eB Penning or Philips Ionisation Gauge c  ρ ≈ μm 30 @ 1 eV (PIG) source L CATHODE Gas Pressure 10 -3 -> 1 mbar Arc Voltage ~1kV Arc Current 0.1 -> 50 A ANODE Magnetic Field >0.1T B Cathode can be Hot or Cold  Electrons are accelerated by the arc  voltage across the cathode sheath layer. GAS Magnetic field stops cathode  electrons reaching the anode (>0.1T required). Some electrons strike the anti-  cathode. Otherwise they may oscillate in the  High Current Supply High Voltage Supply Penning Trap and ionise the gas. Electrons go to the anode by  diffusion processes, plasma oscillations and the plasma-anode 18 potential.

  19. Electron and Ion Sources Ion Source – Penning / PIG  The Rutherford ISIS Penning source – John Thomason 19


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